- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser. Exploring the interaction among the main macromolecules of the extracellular matrix. (PDF 75 KB) 268th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, August 18-22, 2024, Denver, CO.
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser. Extracellular matrix: macromolecular organization and function. (PDF 97 KB) 267th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, March 17-21, 2024, New Orleans, LA.
- Julian A. Rey, Kulam N. Magdoom, Michal E. Komlosh, Peter J. Basser. Wave propagation analysis in agarose gel for low-frequency magnetic resonance elastography. (PDF 496 KB) Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES).
- G. Ramos-Llordén, H.H. Lee, M. Davids, P. Dietz, A. Krug, J.E. Kirsch, M. Mahmutovic, A. Scholz, Y. Ma, H. Lee, C. Maffei, A. Yendiki, B. Bilgic, D.J. Park, Q. Tian, B. Clifford, W.Ch. Lo, S. Stocker, J. Fischer, G. Ruyters, M. Roesler, A. Potthast, T. Benner, E. Rummert, R. Ramb, P.J. Basser, T. Witzel, L.L. Wald, B.R. Rosen, B. Keil, and S.Y Huang. Connectome 2.0: Next-generation connectomics and microstructure MRI scanner for imaging of human brain circuits across scales. (PDF 246 KB) 10th Annual BRAIN Initiative, June 2024, Rockville, MD and Virtual.
- Kulam Najmudeen Magdoom, Alexandru V Avram, Thomas E. Witzel, Susie Yi Huang, and Peter J Basser. Evidence for Mesoscale Gaussian Water Diffusion in Living Human Brain. (PDF 1 MB) ISMRM, May 2024, Singapore.
- Kulam Najmudeen Magdoom, Alexandru V. Avram, Joelle Sarlls, and Peter J. Basser. Simultaneous and Robust Estimation of Cardiac-Induced 3D Brain Velocity and Diffusion Tensor Fields in the Human Brain. (PDF 876 KB) ISMRM, May 2024, Singapore.
- Nathan H Williamson, Rea Ravin, Teddy Xuke Cai, and Peter J. Basser. Microstructure and exchange are not always linked. (PDF 2 MB) ISMRM, May 2024, Singapore.
- Teddy Xuke Cai, Nathan Hu Williamson, Peter Joel Basser, Mohamed Tachrount, and Karla Loreen Miller. Quantification of exchange in the mouse brain using double diffusion encodings with fixed total diffusion-weighting. (PDF 823 KB) ISMRM, May 2024, Singapore.
- M. Herberthson, E. Özarslan, and P. J. Basser. Time-dependent diffusion in one-dimensional disordered media decorated by permeable membranes. (PDF 372 KB) Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 32, Singapore, 2024, p. 3461. (Digital poster presentation)
- V. J. Witherspoon, M. E. Komlosh, D. Benjamini, E. Özarslan, N. Lavrik, and P. J. Basser, "3D-printed micro-anisotropic, macro-isotropic, susceptibility-matched diffusion phantoms," 17th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Singapore, 2023. (Oral presentation)
- K.N. Magdoom, Alexandru V. Avram, Dario Gasbarra, Thomas Witzel, Susie Y. Huang, Peter J. Basser. Diffusion Tensor Distribution MRI of the Whole Human Brain Using 300 mT/m Gradients. (PDF 958 KB) Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Toronto, Canada, 3-8 June 2023.
- Julian A. Rey, K.N. Magdoom, Thomas T. Jones, Marcial Garmendia-Cedillos,Randall Pursley, Michal E. Komlosh, Thomas Pohida and Peter J. Basser. Evaluating Material Models for Low-Frequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Agarose Gel via Finite Element Simulations. (PDF 378 KB) Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference. Vail, Colorado, 4-8 June 2023
- Magdoom K.N., Julian A. Rey, and Peter J. Basser. A Novel Denoising Strategy for Ultrasound Elastography. (PDF 3.5 MB) 185th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Sydney, Australia, 4 - 8 December 2023.
- Horkay, F.; Dimitriadis, E.K.; Horkayne-Szakaly, I.; Basser, P.J. The role of hyaluronic acid in the organization of aggrecan in the extracellular matrix. (PDF 89 KB) MRS Fall Meeting, Symposium title: From Soft Hydrogel Materials to Hard Materials, November 26-December 1, 2023, Boston, MA.
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser: New Insights into the organization of extracellular matrix macromolecules (PDF 71 KB) 266th American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 13-17, 2023, San Francisco, CA. Division of Medicinal Chemistry.
- Benjamini D, Priemer DS, Perl DP, Brody DL, Basser PJ. Mapping astrogliosis in the individual human brain using multidimensional MRI (PDF 1.1 MB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Shinjini Kundu, Stephanie Barsoum, Jeanelle Ariza, Amber L Nolan, C. Dirk Keene, Peter J Basser, and Dan Benjamini. Mapping the individual human cortex using multidimensional MRI and unsupervised learning (PDF 798 KB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Saleem KS, Avram AV, Yen CC, Magdoom KN, Schram V, Basser PJ. Multimodal anatomical mapping of subcortical regions in Marmoset monkeys using ultra-high resolution MAP-MRI and multiplehistological stains (PDF 1 MB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Nathan Hu Williamson, Rea Ravin, Teddy Xuke Cai, and Peter Basser. Diffusion-weighted signals and intrinsic optical signal share a similar contrast mechanism (PDF 912 KB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Kulam Najmudeen Magdoom, Alexandru V. Avram, Dario Gasbarra, Thomas Witzel, Susie Yi Huang, and Peter J Basser. High Resolution In Vivo Diffusion Tensor Distribution MRI of the Whole Human Brain with 300mT/m Gradients (PDF 958 KB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Kulam Najmudeen Magdoom, Thomas T Jones, Marcial Garmendia-Cedilos, Randall Pursley, Michal E Komlosh, Julian A. Rey, Thomas Pohida, and Peter J Basser. A Novel Actuator Design and Modeling Framework for MR Elastography (MRE) Calibra (PDF 695 KB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Mihika Gangolli, Sinisa Pajevic, Elizabeth B. Hutchinson, Joong Hee Kim, Dan Benjamini, and Peter J. Basser. Quantitative correlations of propagator metrics with phosphorylated tau and astrogliosis inchronic traumatic encephalopathy (PDF 1.1 MB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Velencia Witherspoon, Michal Komlosh, Daniel Benjamini, Evren Özarslen, Nicolay Lavrik, and Peter Basser. Novel Pore Size-Controlled, Susceptibility Matched, 3D-Printed MRI Phantoms for DoubleDiffusion Encoding Methods (PDF 676 KB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Alexandru V Avram, Kadharbatcha Saleem, and Peter J Basser. COnstrained Reference frame diffusion TEnsor Correlation Spectroscopic (CORTECS) MRI (PDF 1.3 MB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Kristofor Pas, Kadharbatcha Saleem, Peter J Basser, and Alexandru V Avram. Automatic segmentation of cortical cytoarchitectonic domains measured with high-resolutionMAP-MRI (PDF 1 MB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Teddy Xuke Cai, Nathan Hu Williamson, Rea Ravin, and Peter Basser. Multiexponential analysis of diffusion exchange times reveals a distinct exchange processassociated with metabolic activity (PDF 739 KB). ISMRM, June 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser: Structure and dynamics of the extracellular matrix, 265th American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 25-30, 2023, Indianapolis, IN. Division of Medicinal Chemistry
- A Chremos, J Douglas, P Basser, F Horkay. Structural relaxation of dynamic formation of clustering within an extracellular matrix, a simulation model of articular cartilage.
. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. March 2023, Las Vegas, NV.
- Magdoom Kulam, et al. A New Tamper and Finite Element Modeling Framework for MR Elastography.
Traumatic Brain Injury Research Symposium March 2023.
- Magdoom Kulam, et al. In-vivo Imaging of Cortical Layers Using Diffusion Tensor Distribution MRI.
Traumatic Brain Injury Research Symposium March 2023.
- Alexandru V. Avram, et al. Quantifying cortical microstructure with orientation-constrained diffusion tensor distribution MRI.
Traumatic Brain Injury Research Symposium March 2023.
- Kristofor Pas, et al. Automatic segmentation of cortical cytoarchitectonic domains using high-resolution mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI.
Traumatic Brain Injury Research Symposium March 2023.
- Elizabeth Hutchinson, et al. Diffusion, relaxation and morphometric changes during enhanced cerebrospinal fluid transport by dexmedetomidine anesthesia in the rat.
Traumatic Brain Injury Research Symposium March 2023.
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser. Cartilage proteoglycans: Structure and function. (PDF 71 KB) 264th American Chemical Society National Meeting August 21-25, 2022, Chicago IL. Division of Biological chemistry.
- K.N. Magdoom, Thomas T. Jones, Marcial Garmendia-Cedillos, Randall Pursley, Thomas Pohida, Peter J. Basser. Low-Frequency Broadband Actuator for MRE (PDF 5 MB). ISMRM, August 2022, Berlin, Germany. Digital Poster (PDF 1.8 MB)
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser. Composition and Function of Cartilage Extracellular Matrix. (PDF 82 KB) 263rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 20-24, 2022, San Diego, CA
- Ferenc Horkay. Cartilage Extracellular Matrix: Structure, Interactions and Function. (PDF 67 KB) Polymer Networks Group Conference 2022. June 12-16, 2022, Rome, Italy. Keynote Lecture.
- Matan Mussel, Owen Lewis, Peter Basser, Ferenc Horkay. Transient changes in degree of swelling and ion partitioning of negatively charged polyelectrolyte gels. (PDF 60 KB) American Chemical Society, Chicago, August 2022.
- Matan Mussel, Owen Lewis, Peter Basser, Ferenc Horkay. Dynamic model of monovalent-divalent cation exchange in polyelectrolyte gels. (PDF 60 KB) Polymer Network Group, June 2022.
- Kadharbatcha S Salem, Alexandru V Avram, Daniel Glen, Michal Komiosh, and Peter J Basser. Multimodal high-resolution mapping of subcortical regions in the macaque monkey revealed by combined MAP-MRI and histology. (PDF 2.6 MB) International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Velencia Witherspoon, Michal Komlosh, Dan Benjamini, Peter Basser, and Nick Lavrik. Microscopically Anisotropic and Randomly Oriented 3D Printed MRI Phantom for Size, Orientation, and Anistropy Validation in Diffusion Imaging. (PDF 1.1 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Dan Benjamini, Mustapha Bouhrara, Michal E Komlosh, Diego Iacono, Daniel P Peri, David L Brody, and Peter J Basser. Microscopic neuropathology can be seen using accelerated combined diffusion-relaxation MRI. (PDF 792 KB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Alexandru V Avram, Kadharbatcha S Saleem, Michal E Komlosh, and Peter J Basser. High-resolution MAP-MRI reveals cortical area specific laminar patterns observed with histological staining. (PDF 2.2 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Alexandru V Avram, Magdoom Kulam, Joelle E Sarlls, Raisa Freidlin, and Peter J Basser. Super-resolution mean diffusivity spectroscopic MRI in the human brain. (PDF 1.75 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Kulam Najmudeen Magdoom, Alexandru V Avram, Dario Gasbarra, Thomas Witzel, Susie Y Huang, and Peter J Basser. Efficient Mapping of Diffusion Tensor Distribution in a Live Human Brain. (PDF 1.5 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Kulam Najmudeen Magdoom, Michal E Komlosh, Saleem Kadharbatcha, Dario Gasbarra, and Peter J Basser. High Resolution Ex Vivo Diffusion Tensor Distribution MRI of Neural Tissue. (PDF 1.5 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Priyanka M Nadar, Alexandru V Avram, Luca Marinelli, and Peter J Basser. Evaluating the feasibility of quantifying longitudinal microstructural changes in mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) with MAP-MRI. (PDF 380 KB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Teddy Xuke Cal, Nathan Hu Williamson, Rea Ravin, and Peter Joel Basser. Isolating restriction and exchange in gray matter using double and single diffusion encodings with equal diffusion weighting. (PDF 1.8 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Elizabeth B Hutchinson, Anakaren Romero-Lozano, Jean-Pierre Galons, Christine Howison, Alexandru Avram, Nathan Williamson, Michal Komlosh, and Peter J Basser. Detection of enhanced cerebrospinal fluid transport during dexmedetomidine anethesia in the rat using difussion, T2 and morphometric MRI. (PDF 1.5 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Nathan H Williamson, Rea Ravin, Teddy X Cai, Melanie Faigairolle, Michael J O'Donovan, and Peter J Basser. DEXSY can measure water exchange linked to cellular homeostasis and active states in cenral nervous system tissue. (PDF 1.8 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- Nathan H Williamson, Rea Ravin, Teddy X Cai, Melanie Faigairolle, Michael J O'Donovan, and Peter J Basser. DEXSY Reveals Water Exchange Coupled to Activity. (PDF 1.8 MB) ISMRM, May 2022, London, England, UK.
- A.V. Avram, J.E. Sarlls, P.J. Basser, Mapping correlation spectra of T1 and mean diffusivity in the human brain. (PDF 872 KB) International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 15-20 May 2021.
- A.V. Avram, Q. Tian, Q. Fan, S.Y. Huang, P.J. Basser, The diffusion time dependence of MAP-MRI parameters in the human brain. (PDF 654 KB) International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 15-20 May 2021.
- A.V. Avram, K. Saleem, F.Q. Ye, C. Yen, M.E. Komlosh, P.J. Basser, Modeling cortical architectonic features by analyzing diffusion MRI data in the cortical reference frame. (PDF 318 KB) International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Virtual Conference, 04-14 August 2020, 713 (Oral Presentation).
- A.V. Avram, K. Saleem, F.Q. Ye, C. Yen, M.E. Komlosh, P.J. Basser, Whole-brain mapping of cortical architectonic features with high-resolution MAP-MRI. (PDF 432 KB) International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Virtual Conference, 04-14 August 2020, 740 (Oral Power Pitch).
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser. Cartilage Extracellular Matrix: Macromolecular Architecture and Biological Function. (PDF 77 KB) 262nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 22-26, 2021, Atlanta, GA
- Ferenc Horkay, Peter J. Basser, Erik Geissler. Cartilage Hierarchy and Function. (PDF 61 KB) 2021 Materials Research Society Conference, November 28-December 3, 2021, Boston, MA
- Jack F. Douglas, Ferenc Horkay. Evidence of Many-Body Interactions in the Virial Coefficients of Polyelectrolyte Gels. (PDF 70 KB) 2021 Materials Research Society Conference, November 28-December 3, 2021, Boston, MA
- A Chremos, M Mussel, P Basser, J Douglas, F Horkay. Ion partition in polyelectrolyte nanogels.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 2021.
- M Mussel, O Lewis, P Basser, F Horkay. Systematic investigation of a two-fluid model describing ion-induced volume phase transition in polyelectrolyte gels.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 2021.
- A Chremos, M Mussel, P Basser, J Douglas, F Horkay. Stimuli-responsive polyelectrolyte gels and the role of ion and polymer solvation. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 2021.
- Kulam Magdoom, Alexandru V. Avram, Dario Gasbarra, Qiuyun Fan, Thomas Witzel, Susie Y Huang and Peter J. Basser. In Vivo Diffusion Tensor Distribution MRI of the Human Brain Using 300 mT/m Gradients. (PDF 4 MB) ISMRM, May 2021, Virtual.
- Benjamini D, Iacono D, Komlosh ME, Perl DP, Brody D, Basser PJ. Diffuse axonal injury has a specific multidimensional MRI signature in traumatically injured corpus callosum. ISMRM, May 2021, Virtual.
- Cai TX, Williamson NH, Witherspoon VJ, Ravin R, Basser PJ. Single-shot measurement of sub-millisecond, time-dependent diffusion using optimized, unequal pulse spacings in a static field gradient. (PDF 598 KB) Digital poster at: Proceedings of the 29th annual International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) conference, Virtual, 15-20 May, 2021.
- Daniel C. Alexander, C. Pierpaoli, P. J. Basser, and James C. Gee. Techniques for spatial normalization of diffusion tensor images. Proc. SPIE 3979, Medical Imaging 2000: Image Processing, (6 June 2000); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.387708
- Gangolli M, E. Hutchinson E, McKee A.C., S. Pajevic S, Basser P.J. Correspondence of diffusion tensor and propagator metrics with quantitative histologic outcomes in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. In Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Sydney, Australia, Apr 18-23. 2020.
- Williamson NH, Ravin R, Benjamini D, Merkle H, Falgairolle M, O’Donovan MJ, Blivis D, Ide D, Cai TX, Ghorashi NS, Bai R, and Basser PJ. Unprecedented diffusion weighting and exchange resolution of cellular and sub-cellular structures in live and fixed neural tissue. Oral Presentation at: Proceedings of the 28th annual International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Virtual, 8-14 August, 2020.
- Alexandru V. Avram, Kadharbatcha Saleem, Frank Q Ye , Cecil Yen , Michal E Komlosh , and Peter J Basser. (PDF 511 KB) Whole-brain mapping of cortical architectonic features with high-resolution MAP-MRI. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). 2020.
- Kadharbatcha Saleem, Alexandru Avram, Frank Ye, Cecil Chern-Chyi Yen, Michal Komlosh, Peter Basser. Multimodal high-resolution mapping of subcortical regions with MAP-MRI and histology
. In: Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). 2020.
- M Mussel, P Basser, F Horkay. Experimental evidence of universal behavior in ion-induced volume phase transition in polyelectrolyte gels. In: Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Denver, Colorado, March 2–6, 2020.
- A Chremos, M Mussel, P Basser, J Douglas. Stimuli-responsive polyelectrolyte gels and the role of ion and polymer solvation. In: Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Denver, Colorado, March 2–6, 2020.
- Benjamini D, Iacono D, Komlosh ME, Perl DP, Brody DL, and Basser PJ. Assessment of advanced quantitative magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers for detection of mild traumatic brain injury. Poster at: Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Virtual, 26-28 August, 2020.
- Pas K, Komlosh ME, Perl DP, Basser PJ, and Benjamini D. Multidimensional correlation MRI of the brain. Power pitch at: Proceedings of the 28th annual International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) conference, Virtual, 8-14 August, 2020.
- Benjamini D, Komlosh ME, Hutchinson EB, and Basser PJ. Highly specific and direct assessment of microscopic anisotropy following traumatic brain injury using diffusion correlation imaging (DCI). Digital poster at: Proceedings of the 28th annual International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) conference, Virtual, 8-14 August, 2020.
- Ferenc Horkay, Peter J. Basser. Self-Assembly of Aggrecan Molecules in Solution. (PDF 55 KB) 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 25-29, 2019, San Diego, CA
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser. Microscopic Characterization of Cartilage Load-bearing Properties. (PDF 70 KB) 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 25-29, 2019, San Diego, CA
- Ferenc Horkay, Peter J. Basser, Anne-Marie Hecht, Erik Geissler. Static and Dynamic Properties of Aggrecan Assemblies. (PDF 73 KB) 2019 Materials Research Society Conference, December 1-6, 2019, Boston, MA
- Alexandros Chremos, Jack F. Douglas, Ferenc Horkay. Structural and conformational properties of bottlebrush polyelectrolyte solutions. (PDF 36 KB) 2019 Materials Research Society Conference, December 1-6, 2019, Boston, MA
- Benjamini D, Hutchinson EB, Komlosh ME, and Basser PJ. Diffusion correlation imaging (DCI) reveals microscopic anisotropy following traumatic brain injury. Lecture at: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (ICMRM 15), Paris, France, August 18-22, 2019.
- Witherspoon VJ, Komlosh ME, Benjamini D, Vaccarello D, and Basser PJ. Exploring the origins of diffusive diffraction behavior in bottlebrush polymers . Poster at: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (ICMRM 15), Paris, France, August 18-22, 2019.
- Najmudeen M, Gasbarra D, and Basser B. (PDF 186 KB) A Theoretical Framework for Representing and Estimating a Normal Diffusion Tensor Distribution. November 2019.
- Magdoom K, Komlosh M, Gasbarra D, Basser P. (PDF 2.3 MB) Diffusion Tensor Distribution (DTD) MRI Reimagined. November 2019.
- Williamson NH, Komlosh M, Benjamini D, Basser PJ; The limits to flow detection with PGSE MRI; Poster presented in: The 15th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy; 18-22 August 2019; Paris, France.
- Williamson NH, Ravin R, Benjamini D, Merkle H, Falgairolle M, O’Donovan MJ, Blivis D, Ide D, Cai TX, Ghorashi NS, Bai R, and Basser PJ. 2019. Probing displacements within and exchange among tissue microenvironments using static gradient spin echo diffusion and DEXSY NMR. Oral presented in: The 15th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy; 18-22 August 2019; Paris, France.
- Williamson NH, Ravin R, Benjamini D, Merkle H, Falgairolle M, O’Donovan MJ, Blivis D, Ide D, Cai TX, Ghorashi NS, Bai R, and Basser PJ. 2019. Measurements of sub-cellular membrane structures in live and fixed neural tissue. Poster presented in: The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Microstructure Imaging; 7-12 July 2019; South Hadley, MA.
- Eliav U, Basser PJ, and Navon G. Multi-exponential decay of dipolar order in spinal cord and its correlation to spin diffusion.
Electronic poster session presented at: 27th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'19); 11-16 May 2019; Montreal, Canada. Abstract #2288.
- Electronic poster session link requires login.
- Avram AV, Ni Z, Vial F, Simmons A, Bernstein AS, Leodori G, Pajevic S, Hallett M, and Basser PJ. The relationship between diffusion MRI-derived axon diameters and conduction velocities in human peripheral nerves. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 11-16 May 2019 (Oral Power Pitch).
- Avram AV, Bernstein AS, Irfanoglu MO, Simmons A, Cota M, Gai N, Jikaria N, Moses A, Turtzo C, Latour L, Pham D, Butman JA, and Basser PJ. Quantifying voxel-wise differences between diffusion propagators across multiple MAP-MRI datasets. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 11-16 May 2019.
- Avram AV, Bernstein AS, Irfanoglu MO, Simmons A, Cota M, Gai M, Jikaria N, Moses A, Turtzo C, Latour L, Pham D, Butman JA, and Basser PJ. Voxel-wise analysis of diffusion propagators across multiple MAP-MRI datasets. In: The National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, Maryland, 4-5 March 2019.
- Avram AV, Coppola R, Hallett M, Pajevic S, Ni Z, Vial F, Simmons A, Bernstein A, Curry M, Leodori G, and Basser PJ. Measuring the Brain Latency Connectome. In: 5th Annual BRAIN Initiative Investigators Meeting, Washington DC, 11-13 April 2019.
- Mussel M, Basser P, and Horkay F. Effects of mono- and divalent cations on structure and thermodynamic properties of polyelectrolyte gels. In: 2nd POEM Workshop on the Physics of Excitatory Membranes, April 14-17, 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- Horkay F, and Basser PJ. Insight into cartilage supramolecular structure and biological function. In: 257th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, March 31-April 4, 2019, Orlando, FL.
- Horkay F, Dimitriadis E, Horkayne-Szakaly I, and Basser PJ. Osmotic and Load-Bearing Properties of Cartilage on Microscopic and Macroscopic Levels. In: 257th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, March 31-April 4, 2019, Orlando, FL.
- Komlosh ME, Benjamini D, Williamson NW, Horkay F, Hutchinson EB, Basser PJ. A Novel MRI Phantom to Study Interstitial Fluid Transport in the Glymphatic System. In: Proceedings of 27th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'19), Montreal, Canada, 11-16 May 2019.
- Benjamini D, Hutchinson EB, Komlosh ME, and Basser PJ. Joint distribution of axonal length and diameter quantifies beading in traumatic brain injury. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 11-16 May 2019.
- Hutchinson EB, Benjamini D, Basser PJ, Pierpaoli C, and Komlosh ME. Improvements in specificity by non-Gaussian diffusion modeling and double diffusion encoding (DDE) to characterize axonal injury.
In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, 11-16 May 2019.
- Benjamini D and Basser PJ. Water mobility spectral imaging of the spinal cord: parametrization of model-free Laplace MRI. In: Proceedings of 27th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'19), Montreal, Canada, 11-16 May 2019.
- D Benjamini ], M Komlosh, PJ Basser. Mapping tissue components and dynamic processes in the brain using multidimensional MRI. I1, MRPM14, Gainesville FL, 2018
- PJ Basser, M Komlosh, NH Williamson, D Benjamini, F Horkay. Can porous Media MR Help Assess Glymphatic Transport? I9, MRPM14, Gainesville FL, 2018
- Ruiliang Bai, Charles S Springer, Dietmar Plenz, and Peter J Basser. Active, neuronal-activity-dependent trans-membrane water cycling detected by NMR.
Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, June 16-21, 2018, Paris France.
- Ferenc Horkay, Peter J. Basser. Swelling pressure and compressive behavior of cartilage polymers. (PDF 115 KB) 255th American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 18-22, 2018, New Orleans, LA
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser. Physical properties of cartilage extracellular matrix. (PDF 81 KB) 255th American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 18-22, 2018, New Orleans, LA
- Ferenc Horkay, Hierarchical structure and function of cartilage matrix. Polymer Networks and Gels. (PDF 86 KB) June 17-21, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. Keynote Lecture.
- Ferenc Horkay, Peter J. Basser. Cartilage Dynamics and Function. (PDF 177 KB) 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 19-23, 2018, Boston, MA
- Ferenc Horkay, Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Peter J. Basser. Load Bearing Properties of Cartilage. (PDF 79 KB) 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting, August 19-23, 2018, Boston, MA
- J.E. Sarlls, M. Komlosh, F. Horkay, U. Nevo, P. Basser, C. Pierpaoli. MR Characterization and Temperature Dependence of Aqueous Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Solutions for use as MR Phantoms. (PDF 154 KB) Proc. of the XXVI ISMRM, Paris, 2018; p. 3227.
- Jarisch W.R., Curry M.J., Basser P.J., Extended High Efficiency Computed Tomography with Optimized Recursions, Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 24, Suppl., 2018.
- Eliav U, Basser PJ, Sasson E, and Navon G. The developmental dependence of the contrast between white and grey matter in spinal cord: the effect of non-aqueous species content.
In: Proceedings of the 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018. Abstract #5504.
- Eliav U, Basser PJ, and Navon G. Magnetization transfer among non-aqueous species and between them and water in spinal cord.
In: Proceedings of the 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018. Abstract #1349.
- Cheng J, Liu T, Shi F, Bai R, Zhang J, Zhu H, Tao D, and Basser PJ. Exploring Local Geometric Structure of Fiber Tracts Using Tract-Based Director Field Analysis. Poster session presented at: 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018. Poster #1556.
- Benjamini D, Komlosh ME, and Basser PJ. Diffusion exchange spectroscopic imaging of the spinal cord. Poster session presented at: 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018. Poster #1587.
- Thomas CP, Moyer M, Coleman B, Ye F, Yu D, Avram AV, Baker C, and Murray E. The spatiotemporal profile of diffusion MRI based measures of microstructural tissue changes evoked by learning novel skills, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, 3-7 November 2018.
- Avram AV, Bernstein AS, Irfanoglu MO, Simmons A, Cota M, Gai M, Jikaria N, Moses A, Turtzo C, Latour L, Pham D, Butman JA, and Basser PJ. Anatomical Atlas of 3D MAP MRI-derived 3D diffusion propagators and microstructural parameters. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018.
- Avram AV, Sarlls JE, Basser PJ. Isotropic Diffusometry MRI of the human brain. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018.
- Hutchinson EB, King S, Avram AV, Irfanoglu MO, Komlosh M, Schwerin S, Shindell E, Juliano S, and Pierpaoli C. Do Non-Gaussian diffusion MRI methods improve the detection or specification of cellular alterations following traumatic brain injury? In: Proceedings of the 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018.
- Avram AV, Coppola R, Hallett M, Pajevic S, Ni Z, Vial F, Simmons A, Bernstein A, Curry M, Leodori G, and Basser PJ. Measuring the Brain Latency Connectome, 4th Annual BRAIN Initiative Investigators Meeting, Bethesda, MD, 9-11 April 2018.
- Avram AV, Bernstein AS, Irfanoglu MO, Simmons A, Cota M, Gai N, Jikaria N, Moses A, Turtzo C, Latour L, Pham D, Butman JA, and Basser PJ. Anatomical Atlas of 3D MAP MRI-derived 3D diffusion propagators and microstructural parameters. In: The National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, 6-9 March 2018.
- Bernstein AS, Chen NK, Trouard TP. A bootstrap analysis of diffusion MRI parameters derived from simultaneous multislice diffusion MRI. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018.
- Bernstein AS, Avram A, Simmons A, Cota M, Gai N, Jiaria N, Moses A, Turtzo C, Latour L, Pham D, Butman J, Basser PJ. Mapping normative mean apparent propagator derived microstructural parameters. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM’18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018.
- Bernstein AS, Avram A, Simmons A, Cota M, Gai N, Jiaria N, Moses A, Turtzo C, Latour L, Pham D, Butman J, Basser PJ. Mapping normative mean apparent propagator derived microstructural parameters. At: National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 6-7, 2018.
- Komlosh ME, Benjamini D, Hutchinson EB, King S, Haber M, Avram AV, Holtzclaw LA, Desai A, Pierpaoli C, Basser PJ. Using Double Diffusion Encoding MRI to study tissue microstructure in traumatic brain injury (TBI). In: Proceedings of 26th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'18), Paris, France, 16-21 June 2018.
- Komlosh ME, Benjamini D, Williamson NW, Horkay F, Hutchinson EB, Basser PJ. Measuring Tissue Water Transport in a Model System Using DWI Data: Applications to Imaging Glymphatic Transport. In: National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, 4-5 March, 2019.
- Komlosh ME, Benjamini D, Williamson NW, Horkay F, Hutchinson EB, Basser PJ. Measuring Tissue Water Transport in a Model System Using DWI Data: Applications to Imaging Glymphatic Transport. In: MD Neuroimaging Retreat, Baltimore, MD, 9 April, 2019.
- EB Hutchinson, SG King, Y Kim, A Korotkov, A Bosomtwi, LD Reyes, SC Schwerin, SL Juliano, B. Dardzinski, C. Pierpaoli. MRI markers of brain injury in a ferret model of closed head rotation and acceleration. Oral Presentation.
In: Society for Neuroscience 2018, San Diego, CA, 3-7 November, 2018.
- Pajevic S, Avram AV, Bernstein AS, Coppola R, Fields RD, Hallett M, Ni Z, Nugent AC, Simmons AC, Vial F, and Basser PJ. Estimating and measuring brain temporal latencies. (PDF 109 KB) In: Society for Neuroscience 2018, San Diego, CA, 3-7 November, 2018.
- Komlosh ME, Horkay F, Basser PJ. A Novel MRI phantom to Study Transport in the Glymphatic System. National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 6-7, 2018.
- Dimitriadis E, Chandran P, Mertz E, Horkay F. Probing Elastic Properties of Mouse Articular Cartilage across Tissue Thickness. (PDF 45 KB) Biophysical Journal 114:354a.
- Williamson N, Komlosh M, Benjamin D, Basser P. Towards measuring glymphatic flow. At: Gordon Research Conference on In Vivo Magnetic Resonance, Andover, NH, July 15-20, 2018.
- Williamson N, Komlosh M, Benjamin D, Basser P. Towards detecting low flow rates in vivo during glymphatic clearance. At: National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 6-7, 2018.
- Williamson N, Komlosh M, Benjamin D, Basser P. Towards detecting low flow rates in vivo. At: 14th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM 14), Gainesville, FL, February 18-22, 2018.
- Wolfram Jarisch, Michael Curry, Peter Basser. A new method for high quality high-speed nonlinear tomographic reconstruction. IEEE Electronic Device Letters, Vol 38, No. 5, May 2017.
- Pajevic S, Avram AV, Bernstein A, Coppola R, Curry MJ, Fields RD, Hallett M, Holroyd T, Leodori G, Simmons AC, Thirugnanasambandam N, Ni Z, and Basser PJ. 2017. Non-invasive methods for estimating brain network latencies. (PDF 109 KB) In: Society for Neuroscience 2017, Washington, DC, 11-15 November, 2017.
- Sadeghi N, Hutchinson EB, Haber M, Irfanoglu M, Reyes LD, Pierpaoli C. (2017) Random forests analysis of DTI metrics and histology measures in a mouse model of traumatic brain injury. (PDF 42 KB) In Society for Neuroscience 2017, Washington, DC, USA, 11-15 November, 2017.
- Sadeghi N, Manoli I, Hutchinson E, Van Ryzin C, Thomas C, Irfanoglu MO, Nayak A, Liu CY, Collins F, Jabs E, Engle E, Pierpaoli C, the Moebius Collaborative Research Group. (2017) Brain morphometry driven by DTI data in Moebius syndrome and hereditary congenital facial paresis. (PDF 796 KB) In: Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Vancouver, Canada, 25-29 June, 2017.
- Benjamini D and Basser PJ. Spatially resolved and clinically feasible relaxation-diffusion correlation spectroscopy in the spinal cord. (PDF 388 KB) At: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (ICMRM 14), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 13-17, 2017.
- Benjamini D, Komlosh ME, and Basser PJ. Highly efficient diffusion exchange spectroscopic imaging for biological applications. (PDF 164 KB) At: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (ICMRM 14), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 13-17, 2017.
- Irfanoglu MO, Hutchinson EB, Reyes L, Nayak A, Jenkins J, and Pierpaoli C. TORTOISEv3: The New NIH Diffusion MRI Processing Pipeline and Its Application to In-vivo & Ex-vivo Injured Animal Brain Images [abstract].Presented at: 2017 National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 8-9, 2017.
- Komlosh M, Benjamini D, Hutchinson EB, King S, Haber M, Avram AV, Desai A, Holtzclaw LA, Pierpaoli C, Basser PJ. Using double diffusion encoded MRI to study tissue microstructure in diffuse axonal injury [abstract].Presented at: 2017 National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 8-9, 2017.
- Reyes LD, Hutchinson EB, Schwerin SC, Radomski KL, Irfanoglu MO, Juliano SL, and Pierpaoli C. Analysis of the effects of echo planar distortions on longitudinal diffusion MRI preclinical TBI studies and proposed solutions [abstract].Presented at: 2017 National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 8-9, 2017.
- Hutchinson EB, Schwerin SC, Komlosh ME, Irfanoglu MO, Reyes LD, Sadeghi N, Juliano SL, and Pierpaoli C. Morphology and diffusion MRI abnormalities following brain injury in the ferret [abstract].Presented at: 2017 National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 8-9, 2017.
- Simmons A. A Standardized Diffusion MRI Processing and Analysis Pipeline for Mean Apparent Propagator MRI [abstract].Presented at: 2017 National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 8-9, 2017.
- Avram AV, Hutchinson E, Basser PJ. Mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI subsumes diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) [abstract].Presented at: 2017 National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 8-9, 2017.
- Korotcov A, Bosomtwi A, Hutchinson E, Komlosh M, Pierpaoli C, Basser PJ, Hoy A, Dardzinski B. In Vivo 3D Single-Shot Echo-Planar DWI at 7T for Mapping Tissue Microstructure using Mean Apparent Propagator (MAP) MRI [abstract] (PDF 93 KB). In: Proceedings of 25th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'17), Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Cheng J and Basser PJ. Exploring Local White Matter Geometric Structure in diffusion MRI Using Director Field Analysis [abstract]. In: Proceedings of 25th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM'17), Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Cheng J and Basser PJ. Director Field Analysis to Explore Local White Matter Geometric Structure in diffusion MRI [abstract]. (PDF 3.2 MB) In: Proceedings of 25th Biennial International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'17), North Carolina, United States, June 25-30, 2017.
- Bai R, Springer Jr CS, and Basser PJ. The Vanishing Shutter-Speed Limit [abstract]. (PDF 193 KB) In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25:1918, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Bai R, Springer Jr CS, Plenz D, and Basser PJ. Measuring transmembrane water exchange in rat brain cortical cells in normal and pathological conditions [abstract]. In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25:203, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Komlosh ME, Benjamini D, Hutchinson EB, King S, Haber M, Avram AV, Desai A, Holtzclaw LA, Pierpaoli C, and Basser PJ. Using double diffusion MRI to study tissue microstructure in diffuse axonal injury [abstract] (PDF 316 KB). In: National Capital Area TBI Conference, Bethesda, MD, March 8-9, 2017.
- Avram AV, Hutchinson E, and Basser PJ. Higher-order statistics of 3D spin displacement probability distributions measured with MAP MRI [abstract]. (PDF 247 KB) In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25:3367, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Avram AV, Sarlls J, Hutchinson E, and Basser PJ. Isotropic Diffusion Weighted MRI (IDWI) – a novel, efficient clinical method for quantifying orientationally-averaged features of water diffusion in tissues [abstract]. (PDF 191 KB) In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25:1092, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Avram AV, Sarlls J, Hutchinson E, and Basser PJ. Isotropic Diffusion Relaxometry Imaging (IDRI) [abstract]. (PDF 188 KB) In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25:840, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Benjamini D and Basser PJ. Clinically feasible relaxation-diffusion correlation MRI using MADCO [abstract]. (PDF 135 KB) In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25:845, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Benjamini D, Komlosh ME, and Basser PJ. Water exchange in a white matter tissue phantom measured using clinically feasible diffusion exchange spectroscopy (DEXSY) MRI [abstract]. (PDF 389 KB) In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25:4538, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27 April 2017.
- Sadeghi N, Thomas C, Irfanoglu MO, Nayaka A, D'Angelo MG, Arrigoni F, Pierpaoli C. Deformation Based Morphometry using Diffusion Tensor MRI (DTI) Data. (PDF 152 KB) (2016) In ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Singapore. May 7-13, 2016. Abstract No. 4954.
- Sadeghi N, Irfanoglu MO, Nayak A, Thomas C, Pierpaoli C. Deformation analysis of diffusion tensor data using random forests. (PDF 39 KB) (2016) In ENAR 2016 Spring Meeting, Austin, TX, March 6-9, 2016.
- Korotcov A, Bosomtwi A, Hutchinson E, Komlosh M, Pierpaoli C, Basser PJ, Hoy A, Dardzinski B. Use of 3D single shot echo-planar diffusion tensor imaging at 7T with a wide range of b-values for mapping tissue microstructure in vivo. (PDF 145 KB) In 2016 National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, April 4, 2016.
- Komlosh ME, Hutchinson EB, Haber M, Benjamini D, Avram AV, and Basser PJ. Using diffusion MRI to study tissue microstructure in traumatic brain injury (TBI) [abstract]. (PDF 184 KB) In Proceedings of the 13th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM~13), Bologna, Italy, September 4 - 8, 2016.
- Horkay F. Gel-like properties of cartilage proteoglycans [abstract]. (PDF 88 KB) Presented at Polymer Networks 2016, Stockholm, Sweden, June 18-23, 2016.
- Horkay F, Dimitriadis EK, and Basser PJ. Structure and biomechanical properties of cartilage [abstract]. (PDF 59 KB) In 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 21-25, 2016.
- Horkay F, Dimitriadis EK, Horkayne-Szakaly I, and Basser PJ. Microscale osmotic and mechanical properties of cartilage [abstract]. (PDF 63 KB) In 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 21-25, 2016.
- Horkay F, Dimitriadis EK, Horkayne-Szakaly I, and Basser PJ. Compressive properties of cartilage [abstract]. (PDF 72 KB) In 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 13-17, 2016.
- Horkay F and Basser PJ. Osmotic behavior of proteoglycan assemblies [abstract]. (PDF 81 KB) Presented at 13th International Symposium on Biorelated Polymers, San Diego, CA, March 13-17, 2016.
- Bai R, Bellay T, Klaus A, Stewart C, Pajevic S, Nevo U, Merkle H, Plenz D, and Basser PJ. A novel test bed for non-BOLD functional MRI [abstract]. (PDF 93 KB) In ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Singapore. May 7-13, 2016. Abstract No. 3780.
- Bai R, Stewart C, Plenz D, and Basser PJ. The sensitivity of diffusion MRI in direct detection neuronal activity: an in-vitro assessment [abstract]. (PDF 186 KB) In ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Singapore. May 7-13, 2016. Abstract No. 0631.
- Irfanoglu MO, Nayak A, Jenkins J, Hutchinson EB, Sadeghi N, Thomas CP, and Pierpaoli C. DR-TAMAS: Diffeomorphic Registration for Tensor Accurate alignMent of Anatomical Structures. (PDF 441 KB) In ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Singapore. May 7-13, 2016.
- Benjamini D, Komlosh ME, Basser PJ. Measuring three-dimensional morphological features of beaded axons using MRI. (PDF 107 KB) Poster at: National Capital Area Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, USA, April 5, 2016.
- Benjamini D and Basser PJ. Marginal distributions constrained optimization (MADCO) used to accelerate 2D MRI relaxometry. (PDF 135 KB) Lecture at: Proceedings of the 13th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM~13), Bologna, Italy, September 4 - 8, 2016.
- E. Hutchinson, S.C. Schwerin, M.E. Komlosh, K. L. Radomski, M.O. Irfanoglu, S.L. Juliano, C.M. Pierpaoli, Identification of abnormalities in the ferret brain following mild brain injury using voxelwise diffusion MRI micro imaging, (PDF 378 KB) Nov. 2016, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
- E. Hutchinson, Avram A.V.; Komlosh, M.E.; Barnett, A.S.; Ozarslan, E.; Schwerin, S.C.; Radomski, K.L.; Juliano, S.L.; and Pierpaoli, C. M. A systematic comparative study of DTI and higher order diffusion models in brain fixed tissue, (PDF 827 KB) ISMRM, May 2016, Singapore, SA.
- E. Hutchinson, AV Avram, S Schwerin, KL Radomski, MO Irfanoglu, ME Komlosh, SL Juliano, C Pierpaoli, Can next-generation diffusion MRI metrics of anisotropy provide new biomarkers of TBI? (PDF 61 KB) April 2016, National Capital Area TBI Conference, Bethesda, MD.
- Haber M, Hutchinson E, Irfanoglu O, Cheng T, Namjoshi D, Cripton P, Sadeghi N, Wellington C, Diaz-Arrastia R, Pierpaoli C. 2016. DTI abnormalities in the closed head injury model of engineered rotational acceleration (chimera) mouse model [abstract]. (PDF 59 KB) Journal of Neurotrauma 33(13): A-1-A-139.
- Wenger C, Salvador R, Basser P, Miranda P. Improving TTFields treatment efficacy in patients with glioblastoma using personalized array layouts.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology * Biology * Physics, Vol. 94, No. 5, pp. 1137-1143, 2016.
- Wenger, C., Bomzon, Z., Salvador, R., Basser, P.J., and Miranda, P.C. (2016). Simplified realistic human head model for simulating Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields). Presented at the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Orlando, Florida USA. August 16-20, 2015.
- Pajevic S, Basser PJ, and Fields RD. Models of plasticity and learning employing adaptive temporal delays [abstract]. (PDF 160 KB) Presented at Society for Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, IL, October 17-21, 2015.
- Horkay F and Basser PJ. Biological function and osmotic properties of cartilage polymers [abstract]. (PDF 68 MB) In 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 16-20, 2015.
- Horkay F, Horkayne-Szakaly I, Dimitriadis EK, and Basser PJ. Supramolecular organization of cartilage extracellular matrix [abstract]. (PDF 81 KB) In 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 16-20, 2015.
- Horkay F and Basser PJ. Self-assembly and interactions in biopolymer systems [abstract]. (PDF 65 KB) Presented at PACIFICHEM 2015, Honolulu, HI, December 15-20, 2015.
- Gao Y and Horkay F. Enzyme instructed supramolecular self-assembly in biological environment for biomedical applications [abstract]. (PDF 62 KB) In PACIFICHEM 2015, Honolulu, HI, December 15-20, 2015.
- Dimitriadis EK, Morgan IL, Mertz E, Chandran PL, and Horkay F. Longitudinal mapping of the mechanics of mouse knee articular cartilage [abstract]. (PDF 72 KB) Presented at PACIFICHEM 2015, Honolulu, HI, December 15-20, 2015.
- Horkay F. Cartilage multiscale structure and biomechanical properties [abstract]. (PDF 74 KB) Presented at Materials Research Society Conference, Boston, MA, November 29-December 4, 2015.
- Horkay F. Cartilage: Hierarchical Organization of Charged Polymers [abstract]. (PDF 231 KB) Presented at IMA Hot Topics Workshop, Mathematics of Biological Charge Transport: Molecules and Beyond, Minneapolis, MN, July 20 - 24, 2015.
- E. Hutchinson, A. Avram, S. Schwerin, S. Juliano, C. Pierpaoli. What can the next generation of diffusion MRI methods offer TBI research? In Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October, 2015.
- E. Hutchinson, S. Schwerin, E. Shindell, M. Komlosh, M. Irfanoglu, S. Juliano and C. Pierpaoli, Diffusion MRI microscopy, voxelwise group analysis and flattened cortex visualization to identify meaningful markers of post-traumatic cortical changes in the mouse. (PDF 64 KB) Oral Presentation, National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, March 2015, Bethesda, MD.
- Bai R and Basser PJ. Multi-Component Water Dynamics and Exchange in Brain Cortical Tissue Probed via In-Vitro D-T2 2D Correlation NMR. (PDF 39 KB) In: Abstracts issue. Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting; 2015 Feb 7-11; Baltimore, MD. p. 615a. (Biophysical Journal; vol. 108, no.2.). Abstract no. 3101-Pos.
- Wenger, C., Giladi, M., Bomzon, Z., Salvador, R., Basser, P.J., and Miranda, P.C. (2015). Modeling Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) application in single cells during metaphase and telophase. Presented at the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milano, Italy. August 25-29, 2015.
- Wenger, C., Salvador, R., Basser, P.J., and Miranda, P.C. (2015). Modeling Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) application within a realistic human head model. Presented at the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milano, Italy. August 25-29, 2015.
- Wenger, C., Salvador, R., Basser, P.J., and Miranda, P.C. (2015). Modeling inter-subject differences in Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) treatment of GBM patients. Presented at ASTRO's 57th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas. October 18-21, 2015.
- Wenger, C., Salvador, R., Basser, P.J., and Miranda, P.C. (2015). Increasing Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) efficacy in GBM patients through optimization of transducer array configuration. Presented at the 20th Annual Scientific Meeting and Education Day of the Society for Neuro-Oncology, San Antonio, Texas. November 19-22, 2015.
- Basser PJ. 2015. Opportunities and Challenges in Brain Mapping with Diffusion MRI. (PDF 106 KB) Presented at the International BASP Frontiers Workshop 2015 57, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, January 25 - 30, 2015.
- Cheng J, Shen D, Yap P-T, and Basser PJ. 2015. Novel Single and Multiple Shell Uniform Sampling Schemes for Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Codes. (PDF 628 KB) In: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2015, Munich, Germany, 5 October – 9 October 2015.
- Cheng J, Shen D, Yap P-T, and Basser PJ. 2015. Tensorial Spherical Polar Fourier Diffusion MRI with Optimal Dictionary Learning. (PDF 651 KB) In: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2015, Munich, Germany, 5 October – 9 October 2015.
- Avram AV, Komlosh ME, Barnett AS, Hutchinson E, Benjamini D, and Basser PJ. 2015. A processing pipeline and anisotropic diffusion phantom to calibrate DTI experiments. (PDF 97 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23:158, Toronto, ON, Canada, 30 May – 5 June 2015.
- Avram AV, Sarlls JE, Thomas CP, Roopchansingh V, Rettmann D, Shankaranarayanan A, and Basser PJ. 2015. Prospective Motion Correction (PROMO) enabled MP2RAGE for multi-contrast high-resolution brain imaging. (PDF 110 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23:2555, Toronto, ON, Canada, 30 May – 5 June 2015.
- Bai R, Cloninger A, Czaja W, and Basser PJ. 2015. Efficient 2D MRI Relaxometry via Compressed Sensing. (PDF 851 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23:3256, Toronto, ON, Canada, 30 May – 5 June 2015.
- Benjamini D and Basser PJ. 2015. MRI measurement of three-dimensional morphological features of axons. (PDF 721 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23:2769, Toronto, ON, Canada, 30 May – 5 June 2015.
- Cheng J, Shen D, Yap P-T, and Basser PJ. 2015. Novel Single and Multiple Shell Gradient Sampling Schemes for Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Codes. (PDF 632 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23:2892, Toronto, ON, Canada, 30 May – 5 June 2015.
- Katz Y, Benjamini D, Basser PJ, and Nevo U. 2015. Reconstruction of size distribution of cellular-sized pores using DWI with clinically applicable gradients. (PDF 600 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23:2771, Toronto, ON, Canada, 30 May – 5 June 2015.
- Komlosh M, Benjamini D, Barnett AS, Horkay F, and Basser PJ. 2015. Calibrating high q-value diffusion MRI methods with a novel anisotropic phantom. (PDF 775 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23:2759, Toronto, ON, Canada, 30 May – 5 June 2015.
- GT Baxter, V Galinsky, E Ozarslan, PJ Basser, LR Frank, The effect of diffusion in the extracellular space on double PFG measurements of axonal size: insights from Monte Carlo simulations, p 2637, ISMRM 2014, Milan, Italy.
- E Ozarslan, AV Avram, PJ Basser, CF Weston, “Rotating field gradient (RFG) MR for direct measurement of the diffusion orientation distribution function (DODF)”, p 0796, ISMRM 2014, Milan, Italy.
- Chandran P, Yuan J, Horkey F, Mertz E, Dimitriadis E. 2014. A Systematic, High Resolution Mapping of the Elastic Modulus of Mouse Cartilage Matrix. (PDF 70 KB) Biophysical Journal 106:389a.
- Pajevic S, Basser PJ, and Fields RD. Role of myelin plasticity in oscillations and synchrony of neuronal activity [abstract]. (PDF 131 KB) Presented at Society for Neuroscience 2014, Washington, DC, November 15-19, 2014.
- Horkay F. Supramolecular organization and function of cartilage biopolymers. (PDF 132 KB) Presented at PN&G2014, Tokyo, Japan, November 10-14, 2014.
- Horkay F, Basser PJ, Hecht A-M, and Geissler E. Cartilage biopolymers and their assemblies. (PDF 363 KB) Presented at 12th International Symposium on Biorelated Polymers, Dallas, TX, March 16-20, 2014.
- Gao Y, Chandran P, Nieuwendaal R, Hammouda B, Douglas J, Xu B, and Horkay F. Formation of enzyme instructed supramolecular hydrogels/nanofibers [abstract]. (PDF 94 KB) In 12th International Symposium on Biorelated Polymers, Dallas, TX, March 16-20, 2014.
- S Puwal, PJ Basser, and BJ Roth. Calculation of the Anisotropic Magnetic Field Around a Myelinated Axon During MRI. (PDF 3.2 MB) In 3rd International Workshop on MRI Phase Contrast & Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, Durham, NC, USA. October 6-8, 2014.
- ME Komlosh, D Benjamini, MD Budde, LA Holtzclaw, M Lizak, F Horkay, U Nevo, PJ Basser. Sensitive detection of axonal injury using double pulsed field gradient MRI. (PDF 270 KB) Oral presentation at the Proceedings of the 12th annual International Society for MRPM meeting, 2014, Wellington, New Zealand.
- E. Hutchinson, S. Schwerin, E. Shindell, M. Komlosh, A. Avram, S. Juliano, C. Pierpaoli. Identification of microstructural subdomains by diffusion MRI microscopy in the perilesional cortex following controlled cortical impact in the mouse. (PDF 103 KB) November, 2014, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
- E Hutchinson, K Ngalula, S Schwerin, S Juliano and C Pierpaoli. Development of the controlled cortical impact model for ferret and initial outcomes with MRI, behavioral testing and histology. (PDF 43 KB) 4th Annual TBI Conference April, 2014. Washington, DC.
- E Hutchinson, S Schwerin, E Shindell, M Komlosh, A Barnett, O Irfanoglu, S Juliano and C Pierpaoli. Investigation of post-traumatic structural abnormalities in the mouse brain using mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI to model higher order diffusion. (PDF 42 KB) 4th Annual TBI Conference April, 2014. Washington, DC.
- E Hutchinson, S Schwerin, M Komlosh, A Barnett, MO Irfanoglu, S Juliano and C Pierpaoli Post-Traumatic Mean Apparent Propagator MRI: Reaching Beyond Gaussian Diffusion to Image Cortex Abnormalities Following Injury in the Mouse Brain. (PDF 36 KB) Oral Presentation, National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, March 2014, Bethesda, MD.
- E Hutchinson, M Komlosh, A Barnett, M Irfanoglu, E Ozarslan, S Schwerin, S Juliano, and C Pierpaoli. Mean apparent propagator MRI to determine the spatio-temporal trajectory of cortical microstructure abnormalities following controlled cortical impact in the mouse. (PDF 1.4 MB) ISMRM-ESMRMB, May 2014, Milan, Italy.
- Wenger, C., Miranda, P.C., Salvador, R., and Basser, P.J. (2014). Alternating electric fields (TTF) for treating glioblastomas: a modelling study on efficacy. (PDF 125 KB) In 11th EANO Meeting, Turin, Italy. October 9-12, 2014. Abstract No 2014-A-195-EANO.
- Wenger, C., Miranda, P.C., Salvador, R., and Basser, P.J. (2014). Investigating the mechanisms of action of tumor treating fields: a computational modelling study. (PDF 25 KB) In 19th Annual Scientific Meeting and Education Day of the Society for Neuro-Oncology, Miami, Florida. November 13-16, 2014. Abstract No 0149.
- Benjamini D, Komlosh ME, Nevo U, Basser PJ. Non-parametric porcine spinal cord axon diameter distribution using double pulsed-field gradient MRI. National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium 2014, Bethesda, MD.
- Irfanoglu, M.O., Nayak, A., Walker, L., Pierpaoli, C., and The Brain Development Cooperative Group. (2014). Optimization of ROI transposition for atlas-based analysis of MRI quantitative metrics in neuroimaging studies. (PDF 308 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 5052.
- Barnett, A.S., Hutchinson, E., Irfanoglu, M.O., and Pierpaoli, C. (2014). Higher order correction of eddy current distortion in diffusion weighted echo planar images. (PDF 158 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 5119.
- Barnett, A.S., Hutchinson, E., Horkay, F., Komlosh, M., Özarslan, E., Pierpaoli, C., and Basser, P. (2014). Validation of mean apparent propagator MRI. (PDF 73 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 6151.
- Benjamini, D., Komlosh, M.E., Nevo, U., and Basser, P.J. (2014). Axon diameter distribution (ADD) mapping of porcine spinal cord using d-PFG MRI. (PDF 369 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 1883.
- Hutchinson, E., Komlosh, M., Irfanoglu, M., Nayak, A., Modi, P., Lizak, M., Schwerin, S., Ngalula, K., Juliano, S., Parikh, G., Latour, L., and Pierpaoli, C. (2014). Species differences in white matter markers of traumatic brain injury: high-resolution T2-weighted and diffusion MRI of fixed tissue specimens from mouse, ferret and human. (PDF 802 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 1908.
- Hutchinson, E., Komlosh, M., Barnett, A., Irfanoglu, M., Özarslan, E., Schwerin, S., Juliano, S., and Pierpaoli, C. (2014). Mean apparent propagator MRI to determine the spatio-temporal trajectory of cortical microstructure abnormalities following controlled cortical impact in the mouse. (PDF 1.4 MB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 6678.
- Thomas, C.P., Ye, F.Q., Irfanoglu, M.O., Modi, P.D., Saleem, K.S., Leopold, D.A., and Pierpaoli, C. (2014). Anatomical Accuracy of Diffusion MRI Tractography: Testing the Fundamental Limits. (PDF 462 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 1920.
- Sarlls, J.E., Pierpaoli, C., Duan, Q., Devine, W., and Merkle, H. (2014). Calibrated Diffusion Phantom for 7T MRI. (PDF 690 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 1243.
- Bai, R., Koay, C.G., and Basser, P.J. (2014). A framework for getting the correct T2 distribution from multiple echo magnitude MRI signal. (PDF 189 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 4958.
- Avram, A.V., Barnett, A.S., and Basser, P.J. (2014). The Variation of MAP–MRI–derived Parameters along White Matter Fiber Pathways in the Human Brain. (PDF 2.8 MB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 6801.
- Avram, A.V., Sarlls, J.E., Basser, P.J., and Özarslan, E. (2014). Rotating Field Gradient (RFG) Diffusion MRI for Mapping 3D Orientation Distribution Functions (ODFs) in the Human Brain. (PDF 2.1 MB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 6644.
- Avram, A.V. and Basser, P.J. (2014). Inferring millisecond-scale functional connectivity from tissue microstructure. (PDF 4.1 MB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 6968.
- Avram, A.V. Barnett, A.S., Özarslan, E., Sarlls, J.E., Irfanoglu, M.O., Hutchinson, E., Pierpaoli, C., and Basser, P.J. (2014). Characterizing Human Brain Microstructure with Mean Apparent Propagator (MAP) MRI. (PDF 2.6 MB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 6510.
- Irfanoglu, M.O., Nayak, A., Knutsen, A., Modi, P., Sarlls, J., and Pierpaoli, C. (2014). Strategies for improved correction of EPI distortions in diffusion MRI with blip-up blip-down acquisitions. (PDF 3.1 MB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Milan, Italy. May 10-16, 2014. Abstract No. 4884.
- Horkay F, Horkayne-Szakaly I, Dimitriadis EK, Silva C, and Basser PJ. Structure and swelling behavior of cartilage. (PDF 68 KB) In 246th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, September 8-12, 2013.
- Horkay F, Basser PJ, Hecht A-M, and Geissler E. Structure and interactions in hyaluronic acid solutions [abstract]. (PDF 253 KB) In 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013.
- Basser PJ. Abstract. (PDF 246 KB) In White Papers: Major Obstacles Impeding Progress in Brain Science, Physical and Mathematical Principles of Brain Structure and Function Workshop. Arlington, VA, May 6-7, 2013, p. 12.
- E Hutchinson, S Schwerin, M Komlosh, A Nayak, P Modi, O Irfanoglu, S Juliano, C Pierpaoli. Diffusion tensor MRI-microscopy of structural abnormalities in the mouse cortex at 4 and12 weeks following CCI. (PDF 6.6 MB) Oral presentation. National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium, May 2013, Bethesda, MD.
- E Hutchinson, S Schwerin, M Komlosh, A Nayak, P Modi, O Irfanoglu, S Juliano, C Pierpaoli. Diffusion MR "Microscopy" of long-term microstructural changes in the mouse cortex following CCI. (PDF 5.8 MB) 3rd Annual Traumatic Brain Injury Conference, March 2013, Washington, DC.
- Benjamini D, Komlosh ME, Basser PJ, and Nevo U. (2013) Mapping the pore size distribution of a glass microcapillary array phantom using d-PFG MRI. (PDF 238 KB) In 12th Annual Meeting of the ICMRM, 2013, Cambridge, UK.
- Wenger, C., Miranda, P., Mekonnen, A., Salvador, R., and Basser, P. Electric fields for the treatment of Glioblastomas: a Modeling Study. (PDF 51 KB) In 4th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology, San Francisco, California. November 21-24, 2013. Abstract No. 0188.
- Ozarslan, E., et al. Mean Apparent Propagator (MAP) MRI: a novel diffusion imaging method for mapping tissue microstructure. (PDF 856 KB) In 21st ISMRM 0710 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- Miranda, P.C., Mekonnen, A., Salvador, R. and Basser, P.J. Modeling the Electric Field Distribution within the Brain for the Treatment of Glioblastomas. (PDF 1 MB) In 21st ISMRM 4334 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- Komlosh, M.E., et al. dPFG MRI assessment of axonal beading in an injury model. (PDF 266 KB) In 21st ISMRM 0496 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- Irfanoglu, M.O., et al. Diffusion Tensor Uncertainty: Visualization and Similarity Metrics. (PDF 663 KB) In 21st ISMRM 4388 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- Freidlin, R.Z., Ozarslan, E., Pajevic, S., Komlosh, M.E. & Basser, P.J. Axon Diameter Distribution (ADD) MRI. (PDF 131 KB) In 21st ISMRM 5857 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- Freidlin, R.Z., Avram, A.V., Sarlls, J.E. & Basser, P.J. Inherent eddy current compensation for high-resolution DTI using bipolar diffusion gradients. (PDF 388 KB) In 21st ISMRM 5105 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- Eliav, U., Komlosh, M.E., Basser, P.J. & Navon, G. Collagen composition and content-dependent contrast in porcine annulus fibrosus using double-quantum filtering combined with magnetization-transfer and UTE MRI. (PDF 234 KB) In 21st ISMRM 2152 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- Avram, A.V., Sarlls, J.E., Freidlin, R.Z. & Basser, P.J. Clinical feasibility of high-resolution single-shot diffusion tensor trace-weighted (ssTW) MRI. (PDF 216 KB) In 21st ISMRM 4856 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- Avram, A.V., Sarlls, J.E. & Basser, P.J. Whole-brain assessment of microscopic anisotropy using multiple pulse-field gradient (mPFG) diffusion MRI. (PDF 136 KB) In 21st ISMRM 4859 (Salt Lake City, UT, 2013).
- E. Özarslan, C. G. Koay, and P. J.Basser, "Modeling diffusion-weighted MRI data with Hermite functions: From applications to fundamentals," Mini-Symposium on Simulation and Modeling Applied to Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (PDF 238 KB) SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Boston, MA, 2013.
- Bai R, Horkay F and Basser PJ. NMR Relaxation and Water Self-Diffusion Studies in Sodium Polyacrylate Solution and Gel. (PDF 373 KB) MRPM11 Magnetic Resonance in Porous Medium, Guildford, UK, 9-13 September 2012.
- Bai R and Basser PJ. Physical Limits of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on Directly Detecting Neuronal Excitation. NIH Graduate Student Symposium, Bethesda, MD, 9 January 2013.
- Eliav U, Komlosh M, Basser PJ, and Navon G. (2012) Combining Double Quantum Filtering and Magnetization Transfer with UTE to Obtain Images Based on Macromolecular Characteristics. (PDF 390 KB) In 53rd ENC, April 15-20, 2012, Miami, FL.
- Pierpaoli C, Walker L, Nayak A, Chang L-C, Ball W, Botteron K, McCracken J, McKinstry R, Rivkin M, and the Brain Development Cooperative Group. (2012) Age Specific DTI Average Brain Atlases from the NIH MRI Study of Normal Brain Development (PedsDTI). (PDF 611 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20:3160.
- Nayak A, Walker L, Pierpaoli C, and the Brain Development Cooperative Group. (2012) Evaluation of pre-defined atlas based ROIs for the analysis of DTI data in Normal Brain Development. (PDF 337 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20:1872.
- Walker L, Curry M, Nayak A, Lange N, Pierpaoli C, and the Brain Development Cooperative Group. (2012) Impact of the Analysis of Phantoms on Data Quality for the DTI Component of the NIH MRI Study of Normal Brain. (PDF 1.4 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20:1942.
- Berl M, Walker L, Sarlls J, and Pierpaoli C. (2012) Investigation of vibration induced artifacts in clinical diffusion weighted imaging of the brain. (PDF 476 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20:3740.
- Ye FQ, Leopold DA, Irfanoglu M, Pierpaoli C, and Silva AC. (2012) Microstructure of the Marmoset Cerebral Cortex Observed using High Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging. (PDF 363 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20:1831.
- Walker L, Gozzi M, Thurm A, Behseta B, Modi P, Lenroot R, Swedo S, and Pierpaoli C. (2012) Regional Specificity and Magnitude of Differences in DTI Metrics between Autistic and Typically Developing Children. (PDF 1.7 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20:777.
- E. Özarslan, "Toward measurements of tissue microstructure," Educational Session of the 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
- E. Özarslan, "Making the invisible visible: in vivo histology using diffusion MRI," NICHD Exchange Meeting on New Technologies, Bethesda, MD, 2012.
- S. Marenco, D. Chandramohan, S. Kippenhan, L. Walker, K. Roe, A. Padmanabhan, P. Kohn, C. Mervis, A. Pani, C. Morris, D. Weinberger, C. Pierpaoli, K. Berman. (2012) ACNP 50th Annual Meeting, (PDF 118 KB) Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 36, S75–S197.
- E. Steffen-Smith, J. Sarlls, C. Pierpaoli, L. Walker, D. Venzon, R. Bent, and K. Warren. (2012) Relationship between diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG). (PDF 146 KB) In 15th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, June 24-27, 2012, Toronto, Canada.
- M. E. Komlosh, M. D. Budde, L. A. Holtzclaw, M. J. Lizak, P. J. Basser. Detection of beaded nerve fibers using d-PFG MRI. (PDF 181 KB) MRPM11, Surrey, UK, 2012.
- M. O. Irfanoglu, L. Walker, R. Machiraju and C. Pierpaoli, "Effects of Diffusion Weighted Image Interpolation for Motion and Distortion Correction on Tensor Statistics," (PDF 470 KB) in Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 20, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
- W. Li, B. Wu, A.V. Avram, C. Liu, Molecular underpinnings of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy in the brain white matter, (PDF 776 KB) International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, 5-11 May 2012 (Suma Magna Cum Laude Award).
- 'Virus-mimic DNA nanoparticles have hollow shell architecture', (PDF 73 KB) Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F., NIH Research Festival, Bethesda, MD, 9-12 October 2012 (NIH FARE Award)
- 'Structure, assembly and mechanical properties of DNA nanoparticles condensed with PEIm' (PDF 51 KB) by Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F. Biophysical Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, Feb 2012. (talk)
- 'DNA Organization into Biologically-Active Nanoparticles' (PDF 1.5 MB) by Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F. Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, 2012.
- Horkay, F. Basser, P.J., Hecht, A.M., Geissler, E. Proteoglycan Assemblies in Cartilage. (PDF 597 KB) In 243rd ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 25-29, 2012. Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, 106, 226-227 (2012).
- Horkay, F. Architecture and Function of Cartilage Matrix: Lessons from Nature. (PDF 1.7 KB) In 15th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, 1-5 April 2012, Rolduc Abbey, Kerkrade, The Netherlands. Abstracts book pp. 19-22.
- Horkay, F. Ionic Interactions in Biopolymer Gels. (PDF 92 KB) Polymer Networks 2012, Jackson Hole, WY, August 12-16, 2012.
- Horkay, F., Basser, P.J., Hecht, A.M., Geissler, E. Hierarchy and Organization of Hyaluronic Acid in Physiological Salt Solutions. (PDF 760 KB) In 244th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 19-August 23, 2012, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, 107, 277-278 (2012).
- A.V. Avram, E. Özarslan, J.E. Sarlls, M.E. Komlosh, C. Pierpaoli, P.J. Basser, In vivo measurement of inter-hemispheric axon diameters using multiple pulsed-field gradient (mPFG) diffusion MRI, (PDF 902 KB) NIH Research Festival, Bethesda, MD, 9-12 October 2012 (FARE Award).
- A.V. Avram, E. Özarslan, J.E. Sarlls, M.E. Komlosh, C. Pierpaoli, P.J. Basser, In vivo measurement of inter-hemispheric axon diameters using multiple pulsed-field gradient (mPFG) diffusion MRI, (PDF 2.4 MB) Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine (CNRM) Annual Meeting, Bethesda, MD, 21-22 May 2012 (Oral Presentation).
- A.V. Avram, A. Guidon, W. Li, C. Liu, A.W. Song, The contribution of nuclear magnetization to the phase measurement in the 3D SPGR experiment, (PDF 971 KB) International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, 5-11 May 2012.
- A.V. Avram, A.Guidon, C. Liu, A.W. Song, Multi-TE diffusion kurtosis imaging in vivo, (PDF 4 MB) International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, 5-11 May 2012.
- A. Guidon, A. Batrachenko, A.V. Avram, A.W. Song, The effect of spatial resolution on structural connectome analysis, (PDF 236 KB) International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, 5-11 May 2012.
- Uzi Eliav, Michal E. Komlosh, Peter J. Basser, Gil Navon. (2012) Combining Double Quantum Filtering and Magnetization Transfer with UTE to Obtain Images Based on Macromolecular Characteristics. (PDF 410 KB) In Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference 53, Miami, Florida.
- Uzi Eliav, Michal Komlosh, Peter J. Basser, Gil Navon. (2012) Imaging the collagen properties in the spinal disc and vertebra by combining DQF NMR and UTE MRI. (PDF 181 KB) In European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology 28, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Uzi Eliav, Michal Komlosh, Peter J. Basser, and Gil Navon. (2012) Imaging macromolecular dipolar interactions by combining DQF NMR and UTE MRI. (PDF 459 KB) In Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 20, Melbourne, Australia.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. J. Lizak, P. J. Basser, Mapping complex white matter structure with d-PFG filtered MRI 3D acquisition scheme, (PDF 97 KB) National Capital Region TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, 2012.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. J. Lizak, P. J. Basser. Mapping complex white matter structure with d-PFG filtered MRI 3D acquisition scheme. (PDF 1.3 MB) 20th Annual meeting of the ISMRM, May 5-11, Melbourne, Australia, 2012, p. 3539.
- C. G. Koay, E. Ozarslan, and M. E. Meyerand, "Optimal acquisition design for diffusion MRI: A case of searching for a needle in the universe," (PDF 64 KB) SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Philadelphia, PA, 2012.
- E. Ozarslan, M. E. Komlosh, and P. J. Basser, "Incorporating DTI-derived orientation information into a double-PFG framework," (PDF 1 MB) in Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 20, Melbourne, Australia, 2012, p. 1835.
- E. Ozarslan, T. M. Shepherd, C. G. Koay, S. J. Blackband, and P. J. Basser, "Temporal scaling characteristics of diffusion as a new MRI contrast: Findings in rat hippocampus," (PDF 1.5 MB) in Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 20, Melbourne, Australia, 2012, p. 1844.
- M. O. Irfanoglu, M. Curry, E. Ozarslan, C. G. Koay, S. Pajevic, and P. J. Basser, "Diffusion tensor uncertainty: Visualization and similarity metrics," (PDF 663 KB) in Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 20, Melbourne, Australia, 2012, p. 3557.
- M. O. Irfanoglu, F. Q. Ye, E. Ozarslan, D. Leopold, A. Silva, and C. Pierpaoli, "Cortical surface based representation of diffusion: A marmoset study," (PDF 211 KB) in Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 20, Melbourne, Australia, 2012, p. 1869.
- E. Ozarslan, T. M. Shepherd, C. G. Koay, S. J. Blackband, and P. J. Basser, "Temporal scaling characteristics of diffusion as a new MRI contrast: Findings in rat hippocampus," (PDF 14 KB) National Capital Region TBI Research Symposium, Bethesda, MD, 2012.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. J. Lizak, I. Horkayne-Szakaly, R. Z.. Freidlin, P. J. Basser. Average axon diameter mapping of pig spinal cord using d-PFG filtered MRI. (PDF 693 KB) Proc Intl Magn Reson Med 20, 3571, (2012)
- Steffen-Smith, E.A., Sarlls, J., Bent, R.S., Walker, L., Pierpaoli, C., Warren, K.E., Evaluating changes during treatment of pediatric diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma using diffusion tensor imaging, (PDF 334 KB) ASNR 50th Annual Meeting, New York, NY, April 2012.
- E Ozarslan, PJ Basser. Dependence of the MR line shape for white matter on the orientation of the B0 field: insights from a three-phase model. P01, in 11th ICMRM, Beijing, China University of Petroleum, 2011
- RZ Friedlin, JW Kakareka, TJ Pohida, ME Komlosh, and PJ Basser. A novel DWI sequence and a controllable MRI Phantom for obtaining and validating DWI data in moving media. P29, in 11th ICMRM, Beijing, China University of Petroleum, 2011
- Peter J Basser, “Diffusion-tensor MRI: theory, experimental design, and data analysis”, p 63, 2011, 8th biennial 2011 Minnesota workshops on high and ultra-high field imaging, Minneapolis, MN
- 'From spaghetti to nanomedicine: DNA assembly into nanoparticles with polycations' Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F., NIH Research Festival, Bethesda, MD, Mar 2011 (NICHD Postdoctoral Image Award).
- 'DNA Organization into Biologically-Active Nanoparticles' (PDF 57 KB) by Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F. MRS, Boston, MA, Nov 2011. (invited talk).
- 'DNA Nanoparticles – structure, assembly and osmotic properties' (PDF 52 KB) by Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F., AIChE, Minneapolis, MN , Oct 2011. (talk)
- 'Structure of DNA nanoparticles condensed with PEIm' by Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F. American Physical Society, Dallas, TX, Mar 2011. (talk)
- 'Probing interactions between aggrecan and mica surface by atomic force microscopy' (PDF 83 KB) by Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F. Biophysical Society, Baltimore, MD, Mar 2011.
- 'Novel DNA networks formed on mica surface by condensation with spermidine' (PDF 58 KB) by Chandran PL, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F. Biophysical Society, Baltimore, MD, Mar 2011.
- 'Load bearing capacity of cartilage: Ionic Interactions' by Geria H, Pettigrew R, Papanicolas P, Horkayne-Szakaly I, Silva C, Chandran PL, Basser PJ, Dimitriadis E and Horkay F. American Chemical Society, Anaheim, CA, Mar 2011.
- Horkay F. and Basser P.J. Cartilage Proteoglycans: Structure, Assembly and Organization. (PDF 778 KB) In 241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA. March 27-31, 2011. Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, 104, 286-287 (2011).
- Horkay F. and Basser P.J., Hecht, A.M., Geissler, E. Structure and Dynamics of Aggrecan Assemblies in Solution. (PDF 489 KB) In 242nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO. August 27-31, 2011. Polymer Preprints, 52, 228-229 (2011).
- Horkay, F. Lessons from Nature on Biomaterial Design - Structural Hierarchy and Self-Assembly of Cartilage Biopolymers. (PDF 144 KB) In 1st Indo-US Conference on Self-Assembled Fibrillar Gels, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, January 5-8, 2011.
- Marenco, S., Chandramohan, D., Kippenhan, S., Walker, L., Roe, K., Padmanabhan, A., Kohn, P., Mervis, C., Pani, A., Morris, C., Weinberger, D., Pierpaoli, C., Berman, K., Diffusion Imaging in Individuals with Partial Deletions of the Williams Syndrome Critical Region, (PDF 118 KB) American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) 50th Annual Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, #151, December 2011.
- Marenco, S., Chandramohan, D., Geramita, M., Walker, L., Roe, K.V., Kippenhan, S., Padmanabhan, A., Kohn, P., Mervis, C.B., Pani, A.M., Morris, C.A., Weinberger, D.R., Pierpaoli, C., Berman, K.F., Diffusion Imaging In Individuals with Partial Deletions of The Williams Syndrome Critical Region, Wiring the Brain: Making Connections, (PDF 749 KB) County Wicklow, Ireland, April 2011.
- E. Özarslan, M. E. Komlosh, and P. J. Basser, "New MR contrast mechanisms based on the moments of the underlying cell size distribution," National Capital Region TBI Research Symposium, Gaithersburg, MD, 2011.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, and P. J. Basser, "Novel anisotropic MRI diffusion phantom," (PDF 59 KB) National Capital Region TBI Research Symposium, Gaithersburg, MD, 2011.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. J. Lizak, I. Horkayne-Szakaly, E. J. Rushing, R. Z. Freidlin, and P. J. Basser, "Average axon diameter mapping of pig spinal cord using d-PFG filtered MRI," (PDF 50 KB) National Capital Region TBI Research Symposium, Gaithersburg, MD, 2011.
- E. Özarslan, M. E. Komlosh, and P. J. Basser, "Double pulsed field gradient MR as a noninvasive marker of tissue microstructure," (PDF 56 KB) Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine (CNRM) Annual Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, 2011.
- E. Özarslan and P. J. Basser, "Dependence of the MR lineshape for white-matter on the orientation of the B0 field: Insights from a three-phase model," (PDF 144 KB) 11th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Beijing, China, 2011.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. J. Lizak, I. Horkayne-Szakaly, E. J. Rushing, R. Z. Freidlin, and P. J. Basser, "Tissue microstructure revealed using double pulsed field gradient filtered MRI," (PDF 83 KB) 11th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Beijing, China, 2011.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. J. Lizak, I. Horkayne-Szakaly, R. Z. Freidlin, E. J. Rushing, S. Pajevic, and P. J. Basser, "Non-invasive average axon diameter mapping using double pulsed field gradient (d-PFG) filtered MRI," (PDF 404 KB) Neuroscience 2011, Washington, DC, 2011.
- E. Özarslan, "A fractal model of neural tissue to characterize the diffusion-time dependence of MR signal," NMR Anomalous Diffusion Discussion, International School on Magnetic Resonance and Brain Function, IX, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 2011.
- E. Özarslan, "Double pulsed field gradient MR as a probe of tissue microstructure," Washington Area NMR Group Meeting, Bethesda, MD, 2011.
- A. Nayak, L. Walker, C. Pierpaoli, and the Brain Development Cooperative Group. (2011) Quality Assessment in a DTI Multicenter Study. (PDF 334 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 2342.
- L-C. Chang, L. Walker, B. Behseta, and C. Pierpaoli. (2011) Informed RESTORE for Removal of Physiological Noise Artifacts in Low Redundancy DTI Data. (PDF 264 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 3898.
- L. Walker, N. Lange, L-C. Chang, C. Pierpaoli, and the Brain Development Cooperative Group. (2011) A Framework for Analysis of Living Phantom Data in a Multicenter DTI study. (PDF 499 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 2004.
- F. Tannazi, L. Walker, M. Curry, and C. Pierpaoli. (2011) Bias in Diffusion Tensor-Derived Quantities Depend on The Number of DWIs Composing The DT-MRI Dataset. (PDF 345 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 1939.
- M. O. Irfanoglu, L. Walker, R. Machiraju, and C. Pierpaoli. (2011) Accounting for Changes in Signal Variance in Diffusion Weighted Images Following Interpolation for Motion and Distortion Correction. (PDF 448 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 1951.
- N. Lange and P. J. Basser. (2011) Size and Shape Matter: Another Look at Tensor Statistics. (PDF 474 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 1933.
- G. T. Baxter, E. Ozarslan, P. J. Basser, and L. R. Frank. (2011) Simulation of Double Pulsed Field Gradient Experiments. (PDF 305 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 4482.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Ozarslan, M. J. Lizak, F. Horkay, R. Z. Freidlin, and P. J. Basser. (2011) Novel Anisotropic Diffusion MRI Phantom. (PDF 151 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 2034.
- E. Ozarslan, N. Shemesh, C. Koay, Y. Cohen, and P. J. Basser. (2011) Magnetic Resonance Characterization of General Compartment Size Distributions. (PDF 254 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 75.
- E. Ozarslan and P. J. Basser. (2011) The effects of cross-sectional asymmetry and anisotropy of the pore space on double-PFG MR signal. (PDF 332 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 1991.
- M. O. Irfanoglu, C. G. Koay, S. Pajevic, R. Machiraju, and P. J. Basser. (2011) Diffusion Tensor Image Registration Using Uncertainty Information. (PDF 500 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 19, p. 2005.
- P.L. Chandran, E.K. Dimitriadis, P.J. Basser, and F. Horkay. (2011) Probing Aggrecan Interactions by Atomic Force Microscopy. (PDF 1.9 MB) In Biophysical Journal 100(3):542a.
- E. Özarslan, Postgraduate section lecture titled "Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Tissue and Material Microstructure," 10th International Conference on the Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2010.
- Chandran PL, Dimitriadis EK, Silva CC, Basser PJ, and Horkay F. Imaging and Osmotic Characterization of Aggrecan Assemblies on Mica Surface, comparison against DNA. (PDF 62 KB) American Physical Society, Portland, OR, Mar 2010.
- Chandramohan, D., Geramita, M., Walker, L., Roe, K., Kippenhan, S., Padmanabhan, A., Kohn, P., Mervis, C., Pani, A., Morris, C., Weinberger, D., Pierpaoli, C., Marenco, S., Berman, K., Diffusion Imaging in Individuals with Partial Deletions of the Williams Syndrome Critical Region, (PDF 43 KB) Human Brain Mapping 17th Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 2010.
- N. Shemesh, E. Özarslan, P.J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2010) Observing diffusion-diffraction patterns in heterogeneous specimens using the double-PFG NMR methodology. (PDF 218 KB) In Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media Book of Abstracts, 10, p. 48, Leipzig, Germany, 2010.
- N. Shemesh, E. Özarslan, P.J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2010) Bipolar double-PFG NMR reveals pore morphology in randomly oriented cylindrical compartments and in spherical yeast cells. (PDF 218 KB) In Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media Book of Abstracts, 10, p. 135, Leipzig, Germany, 2010.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. Lizak, and P.J. Basser. (2010) Axon diameter mapping of pig spinal cord using d-PFG filtered MRI. (PDF 224 KB) In Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media Book of Abstracts, 10, p. 52, Leipzig, Germany, 2010.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. Lizak, F. Horkay, and P.J. Basser. (2010) Calibrating d-PFG filtered MRI using a novel anisotropic diffusion phantom. (PDF 199 KB) InMagnetic Resonance in Porous Media Book of Abstracts, 10, p. 81, Leipzig, Germany, 2010.
- E. Özarslan. (2010) Diffusion MR: From fundamentals to applications in food science. (PDF 82 KB) 10th International Conference on the Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- Horkay F. (2010) Ionic effects and self-assembly in the solution of the biopolymer aggrecan. (PDF 506 KB) In Polymer Preprints 51(2): 301, 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 22-26, 2010.
- Horkay F, Basser PJ, Hecht A-M, and Geissler E. (2010) Structure formation and interactions in aggrecan solutions. (PDF 158 KB) In 240th American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 21–25, 2010.
- Horkay F, Basser PJ, Hecht A-M, and Geissler E. (2010) Hierarchical organization of proteoglycans in cartilage. (PDF 259 KB) In 20th Polymer Networks Group Meeting, Goslar, Germany, Aug. 29 - Sep. 2, 2010.
- Shemesh, N., Özarslan, E., Basser, P. J., and Cohen Y., "Measuring accurate small compartmental dimensions using double-PFG NMR: From water filled microcapillaries to biological cells," (PDF 148 KB) 75th Israel Chemical Society Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2010.
- Shemesh, N., Özarslan, E., Basser, P. J., and Cohen Y., "Persistence of diffusion-diffraction features in double-PFG experiments conducted on size distribution phantoms," (PDF 146 KB) 75th Israel Chemical Society Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2010.
- Koay, C. G., Özarslan, E., Basser, P. J., and Pierpaoli C., "Probabilistic identification and estimation of noise (PIESNO): Mathematical features and challenges, (PDF 48 KB) SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Chicago, IL, 2010.
- Özarslan, E., Koay, C. G., Shepherd, T. M., Shemesh, N., Cohen, Y., and Basser, P. J., "SHORE in action: Estimation of microstructural features from magnetic resonance (MR) data," (PDF 46 KB) Mini-Symposium on Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Modeling and Computational Challenges, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Chicago, IL, 2010.
- M. Irfanoglu, L. Walker, and C. Pierpaoli. (2010) Effects of Susceptibility Distortion on Fiber Tractography in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. (PDF 118 KB) In 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
- L. Walker, L-C. Chang, C. Pierpaoli. (2010) How Physiological Noise and Artifacts May Impact Clinical Diffusion Tensor Imaging Studies. (PDF 215 KB) In 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
- Carlo Pierpaoli. (2010) How to do a DTI multi-center neuroimaging study. (PDF 12 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- C. Koay, C. Pierpaoli, and P. J. Basser. (2010) A new Mahalanobis distance measure for clustering of fiber tracts. (PDF 120 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- M. Descoteaux, C. G. Koay, P. J. Basser, and R. Deriche. (2010) Analytical Q-Ball Imaging with Optimal λ-Regularization. (PDF 1.5 MB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- M. O. Irfanoglu, L. Walker, and C. Pierpaoli. (2010) Effects of Susceptibility Distortion and Phase Encoding Direction on Tract Consistency in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. (PDF 159 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- N. Shemesh, E. Özarslan, P. J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2010) Novel diffusion-diffraction patterns in double-PFG NMR afford accurate microstructural information in size distribution phantoms. (PDF 237 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- J. E. Sarlls, W-M. Luh, and C. Pierpaoli. (2010) Robust Fat Suppression for High-resolution Diffusion-weighted Imaging. (PDF 152 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- C. Pierpaoli, L. Walker, M. O. Irfanoglu, A. Barnett, P. Basser, L-C. Chang, C. Koay, S. Pajevic, G. Rohde, J. Sarlls, and M. Wu. (2010) TORTOISE: an integrated software package for processing of diffusion MRI data. (PDF 139 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- O. Pasternak, N. Sochen, and P. J. Basser. (2010) The Effect of Metric Selection on Averaging Diffusion Tensors – When and Why do Tensors Swell? (PDF 366 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- A. Ghosh, E. Özarslan, and R. Deriche. (2010) Challenges in Reconstructing the Propagator via a Cumulant Expansion of the One-Dimensional q-space MR Signal. (PDF 206 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- N. Shemesh, E. Özarslan, P. J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2010) From single- to double-PFG: Gleaning new microstructural information in complex specimens. (PDF 189 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- E. Ozarslan, N. Shemesh, Y. Cohen, and P. J. Basser. (2010) Observation of Anisotropy at Different Length Scales in Optic and Sciatic Nerve Specimens. (PDF 135 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- S. Pajevic and P. J. Basser. (2010) A Joint PDF for the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Diffusion Tensor. (PDF 278 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- N. Shemesh, E. Özarslan, P. J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2010) First experimental observation of both microscopic anisotropy (uA) and compartment shape anisotropy (CSA) in randomly oriented biological cells using double-PFG NMR. (PDF 181 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- N. Shemesh, E. Özarslan, A. Bar-Shir, P. J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2010) Accounting for free and restricted diffusion processes in single- and double-PFG experiments using a novel bi-compartmental phantom. (PDF 196 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. J. Lizak, F. Horkay, and P. J. Basser. (2010) Fiber diameter mapping of a white matter phantom using d-PFG filtered MRI. (PDF 266 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- C. Koay, E. Ozarslan, C. Pierpaoli, and P. J. Basser. (2010) A stochastic framework for improving the accuracy of PIESNO. (PDF 169 KB) In ISMRM 18th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. May 1-7, 2010.
- Silva C, Horkayne-Szakaly I, Lin DC, Basser PJ, and Horkay F. (2009) Osmotic swelling behavior of bovine cartilage. (PDF 168 KB) In Polymer Preprints 50(2):553-554, 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, DC, Aug. 16–20.
- Lin-Gibson S, Chatterjee K, Cooper JA, Wallace WE, Becker ML, Simon Jr CG, and Horkay F. (2009) Peg-hydrogels: synthesis, characterization, and cell encapsulation. (PDF 264 KB) In Polymer Preprints 50(2):108-109, 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, DC, Aug. 16–20.
- Lin DC, Dimitriadis EK, Basser PJ, and Horkay F. (2009) New insights into the micro- and nanoindentation of synthetic and biological gels. (PDF 168 KB) In Polymer Preprints 50(2):106-107, 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, DC, Aug. 16–20.
- Boukari H, Silva C, Nossal R, and Horkay F. (2009) Nanoprobe diffusion in dehydrating poly(vinyl-alcohol) solution and gel. (PDF 259 KB) In Polymer Preprints 50(2):102-103, 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, DC, Aug. 16–20.
- Horkay F and Basser PJ. (2010) DNA Gels: pH mediated structural changes. (PDF 114 KB) In 237th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. March 22 - 26, 2009.
- Özarslan E. (2009) Resolution of tissue microstructure via diffusion MR: Beyond mapping orientations. MICCAI 2009 Diffusion MRI Tutorial: Trends in High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging and Brain Tissue Modeling, London, UK, 2009. Abstract (PDF 11 KB), Slides (PDF 2 MB)
- Özarslan E. (2009) Diffusion-weighted MR as a probe of tissue microstructure. (PDF 10 KB) 2nd NIH-INRIA Biomedical & Life Sciences Computing Workshop, Rocquencourt, France, 2009.
- E. Özarslan, C. Koay, T. M. Shepherd, and P. J. Basser. (2009) Intracellular volume revealed by diffusion-weighted MRI. (PDF 402 KB) In Magn Reson Mater Phy 22, suppl. 1, p. 37. (presented at the 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Antalya, Turkey, 2009).
- N. Shemesh, E. Özarslan, A. Bar-Shir, P. J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2009) The effect of the presence of a freely diffusing compartment on observation of restricted diffusion in single- and double-PFG experiments. (PDF 1.4 MB) In Magn Reson Mater Phy 22, suppl. 1, p. 35. (presented at the 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB, Antalya, Turkey, 2009).
- M. E. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, M. J. Lizak, F. Horkay, and P. J. Basser. (2009) Pore diameter measured using d-PGSE-filtered MRI. (PDF 194 KB) 10th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy , West Yellowstone, MT, 2009.
- E. Özarslan. (2009) Characterization of tissue microstructure using porous media concepts. (PDF 181 KB) 10th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy , West Yellowstone, MT, 2009.
- DC Lin, DI Shreiber, EK Dimitriadis, F Horkay. (2009) Cells and Gels: A Comparison of Indentation Behavior. (PDF 45 KB) In Biophysical Journal 96(3):398a.
- Basser, P.J. (2009) Diffusion MRI: Past, Present, and Future. (PDF 69 KB) In 50th ENC, Pacific Grove, California. March 29–April 3, 2009.
- Koay, C.G., Özarslan, E., and Basser, P.J. (2009) Breaking the noise floor: A framework for correcting the noise-induced bias in noisy magnitude MR signals. (PDF 183 KB) In 50th ENC, Pacific Grove, California. March 29–April 3, 2009.
- Walker, L., Chang, L-C., Kanterakis, E., Bloy, L., Simonyan, K., Verma, R., and C. Pierpaoli. (2009) Statistical Assessment of the Effects of Physiological Noise and Artifacts in a Population Analysis of Diffusion Tensor MRI Data. (PDF 186 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 459.
- Sagi, Y., Basser, P.J., and Assaf, Y. (2009) Estimation of Cell Size Using the Composite Hindered and Restricted Model of Diffusion. (PDF 56 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 1390.
- J. E. Sarlls, and C. Pierpaoli. (2009) Micro-architectural Features of the In Vivo Human Optic Chiasm. (PDF 78 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 1455.
- E. Özarslan. (2009) MR characterization of compartment shape anisotropy (CSA). (PDF 246 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 453.
- W. R. Jarisch, E. Özarslan, and P. J. Basser. (2009) Computed Tomographic (CT) Reconstruction of the Average Propagator from Diffusion Weighted MR Data. (PDF 90 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 1393.
- C. Poynton, M. Jenkinson, C. Pierpaoli, and W. Wells III. (2009) Fieldmap-Free Retrospective Registration and Distortion Correction for EPI-based Diffusion-Weighted Imaging. (PDF 117 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 2780.
- C. Koay, E. Özarslan, and P. J. Basser. (2009) A framework for correcting the noise-induced bias in noisy magnitude MR signals. (PDF 166 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 4692.
- N. Shemesh, E. Özarslan, P. J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2009) Measuring small compartmental dimensions with low-q angular double-PGSE NMR. (PDF 309 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 4692.
- O. Pasternak, N. Sochen, and P. J. Basser. (2009) Metric Selection and Variability Maps for Diffusion Tensor Data. (PDF 115 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 3579.
- Carlo Pierpaoli. (2009) How to do a DTI multi-center neuroimaging study. (PDF 12 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009.
- C. Koay, E. Özarslan, and C. Pierpaoli. (2009) Simultaneous identification of noise and estimation of noise standard deviation in MRI. (PDF 307 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 4691.
C. Pierpaoli, J. Sarlls, U. Nevo, P. J. Basser, and F. Horkay. (2009) Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) water solutions as isotropic phantoms for diffusion MRI studies. (PDF 68 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 1414.
Author's Comments
I’ve had a long record of trying to improve data quality and utility of diffusion NMR and diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) applications. In fact, the first diffusion tensor NMR study I ever performed in 1991 with Jim Mattiello at the NIH was to test out my DT-NMR experimental design and diffusion tensor estimation pipeline using an isotropic water phantom. The hypothesis was that we would observe an isotropic diffusion tensor in water, which is an isotropic medium. After that we calibrated every diffusion MR acquisition using a water-based MR phantom. In 1995 I even proposed a method for calibrating the gradients of an MR scanner using this same idea and came up with an algorithm to correct for gradient miscalibration and non-orthogonality. When we started to implement different diffusion weighted MRI sequences, such as Bob Turner’s diffusion weighted echo-planar MRI sequence, we continued to use an isotropic water phantom to ensure there were no hardware or software artifacts before scanning subjects.
When I proposed streamline tractography in 1997, the subject of calibration of diffusion imaging came to the forefront again, because failure to measure and map the diffusion tensor field accurately could produce spurious tract trajectories and increase the number of false positive and false negative white matter tracts in the brain. Water phantoms had clear limitations, as was clear even in one proposed by my colleague Tom Chenevert, who used an ice-water bath to maintain the temperature of the phantom. Vibration of the gantry during the MRI acquisition, and the clanging of the gradients could affect the accuracy and precision of the diffusion measurement. Using MRI phantoms made of crosslinked gels didn’t make sense as a way to address this problem, as they could vibrate and even shake like Jell-O, creating standing waves, although they did have a high water content and could produce a strong MR signal. Viscous polymers, particularly below DeGennes’ critical concentration, had the potential to damp out large scale mechanical motion and vibration while still having a high water content and thus a high signal to noise ratio (SNR) when scanned. My colleague, Sinisa Pajevic, who originally was trained as a polymer physicist, recently reminded me about several conversations we had in which I suggested the idea to use polyacrylamide or similar viscous polymeric solutions for this purpose. Happily, our diffusion phantom initiative resurfaced again after Ferenc Horkay had joined our group. Ferenc had a great deal of experience and practical knowledge in polymer sciences (chemistry and physics) and identified a Goldilocks polymer for a diffusion MRI calibration phantom: polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). This polymer is an FDA-approved food additive, so it is safe to handle. It is storable, stable, transportable, and can be tailored to have diffusion properties and other MR relaxation properties that mimic properties observed in different tissues and tissue types. Carlo Pierpaoli spearheaded the development of this new MRI phantom material; designing and developing MRI compatible PVP-filled containers, making and distributing them to various sites, primarily to promote the idea of quantitative imaging as a way of improving data quality and comparability in individual, longitudinal, and multi-site studies, which, frankly, was not a widely held view at the time. Carlo has gone on to use isotropic diffusion phantoms to correct for gradient non-linearity in MRI scanners, primarily to improve the quality and scientific character of diffusion MRI acquisitions. This particular abstract represented the culmination of a great deal of collaborative effort in testing and vetting PVP as a diffusion MRI phantom material.- L-C. Chang, L. Walker, and C. Pierpaoli. (2009) Making the Robust Tensor Estimation Approach: "RESTORE" more Robust. (PDF 159 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 3557.
- E. Özarslan, C. Koay, and P. J. Basser. (2009) q-space MR propagator in partially-restricted, axially-symmetric and isotropic environments. (PDF 165 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18–24, 2009. 1366.
- E. Özarslan, C. Koay, T. M. Shepherd, S. J. Blackband, and P. J. Basser. (2009) Simple harmonic oscillator based reconstruction and estimation for three-dimensional q-space MRI. (PDF 576 KB) In ISMRM 17th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai'i. April 18– 24, 2009. 1396.
- R. Salvador, P. Basser, P. Miranda. (2008) A simulation study of the mechanisms that govern direct activation of pyramidal tract neurons in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
Brain Stimulation.
- PJ Basser. (2008) Neural Tissue as Porous Media.
AIP Conference Proceedings 1081:1, 26-28.
- S. Pajevic, Y. Assaf, I. Tasaki, P.J. Basser. An optimum principle predicts skewed and heavy-tailed distributions of axon diameters in white matter fascicles. (PDF 88 KB) Program No. 817.9. 2008 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online. Poster (PDF 864 KB)
- Wu M, Chang L-C, Walker L, Lemaitre H, Barnett AS, Marenco S, and Pierpaoli C. (2008) Comparison of EPI Distortion Correction Methods in Diffusion Tensor MRI Using a Novel Framework. In MICCAI '08 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Part II. Read online
- Salvador, R., Silva, S., Basser, P.J., Miranda, P. (2008) A simulation study of the mechanisms that govern direct activation of neurons in the motor cortex by transcranial magnetic stimulation. (PDF 770 KB) Third International Goettingen Conference on TMS and tDCS, Goettingen, Germany.
- Salvador, R., Silva, S., Miranda, P., Basser, P.J. (2008) A simulation study of the mechanisms that govern direct activation of pyramidal tract neurons by transcranial magnetic stimulation. (PDF 179 KB) BioMag 2008, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Deoni, S.C.L., Rutt, B.K., Pierpaoli, C., and Jones, D.K. Multi-component relaxometry and myelin water fraction imaging with gradient recalled acquisition in the steady state. (PDF 340 KB) In Alzheimer's and Dementia 4:T78–T79.
- Horkay, F. Ion- and pH-dependent Volume Transitions in Biopolymer Gels. (PDF 34 KB) American Physical Society Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008.
- Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J. Ion-driven Volume Transitions in DNA Gels. (PDF 247 KB) 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. April 6-10, 2008. Polym. Division. Abstracts.
- Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J.; Hecht, A.M.; Geissler, E. Counterion and pH-Mediated Structural Changes in Charged Biopolymer Gels. (PDF 88 KB) Polymer Networks 2008, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 22-26, 2008.
- Geissler, E.; Hecht, A.M.; Horkay, F. Scaling Behavior of Hyaluronic Acid in Solution with Mono and Divalent Ions. Polymer Networks 2008, Larnaca, Cyprus, June 22-26, 2008.
- Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J. Ion Sensitivity of DNA Gel Structure. (PDF 129 KB) 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August 17-21, 2008. Polym. Division. Abstracts.
- Horkay F.; Lin D.; Horkayne-Szakaly I.; Silva C.; Dimitriadis E,K.; Basser P.J. Structure and Macromolecular Organization of Cartilage Proteoglycans. 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August 17-21, 2008. Biotechnology Division. Abstracts.
- J. Sarlls and C. Pierpaoli. (2008) Sub-millimeter Voxel Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Optic Chiasm. (PDF 180 KB) In 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
- L. Walker, J. Yang, X. Wu, K. Simonyan, R. Verma, and C. Pierpaoli. (2008) Regional Distribution of Outliers Across a Population of Diffusion MRI in Human Brain. (PDF 35 KB) In 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
- P.J. Basser. (2008) Neural tissue as porous media. (PDF 35 KB) In 9th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media p. 18.
- E. Özarslan and P. J. Basser. (2008) Microscopic anisotropy revealed by double-PFG NMR. (PDF 178 KB) In 9th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media p. 26.
- E. Özarslan, C. G. Koay and P. J. Basser. (2008) Double-PFG diffusion-diffraction in ellipsoidal pores. (PDF 360 KB) In 9th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media p. 115.
- E. Özarslan, C. G. Koay and P. J. Basser. (2008) Accurate RTOP estimation from PFG-NMR signal. (PDF 170 KB) In 9th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media p. 116.
- D.C. Lin, D.I. Shreiber, E.K. Dimitriadis, and F. Horkay. (2008) A hyperelastic contact model for the indentation of chondrocytes and cartilage extracellular matrix. (PDF 215 KB) In Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference [on CD-ROM], Abstract No. SBC2008-191631.
- L-C. Chang, C. Koay, P. J. Basser, and C. Pierpaoli. (2008) Accurate Estimation of T1 from SPGR Signals. (PDF 298 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 3048.
- I. R. Leppert, C. R. Almli, R. C. McKinstry, R. V. Mulkern, C. Pierpaoli, M. J. Rivkin, and G. B. Pike. (2008) T2 Relaxometry of Normal Pediatric Brain Development. (PDF 71 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 2047.
- M. Wu, A. S. Barnett, S. Marenco, L. Walker, H. Lemaitre, and C. Pierpaoli. (2008) Comparison of EPI Distortion Correction Methods in Diffusion Tensor MRI. (PDF 298 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 1829.
- J. E. Sarlls, S. Marenco, and C. Pierpaoli. (2008) DTI of the Human Brain with Sub-millimeter Voxel Size: Clear Depiction of Fiber Decussation in the Optic Chiasm. (PDF 211 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 1817.
- C. Koay, and P. J. Basser. (2008) The Elliptical Cone of Uncertainty in Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Its Normalized Measures. (PDF 1 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 1783.
- R. Z. Freidlin, E. Özarslan, P. J. Basser, and C. Pierpaoli. (2008) Parsimonious Model Selection for DTI Tissue Segmentation and Classification Applied to Clinical Data. (PDF 288 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 1782.
- M. E. Komlosh, M. J. Lizak, F. Horkay, R. Z. Freidlin, and P. J. Basser. (2008) Observation of microscopic diffusion anisotropy in the spinal cord using double-pulsed gradient spin echo MRI. (PDF 546 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 763.
- J. E. Sarlls, and C. Pierpaoli. (2008) High-resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging at 3T with Radial-FSE. (PDF 142 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 758.
- D. Barazany, P. J. Basser, and Y. Assaf. (2008) In-vivo Measurement of the Axon Diameter Distribution in the Rat’s Corpus Callosum. (PDF 104 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 567.
- S. C. Deoni, B. K. Rutt, T. Arun, C. Pierpaoli, and D. K. Jones. (2008) Gleaning Multi-Component T1 and T2 Information from Steady-State Imaging Data. (PDF 227 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 240.
- L. Walker, J. Yang, X. Wu, K. Simonyan, R. Verma, and C. Pierpaoli. (2008) Regional Distribution of Outliers of Diffusion MRI in the Human Brain. (PDF 164 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 139.
- E. Özarslan, C. G. Koay, and P. J. Basser. (2008) Simple harmonic oscillator based estimation and reconstruction for one-dimensional q-space MR. (PDF 235 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 16. p. 35.
- P Basser, “Diffusion Tensor MRI and Beyond”. T7, 20eme congres du GERM 2007, Alenya, France.
- U Nevo, CV Stewart, ED Gireesh, D Plenz, PJ Basser. (2007) “DW-MRI of Perfused and Thermally Controlled Neuronal Organotypic Cultures” Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. 1621.
- Peter Basser, “Diffusion MRI of Brain Connectivity and Microstructure: The Reality the Hype and the Hope”, p1-3, Israel- UK bi-national workshop, MRI of brain connectivity and microstructure, the Dead Sea, Israel, November 2007.
- Evren Ozarslan, Peter Basser, “Diffusion-Diffraction Phenomenon in Multi-PFG Experiments"”, C-8 what's his name this was one, Israel- UK bi-national workshop, MRI of Brain Connectivity and Microstructure, The Dead Sea, Israel, November 2007.
- PJ Basser, David Lin, Candida Silva, Iren Horkay, Ferenc Horkay ,“A Polymer Physics / Material Science Approach to Explain the Material Properties of Cartilage”, MRS Symposium, LLC Bio-inspired polymer gels and networks, LL5.2, 2007, Boston MA.
- Candida Silva, David Lin, Iren Horkay, PJ Basser, Ferenc Horkay ,“Novel Applications of the QCM Technique in Biomaterial Science”, MRS Symposium, LLC Bio-inspired polymer gels and networks, LL3.6, 2007, Boston MA.
- E. Özarslan and V. Pickalov. (2007) Diffusion MRI: Beyond the diffusion tensor. 1st NIH-INRIA Biomedical & Life Sciences Computing Workshop, Bethesda, MD, 2007.
- Barazany, D., Basser, P., and Assaf, Y. (2007) AxCalibur — in-vivo measurement of axon diameter distribution with MRI. (PDF 2.4 MB) In 16th Annual Meeting of The Israel Society for Neuroscience, Eilat, Israel. November 25–27, 2007. p. 8–9.
- Horkay, F. (2007) Biopolymer Solutions and Gels: Structural and Thermodynamic Properties. (PDF 61 KB) Telluride Workshop on Polymer Physics, Telluride, CO. August 6–11, 2007.
- Koepp, M.J., Basser, P.J., Catani, M. Imaging brain connectivity. EPILEPSIA Vol. 48, p. 409, Suppl. 6, OCT 2007.
- Horkay, F; Basser, P.J. Effect of Ions on the Thermodynamic Properties of Polymer Gels. 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL. March 24-29, 2007. Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, Vol. 96, 950-951 (2007).
- Horkay, F. Ion/Polymer Interactions in Polyelectrolyte Gels. (PDF 421 KB) ANTEC 2007 Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. May 6-10, 2007. ANTEC Book.
- Washburn, N.A.; Bencherif, S.A.; Srinivasan, A.; Hollinger, J.; Horkay, F.; Matyjaszewski, K. Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Crosslinked Hyaluronan Hydrogels. (PDF 271 KB) 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA. August 19-23, 2007.
- Horkay, F. Biopolymer Gels and Ions. 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA. August 19-23, 2007. Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, 97, 314-315 (2007).
- Horkay, F. Nanoscale Structure, Phase Behavior and Macroscopic Properties of Biopolymer Gels. (PDF 13 KB) 9th Conference on Colloid Chemistry, Colloids for Nano- and Biotechnology, Siofok, Hungary, October 3-5, 2007. Abstracts.
- Basser, P.J.; Lin, D.C.; Silva, C.; Horkayne-Szakaly, I.; Horkay, F. A Polymer Physics/Materials Science Approach to Explain the Material Properties of Cartilage. MRS Fall Meeting, Biomimetic Polymers and Gels, November 26-30, 2007, Boston, MA. Abstracts.
- C. Koay, L-C. Chang, C. Pierpaoli, and P. J. Basser. (2007) Diffusion Tensor Representations and Their Applications to DTI Error Propagation. (PDF 153 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. p 1587.
- C. Koay, L-C. Chang, and P. J. Basser. (2007) The Cone of Uncertainty is Elliptical: Implications for DTI Tractography. (PDF 106 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. p. 1602.
- U. Nevo, M. Komlosh, E. Ozarslan, C. G. Koay, and P. J. Basser. (2007) The effect of linear and micro-circular shear flow on diffusion MR measurements. (PDF 167 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. p. 1603.
- C. Koay, L-C. Chang, S. Deoni, and C. Pierpaoli. (2007) An Optimal Framework for T1 Estimation in An SPGR Acquisition. (PDF 138 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. p. 1794.
- Chang L-C., and Pierpaoli C. (2007) Improving the Accuracy of Diffusion MR Tractography Using RESTORE. (PDF 103 KB) In Proc. Annual Biomedical Engineering Meeting. Taiwan, Dec, 2007. p. 224-226.
- Chang L-C., Koay C.G., Deoni S., and Pierpaoli C. (2007) Comparison of Linear and Non-linear Fitting Methods for Estimating T1 from SPGR Signals. (PDF 62 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15, p. 3715.
- Wu M., Chang L-C., Barnett A. S., Marenco S., and Pierpaoli C. (2007) A Framework for Evaluating the Performance of EPI Distortion Correction Strategies in Diffusion Tensor MRI. (PDF 146 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15, p. 1591.
- U. Nevo, M. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, P.J. Basser. (2007) Modeling the effect of micro-streaming on DWI data. (PDF 210 KB) In Science Networking Development Scheme Meeting. Ein-Boqeq, Israel.
- B. Jian, B. C. Vemuri, E. Özarslan, P. Carney and T. Mareci. (2007) A continuous mixture of tensors model for diffusion-weighted MR signal reconstruction. (PDF 248 KB) In Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano 4. p. 772-775.
- E. Özarslan, L-C. Chang, C. Pierpaoli and P. J. Basser. (2007) Roughness: A reshuffling-variant differential geometric index for DWI. (PDF 164 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. p. 1517.
- E. Özarslan, T. M. Shepherd, P. J. Basser, B. C. Vemuri and S. J. Blackband. (2007) Novel MRI contrast in nervous tissue based on the observation of anomalous diffusion. (PDF 179 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. p. 819.
- B. Jian, B. C. Vemuri, E. Özarslan, P. Carney and T. Mareci. (2007) A novel tensor distribution model for the diffusion weighted MR signal. (PDF 101 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. p. 904.
- E. Özarslan, U. Nevo and P. J. Basser. (2007) On the observation of (remote) anisotropy due to macroscopic restrictions. (PDF 207 KB) In The 9th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Aachen, Germany.
- P.J. Basser, T. Blumenfeld, G. Levin, Y. Yovel, and Y. Assaf. (2007) AxCaliber: an MRI method to measure the diameter distribution and density of axons in neuronal tissue. (PDF 197 KB) In Magnetic Resonance Imaging 25. 550.
- E. Özarslan and P.J. Basser. (2007) Diffusion-Diffraction Phenomenon in multi-PFG experiments. (PDF 469 KB) In Science Networking Development Scheme Meeting. Ein-Boqeq, Israel.
- U. Nevo, C.V. Stewart, E.D. Gireesh, D. Plenz, and P.J. Basser. (2007) Studying the Cellular Sources of the DW-MRI signal with Organotypic cultures. (PDF 144 KB) In Science Networking Development Scheme Meeting. Ein-Boqeq, Israel.
- P.J. Basser. (2007) Diffusion MRI of Brain Connectivity and Microstructure: The Reality, the Hype, and the Hope. (PDF 95 KB) In Science Networking Development Scheme Meeting. Ein-Boqeq, Israel.
- U. Nevo, C. V. Stewart, E. D. Gireesh, D. Plenz and P. J. Basser. (2007) DW-MRI of perfused and thermally controlled neuronal organotypic cultures. (PDF 200 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Berlin, Germany. 1602.
- U. Nevo, E. Özarslan, P. J. Basser. (2007) Rheo-NMR micro-imaging in natural coordinates. (PDF 223 KB) In The 9th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Aachen, Germany.
- E. Özarslan, U. Nevo and P. J. Basser. (2007) Anisotropy induced by macroscopic boundaries: Surface normal mapping using DWI. (PDF 237 KB) in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. p. 1516.
- U. Nevo, M. Komlosh, E. Özarslan, C. G. Koay and P. J. Basser. (2007) The effect of linear and micro-circular shear flow on diffusion MR measurements. (PDF 74 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Berlin, Germany. 1603.
- Sarlls, J.E., Trouard, T.P. and Pierpaoli, C. (2007) Mixed-CPMG Radial-FSE for Diffusion Imaging at 3T. (PDF 94 KB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Berlin, Germany. 1491.
- J. D. Carew, G. Wahba, and P. J. Basser. (2007) Implications of Heterogeneous Variance of Tensor-Derived Quantities for Group Comparisons. (PDF 142 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. 1598.
- Y. Assaf, and P. J. Basser. (2007) Non Parametric Approach for Axon Diameter Distribution Estimation from Diffusion Measurements. (PDF 58 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. 1536.
- A. Bar-Shir, L. Avram, Y. Assaf, P. J. Basser, and Y. Cohen. (2007) Experimental Parameters and Diffraction Patterns at High q Diffusion MR: Experiments and Theoretical Simulations. (PDF 223 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. 1530.
- D. K. Jones, C. G. Koay, and P. J. Basser. (2007) It is Not Possible to Design a Rotationally Invariant Sampling Scheme for DT-MRI. (PDF 90 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15. 5.
- Miranda, P.C., L. Correia, R. Salvador, and P.J. Basser. 2007. The Role of Tissue Heterogeneity in Neural Stimulation by Applied Electric Fields. (PDF 353 KB) In 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference.
- Silva, S., P.J. Basser, and P.C. Miranda. 2007. The Activation Function of TMS on a Finite Element Model of a Cortical Sulcus. (PDF 417 KB) In 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference.
- D.C. Lin, E.K. Dimitriadis and F. Horkay. (2007) Elasticity of Cartilage Measured by Large Strain, Non-Hertzian AFM Nanoindentation. (PDF 425 KB) In Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference [on CD-ROM], Abstract No. SBC2007-176618.
- D.C. Lin, C.C. Silva, E.K. Dimitriadis, I. Horkayne-Szakaly, P.J. Basser and F. Horkay. (2007) Integrative Study of Cartilage Chemical and Physical Properties. (PDF 74 KB) In Experimental Biology Annual Meeting Abstracts, The FASEB Journal, Volume 2, Issue 6, p. 1b14.
- D.C. Lin, E.K. Dimitriadis and F. Horkay. (2007) Adhesive and Nonadhesive, Large Strain AFM Indentation of Rubber-like Materials. (PDF 588 KB) In Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 1021E, Paper No. 1021-HH01-06.
- D.C. Lin, E.K. Dimitriadis, C.C. Silva, I. Horkayne-Szakaly, P.J. Basser, and F. Horkay. (2007) Swelling and Biomechanical Properties of Tissue-engineered Cartilage. (PDF 76 KB) In Proceedings of the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting [on CD-ROM], Abstract No. 1575.
- D.C. Lin, E.K. Dimitriadis and F. Horkay. (2007) Elastic Modulus Maps of Soft, Rubber-like Gels and Tissues from AFM Nanoindentation. (PDF 55 KB) In Proceedings of the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting [on CD-ROM], Abstract No. 2451.
- R.Z. Freidlin, Y. Assaf, and P.J. Basser, "Multivariate hypothesis testing of DTI data for tissue clustering," (PDF 109 KB) IEEE Int. Symp. Boimed. Imag.: Macro to Nano (ISBI), pp. 776-779, Apr. 2007.
- R.Z. Freidlin, Y. Assaf, and P.J. Basser, "Multivariate hypothesis testing for tissue clustering and classification: A DTI study of excised rat spinal cord." (PDF 222 KB) In Joint Annu. Meeting ISMRM-ESMEMB, p625, May 2007.
- R. Z. Freidlin, E. Özarslan, M. E. Komlosh, L.-C. Chang, C. G. Koay, D. K. Jones, and P. J. Basser, “Parsimonious model selection for DTI tissue segmentation and classification: Study on simulated and experimental data.” (PDF 150 KB) In Joint Annu. Meeting ISMRM-ESMEMB, p1868, May 2007.
- E Ozarslan, P Basser, T Shepherd, P Thelwall, B Vemuri, S Blackband. Characterization of anomalous diffusion from MR signal may be a new probe to tissue microstructure. P2256-2259,IEEE EMBC 2006, NYC, NY
- Valerie Pikalov, Peter Basser, “3D Tomographic Reconstruction of the Average Propagator from MRI Data”, SA-AM- OS1.2, ISBI 2006, from nano to macro, Arlington VA.
- Özarslan E, Basser PJ, Vemuri BC, Shepherd TM, Thelwall PE, and Blackband SJ. Observation of Anomalous Diffusion in Excised Tissue Using the Diffusion Time Dependence of the MR Signal. In 47th ENC, April 23-28, 2006, Pacific Grove, CA.
- Horkay, F. Similarities and Differences between the Behavior of Synthetic and Biopolymer Gels. American Physical Society Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17, 2006.
- Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J.; Hecht, A.M.; Geissler, E. Similarities between the Osmotic and Scattering Properties of Synthetic and Biopolymer Gels. ACS National Meeting, March 26-30, 2006. Atlanta, GA. Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, Vol. 94, 668-669 (2006).
- Horkay, F.; Dimitriadis, E. K.; Horkayne-Szakaly, I.; Lin, D. C.; Basser, P. J. Osmotic and Mechanical Properties of Cartilage. 231st ACS National Meeting, March 26-30, 2006. Atlanta, GA. Biological Chemistry Division, Abstracts.
- Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J.; Hecht, A.M.; Geissler, E. Comparative Study of Scattering and Osmotic Properties of Synthetic and Biopolymer Gels. (PDF 81 KB) POLYMER NETWORKS 2006, 18th Polymer Networks Group Conference, Sheffield, UK. September 3-7, 2006, Abstracts.
- Geissler, E.; Basser, P.J.; Hecht, A.M.; Horkay, F. ASAXS Determination of Ion Distribution around a Polyelectrolyte Biopolymer in Salt Solution. POLYMER NETWORKS 2006, 18th Polymer Networks Group Conference, Sheffield, UK. September 3-7, 2006, Abstracts.
- Horkay, F. Similarities between the Osmotic and Structural Properties of Biopolymer Solutions and Gels. (PDF 186 KB) 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. September 10-14, 2006. Polym. Preprints 47 (2) pp. 103-104 (2006).
- M. E. Komlosh, M. J. Lizak, F. Horkay, R. Z. Freidlin, and P. J. Basser. (2006) Detection of local anisotropy using double-PGSE filtered imaging. (PDF 328 KB) In 47th ENC.
- P.J. Basser, T. Blumenfeld, G. Levin, Y. Yovel, and Y. Assaf. (2006) AxCaliber: An MRI Method to Measure the Diameter Distribution and Density of Axons in Neuronal Tissue. (PDF 178 KB) In 8th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, P37.
- Chang L-C., Pierpaoli C., and Basser P.J. (2006) The Variance of DTI-derived Parameters via First-Order Perturbation Methods. (PDF 180 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 14, p 1628.
- Y. Assaf, T. Blumenfeld, G. Levin, Y. Yovel, P. J. Basser. (2006) AxCaliber – A Method to Measure the Axon Diameter Distribution and Density in Neuronal Tissues. (PDF 102 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 14. 637.
- Cahn, S.J., S. Pajevic, and P.J. Basser. 2006. Imaging the Performance: Analyzing Music with a Similarity Matrix. (PDF 45 KB) In Society for Music Theory National Conference. Los Angeles.
- Koay, C.G., L. Chang, C. Pierpaoli, P. J. Basser. Error Propagation Framework for Diffusion Tensor Imaging. (PDF 121 KB) In 14th ISMRM. Seattle, Washington. 1067.
- U. Nevo and E. Hauben. (2006) The Symmetry of Self-Tolerance: New Insights Using Classical Concepts. In Keystone Symposia on Tolerance, Autoimmunity and Immune Regulation. Breckenridge, Colorado.
- Özarslan, E., Shepherd, T.M., Vemuri, B.C., Blackband, S.J. and Mareci, T.H. (2006) A nonparametric reconstruction and its matrix implementation for the diffusion orientation transform (DOT). (PDF 200 KB) In Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, Arlington, VA, 3:85-88.
- Özarslan, E., Shepherd, T.M., Vemuri, B.C., Blackband, S.J. and Mareci, T.H. (2006) From ADC to probability profiles: the diffusion orientation transform (DOT). (PDF 167 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., Seattle, WA, 14:1028.
- Özarslan, E., Vemuri, B.C. and Blackband, S.J. (2006) Extension of the diffusion orientation transform (DOT) to multiexponential signal attenuation. (PDF 101 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., Seattle, WA, 14:713.
- Özarslan, E., Basser, P.J., Shepherd, T.M., Thelwall, P.E., Vemuri, B.C. and Blackband, S.J. T.H. (2006) Characterization of anomalous diffusion from MR signal may be a new probe to tissue microstructure. (PDF 218 KB) In Proc. of the Intl. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), New York City, NY, 28:2256-2259.
- V. Pickalov, and P. J. Basser (2006). 3-D tomographic reconstruction of the average propagator from MRI data. (PDF 249 KB) In Third IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Macro to Nano, Arlington, VA (ISBI'06). pp.710-713.
- Silva, S., P.J. Basser, and P.C. Miranda. 2006. A Study of the Activating Functions for Neuronal Stimulation by TMS. (PDF 88 KB) In Biomag.
- Lin, D.C., E.K. Dimitriadis, and F. Horkay. 2006. Strategies for Automated Extraction of Young's Moduli of Soft Materials from AFM Force Curves: Application to Cartilage. (PDF 167 KB) In ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, Florida.
- Lin, D.C., E.K. Dimitriadis, I. Horkayne-Szakaly, and F. Horkay. 2006. Elastic and Osmotic Properties of Articular Cartilage. (PDF 22 KB) In American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
- CG Koay, JD Carew, AL Alexander, PJ Basser, ME Meyerand, (2005) “Remedies for Anomalous Estimates of Some Cancer Derived Quantities in DTI”, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13: 1330.
- Jones DK and Pierpaoli C. (2005) Contribution of Cardiac Pulsation to Variability of Tractography Results. (PDF 131 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13:222.
- Pierpaoli C, Virta A, and Schiffmann R. (2005) Diffusion Tensor MRI in Mucolipidosis Type IV. (PDF 110 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13:649.
- Kim S, Chi-Fishman G, Barnett AS, and Pierpaoli C. (2005) Dependence on Diffusion Time of Apparent Diffusion Tensor of Ex Vivo Calf Tongue and Heart. (PDF 94 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13:1285.
- Kim S, Pierpaoli C, Barnett AS, and Chi-Fishman G. (2005) Segmentation of Lingual Muscles Based on Diffusion Tensor Imaging. (PDF 198 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13:2729.
- Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J., Hecht, A.M.; Geissler, E. Comparison between the Effect of Calcium Ions on the Osmotic Properties of Synthetic and Biopolymer Gels. (PDF 167 KB) 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 13-17, 2005, Polym. Preprints 2005, Vol.46 (1) pp. 127-128.
- Horkay, F.; Horkayne-Szakaly, I.; Basser, P.J. Measurement of the Osmotic Properties of Biological Tissue Samples. 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 13-17, 2005, Biotechnology Division, Abstracts.
- Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J.; Hecht, A.M.; Geissler, E. Effect of Calcium Ions on the Structure of Synthetic and Biopolymer Gels. 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC. August 28-September 2, 2005, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 93, 105-106 (2005).
- Michelman-Ribeiro, A.; Boukari, H.; Nossal, R.; Horkay, F. Probe Diffusion in PVA Solutions and Gels Studied by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. (PDF 190 KB) 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC. August 28-September 2, 2005, Polym. Preprints 2005, Vol.46 (2) pp. 700-701.
- Basser, P.J., Horkay, F. Probing Cartilage Constituents at Different Length Scales. MRS Fall Meeting, Biomimetic Polymers and Gels, November 28-December 2, 2005, Boston, MA. Abstracts.
- Michelman-Ribeiro, A.; Nossal, R.; Horkay, F.; Boukari, H. Probe Diffusion in Concentrated Polymer Solutions and Gels by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. MRS Fall Meeting, Biomimetic Polymers and Gels, November 28-December 2, 2005, Boston, MA. Abstracts.
- Chang, L-C., Rohde, G.K., and Pierpaoli, C. (2005) An automatic method for estimating noise-induced signal variance in magnitude-reconstructed magnetic resonance images. (PDF 236 KB) In Proc. of SPIE 5747:1136–1142.
- Rohde, G.K., Barnett, A.S., Basser, P.J., and Pierpaoli, C. (2005) Estimating intensity variance due to noise in registered images. (PDF 378 KB) In Proc. of SPIE 5747:655–666.
- Chang L-C., Rohde G. K., Basser P.J., and Pierpaoli C. (2005) Automatically Estimating Noise-Induced Signal Variance in Magnitude Reconstructed MRI using Kernel Estimator. (PDF 183 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13, p. 2254.
- Chang L-C., Rohde G. K., and Basser P.J. (2005) Analytic Expressions for the Uncertainty of DTI-derived Parameters and their Validation Using Monte Carlo Methods. (PDF 200 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. Workshop on Methods for Quantitative Diffusion MRI of Human Brain, Alberta, Canada, March 13-16. 2005.
- Chang L-C., Rohde G. K., Pierpaoli C. (2005). An Automatic Method for Estimating Noise-induced Signal Variance in Magnitude-reconstructed Magnetic Resonance Images. (PDF 227 KB) In Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 5747: p1136-1142.
- Y. Assaf, R. Z. Freidlin, P. J. Basser. (2005) The Measurement of the Axon Diameter Distribution in White Matter using Diffusion MR Methods. (PDF 349 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13. 842.
- L. Avram, Y. Assaf, P. J. Basser, Y. Cohen. (2005) Finer Discrimination of Fiber Orientation at High q Diffusion MR: Theoretical and Experimental Confirmation. (PDF 169 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13. 219.
- V. Pickalov, P. J. Basser. (2005) 3-D Tomographic Reconstruction of the Average Propagator from Diffusion-Weighted MR Data. (PDF 230 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13 386.
- M. E. Komlosh, R. Z. Freidlin, F. Horkay, Y. Assaf, P. J. Basser. (2005) Detection of microscopic anisotropy in gray matter using d-PGSE. (PDF 284 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 13. 843.
- Nevo, U., A. Gothilf, S. Akselrod, M. Neeman and M. Schwartz. (2005) Tracking the Evolution of Experimental Spinal Cord Injury by in-vivo MRI Microscopy. (PDF 34 KB) In 13th ISMRM. Toronto, Miami, Florida. 1092.
- Komlosh, M. E., M. J. Lizak, F. Horkay, R. Z. Freidlin, and P. J. Basser. 2005. Detection of local anisotropy using double-PGSE filter imaging. (PDF 498 KB) In 46th ENC, Providence, RI.
- PJ Basser. Overview and DTI basics- from diffusion weighted images to diffusion tensors. DTI Workshhop, In Proceedings: white matter in the cognitive neurosciences: advances in diffusion tensor imaging and its applications, New York Academy of Sciences, NYC, NY, 2004
- Rohde, G.K., S. Pajevic, and C. Pierpaoli. (2004) Multi-channel registration of diffusion tensor images using directional information. (PDF 1.5 MB) In 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. IEEE, Arlington, VA, USA. 712-715.
- Rohde, G.K., S. Pajevic, and C. Pierpaoli. (2004) Nonlinear registration of diffusion tensor images using directional information. (PDF 165 KB) In ISMRM, Kyoto, Japan. 1213.
- Pierpaoli, C., and D.K. Jones. (2004) Removing CSF Contamination in Brain DT-MRIs by Using a Two-Compartment Tensor Model. (PDF 187 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 12:1215.
- Jones, D.K., and C. Pierpaoli. (2004) Towards a Marriage of Deterministic and Probabilistic Tractography Methods: Bootstrap Analysis of Fiber Trajectories in the Human Brain. (PDF 152 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 12:1276.
- Horkay, F., Basser, P.J.; Hecht, A,M.; Geissler, E. Osmotic Behavior of DNA Gels Swollen in Physiological Salt Solutions. (PDF 137 KB) 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA. March 28-April 1, 2004. PMSE Preprints 2004, Vol.90, pp. 319-320.
- Basser, P.J.; Horkay, F. Characterizing Functional Properties of Extracellular Matrix. Polymer Networks 2004, 17th Polymer Networks Group Conference, Bethesda, MD, August 15-19, 2004, Abstracts, T02.
- Horkay, F.; Hecht, A.M.; Basser, P.J., Geissler, E. Aggrecan: Structure and Dynamics in Solution. Polymer Networks 2004, 17th Polymer Networks Group Conference, Bethesda, MD, August 15-19, 2004, Abstracts, P07.
- Horkayne-Szakaly, I.; Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J. Osmotic Swelling of Tissue Engineered Cartilage Samples. Polymer Networks 2004, 17th Polymer Networks Group Conference, Bethesda, MD, August 15-19, 2004, Abstracts, P08.
- Horkay, F.; Basser, P.J., Hecht, A.M.; Geissler, E. Osmotic and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Properties of DNA Gels. (PDF 159 KB) 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August 21-26, 2004, Polym. Preprints 2004, Vol.45 (2), pp. 459-460.
- Lin-Gibson, S.; Jones, R.L.; Washburn, N.R.; Horkay, F. Structure-Property Relationships of Photopolymerizable PEGDM Hydrogels. (PDF 192 KB) 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August 21-26, 2004, Polym. Preprints 2004, Vol.45 (2), pp. 374-375.
- Chang L-C., Rohde G. K., Jones D.K., Basser P.J., and Pierpaoli C. (2004) RESTORE: Robust Estimation of Tensors by Outlier Rejection. (PDF 112 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 12.
- Y. Assaf, O. Pasternak, P. J. Basser. (2004) Combined DTI and q-Space Analysis at High Angular Resolution of the Human Brain. (PDF 386 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11. 1200.
- S. Pajevic, G. K. Rohde, P. J. Basser, A. Aldroubi. (2004) Non-Homogeneous Wavelet Denoising. (PDF 114 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11. 2223.
- R. Z. Freidlin, H. D. Morris, F. Horkay, C. Pierpaoli, R. Toyama, I. B. Dawid, P. J. Basser. (2004) Diffusion Tensor MR Microscopy of Adult Zebrafish. (PDF 145 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11. 1755.
- D. K. Jones, A. R. Travis, G. M. Eden, C. Pierpaoli, P. J. Basser. (2004) Artifact or Architecture? An Integrated Approach to Visualizing Uncertainty and Partial Volume Effects in DT-MRI Tractography. (PDF 244 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11. 618.
- L. L. Latour, J. A. Butman, J. Bykowski, P. Basser, S. Warach. (2004) Computation of ADC maps from FLAIR b=0 and DWI b=1000 reduces contamination by cerebral spinal fluid with minimal increase in scan time. (PDF 83 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11. 1191.
- D. K. Jones, P. J. Basser. (2004) "Squashing Peanuts and Smashing Pumpkins": How Noise Distorts Diffusion-Weighted MR Data. (PDF 51 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11. 86.
- Basser, P.J., and S. Pajevic. 2004. The Problem with Peanuts. (PDF 67 KB) In 12th ISMRM Annual Meeting. Kyoto, Japan. 94.
- S. Pajevic, P. J. Basser. (2004) NURBS in DT-MRI. (PDF 121 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11. 620.
- Y. Assaf, R. Z. Freidlin, G. K. Rohde, P. J. Basser. (2004) A New Modeling and Experimental Framework to Characterize Hindered and Restricted Water Diffusion in Brain White Matter. (PDF 403 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11. 251.
- Lange, N., D.K. Jones, and C. Pierpaoli. (2004) A closed-form method for improving inter-subject coherence in diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. In ISBI, Crystal City, VA. 1506-1509.
- Pierpaoli, C., S. Marenco, G. Rohde, D.K. Jones, and A.S. Barnett. (2003) Analyzing the contribution of cardiac pulsation to the variability of quantities derived from the diffusion tensor. (PDF 189 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 11:70.
- Rohde, G.K., Pajevic, S., Pierpaoli, C., and Basser, P.J. (2003) Covariance matrix based elastic multi-channel image registration. (PDF 51 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11:615.
- Assaf, Y., and Basser, P.J. (2003) Combining DT and q-space MRI: a new model of white matter in the brain. (PDF 44 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11:588.
- Basser, P.J., and Pajevic, S. (2003) Optimal Design of DT-MRI Experiments Using a New Tensor-variate Gaussian Distribution. (PDF 134 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11:2119.
- Jones, D.K. (2003) When is a DT-MRI Sampling Scheme Truly Isotropic? (PDF 77 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11:2118.
- Rohde, G.K., Barnett, A.S., Basser, P.J., Marenco, S., and Pierpaoli, C. (2003) A comprehensive approach for correcting motion and distortion in diffusion weighted MRI. (PDF 37 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11:1055.
- Jones, D.K, Catani, M., Reeves, S.J., Shergill, S.S., McGuire, P., Horsfield, M.A., Simmons, A., Williams, S.C., and Howard, R.J. (2003) A Tractography Approach to Studying Fronto-Temporal Fasciculi in Schizophrenia and Late Onset Schizophrenia-like Psychosis. (PDF 53 KB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11:244.
- P. J. Basser. Histological and Physiological Features Obtained From Diffusion-Tensor MRI Data. (PDF 215 KB) ISMRM Workshop on Diffusion MRI: What Can We Measure?
Saint-Malo, France10-12 March 2002
- C Pierpaoli, J Guerrini, S Marenco, PJ Basser, AS Barnett, RM Pluta. DT-MRI reveals different architectural patterns in the cerebrum cerebral and cerebellar cortex. p 721, 10th scientific meeting of the ISMRM, 2002.
- PJ Basser. Diffusion tensor and q-space MR are complementary and consistent methodologies. p. 1153, 10th scientific meeting of the ISMRM, 2002.
- S Pajevic ,PJ Basser, GK Rohde, C pierpaoli, D Jones, A Aldroubi, “Multiscale approaches for diffusion tensor MRI”, p.1176, 10th scientific meeting of the ISMRM, 2002.
- GK Rohde, C Pierpaoli, S Pajevic, P Basser, “Information theoretic matching of non-scalar images” p. 2483, 10th scientific meeting of the ISMRM, 2002.
- Peter J Basser, “Diffusion-tensor MRI: theory, experimental design, and data analysis”, p 235, session, Second Joint EMBS-BMES conference, 2002, Houston, TX.
P. J. Basser and S. Pajevic. A normal distribution for tensor-valued random variables to analyze diffusion tensor MRI data.
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington, DC, USA, 2002, pp. 927-930, doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2002.1029413.
Author's Comments
This work grew out of a realization in the late ‘90s that diffusion tensor MRI data was becoming more widely used among research labs, and eventually would become used clinically in diagnostic radiological and neurosurgical applications inter alia, as well as a become a key imaging technology in longitudinal and multi-site clinical studies. What was lacking at that time, however, was a statistical infrastructure or framework to assess variability of measured DTI data. For instance, if one wished to determine what was “normal” from normative DTI data there was no clear way to assess the variability of DTI within the sample. If DTI-derived parameters were to be used clinically, we needed to establish whether an individual’s DTI data were significantly different from that in a population of normal subjects, possibly indicating pathology.
In 1998 I began thinking about new ways to characterize the variability of an estimated diffusion tensor in each voxel of an imaging volume, and the notion of the normal or Gaussian tensor-variate distribution began taking shape. This issue was actually addressed by me previously in our Basser PJ, Mattiello J, Le Bihan D. (1994) Estimation of the effective self-diffusion tensor from the NMR spin echo. J Magn Reson B. 103(3):247-54. PMID: 8019776, DOI: 10.1006/jmrb.1994.1037, but there, the covariance structure was a square covariance matrix that was difficult to interpret. The key observation was that the exponent of the multivariate normal distribution was a scalar quantity – a quadratic form – produced by “contracting” a random vector with a covariance matrix. This was the framework I used previously in the “Estimation“ paper above to characterize the effects of measurement noise on the estimate of the diffusion tensor elememts. However, there ought to have been a more elegant form of this distribution that preserved the beautiful properties of the tensor itself, without having to write out its components as a list of numbers (i.e., as a vector). I reasoned that the same overall structure of the quadratic form could be preserved when the random variable was a 2nd or higher-order tensor. Then, the exponent should be the contraction of that random tensor with a new covariance structure. For a 2nd-order normal random tensor variable, that covariance structure must be a 4th-order covariance tensor. Fortunately, this all fell into place. I had seen this object before in a different guise in my prior studies of continuum mechanics, where the scalar “elastic free energy” could be written as the contraction of the 2nd-order strain tensor and the 4th-order elasticity tensor. Happily, many new results and statistical properties and findings began flowing from this basic realization.
However, getting this work published was no easy task. In 2000 I submitted a manuscript to one journal describing the properties and applications of a new tensor-variate normal or Gaussian distribution. After a year and multiple pleadings with the editor to get my reviews returned, I received a snarky one-paragraph review saying that none of this was new and “all of it could be found in Anderson”, a textbook on multivariable statistics. I wrote back that I scoured Anderson and could find no mention of concepts related to my work. No response. I withdrew the manuscript and resubmitted to another journal, which also rejected it after about a year. Persistence pays. I then decided to present the work as a poster at an early IEEE ISBI conference. Max Vergiever, an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, happened to come over to hear my presentation and read through my poster. I explained to him the trouble I was having getting it published, and he invited me to submit it to his journal, which I did. The paper finally found its way in print in 2003 after a forced period of hibernation of about five years.
- PJ Basser, Diffusion-tensor MR imaging”, Bat Sheva Seminar on Diffusion NMR and MRI: From Molecules to the Entire Human Brain, Tel Aviv, Israel 2001 pp. 15 – 35.
- Carlo Pierpaoli, Alan Barnett, Sinisa Pajovic, Annette Virta, Peter J Basser, “Validation of DT-MRI tractography in descending motor pathways of human subjects” , 501, 9th scientific meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine ISMRM, 2001, Glasgow Scotland.
- Daniel Alexander, Carlo Pierpaoli, Peter Basser, James C Gee, “An algorithm for preservation of orientation during non-rigid warps of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance (DT-MR) images, 791, 9th scientific meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine ISMRM, 2001, Glasgow Scotland.
- Sinisa Pajevic, Peter J Basser, Akram Aldoubi, “A continuous tensor field approximation for DT-MRI data”, 1535, 9th scientific meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine ISMRM, 2001, Glasgow Scotland.
- Pedro C Miranda, Sinisa Pajevic, Carlo Pierpaoli, Mark Hallett, Peter J Basser, “The distribution of currents induced in the brain by magnetic stimulation: a finite element analysis incorporating DT-MRI derived conductivity data”, 1540, 9th scientific meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine ISMRM, 2001, Glasgow Scotland.
- Kimberlee Potter, Richard K Leapman, Peter J Basser, William J Landis, “Endochondral bone formation studied by proton NMR Microscopy”, 2126, 9th scientific meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine ISMRM, 2001, Glasgow Scotland.
- Zhang S. et al. (2001) An immersive virtual environment for DT-MRI volume visualization applications: a case study.
In: Proceedings Visualization, 2001. VIS '01. 21-26 October 2001, San Diego, CA, p. 437-440, 584.
- Zhang S. et al. (2001) Toward Application of Virtual Reality to Visualization of DT-MRI Volumes.
In: Niessen W.J., Viergever M.A. (eds) Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2001. MICCAI 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2208. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- K. Potter, R.D. Leapman, P.J. Basser, W.J. Landis. (2001) Bone Formation Studied by Proton NMR Microscopy. (PDF 17 KB) Sixth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Nottingham, England, September 2001.
- K. Potter, R.D. Leapman, P.J. Basser, W.J. Landis. (2001) Bone Formation Studied by Proton NMR Microscopy. Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 9:2126. Abstract (RTF) (DOC 47 KB)
- PJ Basser, S pajevic, C pierpaoli, A Aldroubi, and J Duda, Fiber tractography in human brain using diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI), p 784, 8th scientific meeting of the International Society for magnetic resonance in medicine, Denver, CO. 2000.
- Ferrenc Horkay, ichiji tasaki, and Peter J Basser, Thermodynamic properties of polyacrylate networks swollen in physiological salt solutions, p. 355, American chemical society abstracts, 219th ACS national meeting, san francisco, california, 2000
- PJ Basser, “Diffusion tensor MRI”, p. 5-6, Advanced NMR Techniques in the Study of Ordered Biological Tissues and Elastomers, Research Workshop of the Israeli Science Foundation, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1999.
- PJ Basser, “Early Detection of Disease Using Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, NIH Biomedical Imaging Symposium: Visualizing the Future of Biology and Medicine. Bethesda, MD, June, 1999.
- PJ Basser and S Pajevic, “quantitative statistical tests for assessing changes in the trace of the diffusion tensor: clinical and biological implications,” p. 1789, 7th scientific meeting of the International Society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1999
- S Pajevic and PJ Basser, “Non-Parametric analysis of diffusion tensor MRI data using the bootstrap method” p. 7/24/20001790, 7th scientific meeting of the International Society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1999
- S Pajevic and PJ Basser, “Parametric description of noise in diffusion tensor MRI,” p. 1787, 7th scientific meeting of the International Society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1999.
- PJ Basser and S Pajevic, “Method to reduce eigenvalue sorting bias in DT-MRI,” p. 1788, 7th scientific meeting of the International Society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1999.
- K. Potter, J. Butler, W.E. Horton, R.G.S. Spencer. (1999) Non-invasive Evaluation of Engineered Cartilage Tissue Using Proton NMR Microscopy. (PDF 749 KB) Fifth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Heidelberg, Germany, September 1999.
- PJ Basser, Carlo Pierpaoli, “Diffusion Tensor MRI of Intervertebral Disc”, p. 32, SMRM Workshop on magnetic resonance of connective tissues and biomaterials, Philadelphia PA,1998.
P.J. Basser. (1998) Fiber-Tractography via Diffusion Tensor MRI (DT-MRI). (PDF 854 KB) Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 6. 1226.
Author's Comments
This ISMRM abstract proposed the first “streamline tractography” algorithm to follow white matter fiber tracts or pathways in the brain and in other fibrous media. While in a prior 1992 ISMRM abstract I had pointed out that we could perform fiber tractography by stringing together diffusion ellipsoids within the imaging volume as though they “are connected like linked sausages that follow fiber tracts” developing such an algorithm proved challenging. In fact, in many lectures I gave during the mid -‘90s I would ask audience members to look at diffusion ellipsoid images in anisotropic white matter areas like the corpus callosum as though they were squinting in the back of the room at a pointillist painting, and start to see the individual ellipsoids meld together into continuous fiber tracts. However, I learned that our mind does a better job joining these discrete ellipsoids than computer algorithms do. Therefore, I elected to go back to proposing a tractography algorithm that follows tracts as though they were fluid streamlines, a schema I had proposed in 1991 to my colleagues, Denis LeBihan, Bob Turner, and Philippe Douek. The first description of this streamline tractography method actually can be found in Derek Jones’ classic book on Diffusion Tensor MRI in a “memo” I had shared with my NIH collaborators. This 1998 abstract also pointed out that it is problematic to follow fibers or tracts in regions where the fiber architecture may be incoherent, particularly where fibers “cross, branch, merge, or fan-out”, a limitation that was not appreciated initially as the field of DTI tractography emerged.
- PJ Basser, “Diffusion Anisotropy: Measurement and Analysis” in Diffusion and Perfusion: Mini-Categorical Course, 5th ISMRM, 1997, Vancouver, CA
- C Pierpaoli, “Oh no! One more method for color mapping of fiber tract direction using diffusion MRI imaging data”, page 1741, 5th scientific meeting of the International Society of magnetic resonance in medicine, Vancouver, Canada, 1997
- Alice Maroudas, Rosa Schneiderman, Peter J Basser, ruud a Bank, and Ellen wachtel, p. 77-85, “Mechanical properties of the collagen network in human articular cartilage as measured by osmotic stress technique”, proceedings of the scientific papers presented at SIROT 97 HAIFA Inter-Meeting, 1997, editor H Stein.
- Basser PJ. Measuring a proton diffusion tensor field in tissues [abstract] (161 KB). In: 38th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC); 1997 Mar 23-27; Orlando, FL. Text Alternative
- P.J. Basser and C. Pierpaoli. (1997) Estimating the principal diffusivities (eigenvalues) of the effective diffusion tensor. (PDF 2.3 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 5. 1739.
- P.J. Basser and C. Pierpaoli. (1997) Analytic expressions for the diffusion tensor elements. (PDF 2.3 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 5. 1738.
- P.J. Basser and R. Shrager. (1997) Anisotropically weighted MRI. (PDF 2.1 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 5. 226.
- P.J. Basser. (1997) Quantifying Errors in Fiber-Tract Direction and Diffusion Tensor Field Maps Resulting from MR Noise.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 5. 1740. PDF (647 KB).
- P.J. Basser, R Schneidermann, R Banks, A Maroudas (1996) “Measuring Mechanical Properties of the CCollagen Network in Cartilage”, In 42nd Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society. Atlanta, GA
- P.G. McQueen; A.J. Jin; C. Pierpaoli; P.J. Basser. “Development of a Finite Element Model of Molecular Diffusion in Living Brain from in vivo Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging”. Proceedings of the 1996 Fifteenth Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference
, Dayton, OH https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/493206
- PJ Basser. MR Imaging of the Diffusion Tensor of Water in Tissues. (PDF 288 KB) p. 14, USFDA and NIMH, Current and Emerging Techniques for Monitoring Brain Structure and Function, March 1996.
- Pierpaoli C, Jezzard P, Basser PJ, et al. Quantitative Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Brain. ESMRMB, Prague, 1996.
- C. Pierpaoli and P.J. Basser. (1996) New invariant "lattice" index achieves significant noise reduction in measuring diffusion anisotropy. (PDF 2.2 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 4. 1326.
- P.J. Basser. (1996) Testing for and exploiting microstructural symmetry to characterize tissues via diffusion tensor MRI. (PDF 2.2 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 1323.
- C. Pierpaoli, A. Barnett, L. Penix, T. De Graba, P.J. Basser, and G. Di Chiro. (1996) Identification of fiber degeneration and organized gliosis in stroke patients by diffusion tensor MRI.
PDF (2.2 MB) (In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med.4. 563.
- P.G. McQueen, A.J. Jin, C. Pierpaoli, and P.J. Basser. (1996) A finite element model of molecular diffusion in brain incorporating in vivo diffusion tensor MRI data.
PDF (2.1 MB) In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 4. 193.
- P.J. Basser, M.S. Lewis, and A.J. Grodzinsky. (1996) Electrostatic forces between charged macromolecules measured by equilibrium sedimentation: Relevance to cartilage mechanics. (PDF 1.4 MB) In 42nd Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society.
- Basser, P.J., Lewis, M., and Grodzinsky, A.J. Electrostatic Interactions Between Polyelectrolytes Measured in a Centrifuge.' paper TM1.5, Symposium on Electrokinetics, ASME/AIChE/ASCE/ Summer Bioengineering Conference, Beaver Creek, CO., June 28 - July 2, 1995.
- Basser PJ, Pierpaoli C. Diffusion Tensor MRI: A new method to elucidate tissue structure and organization. (PDF 2 MB) 1995 Bioengineering Conference, Beaver Creek, CO, 1995, p. 367-368.
- C. Pierpaoli, B. Choi, P. Jezzard, P.J. Basser, G. Di Chiro. Significant changes in brain water diffusivity observed under hyperosmolar conditions. (PDF 273 KB) SMR/ESMRMB, Nice, France, 1995, p. 31.
- P.J. Basser and C. Pierpaoli. (1995) Elucidating tissue structure by diffusion tensor MRI. (PDF 2.5 MB) In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. Nice, France. 900.
- Basser PJ. A sensitive method to calibrate the magnetic field gradients using the diffusion tensor. (PDF 1 MB) 3rd Annual Meeting of the SMR, 1995, vol 1, 308, Nice, France.
- Pierpaoli C, Jezzard P, Basser PJ. High-resolution diffusion tensor imaging of the human brain. (PDF 1.1 MB) 3rd Annual Meeting of the SMR, 1995, vol 2, 899, Nice, France.
- Basser PJ, Grodzinsky AJ. Electrostatic interactions between polyelectrolytes within an ultracentrifuge.
PDF (211 KB) In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE; 1994 3-6 Nov; Baltimore, MD, pp. 750-751.
Basser PJ, Mattiello J, Pierpaoli C, and LeBihan D. MR diffusion tensor imaging of ischemic brain in vivo.
PDF (216 KB) In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE; 1994 3-6 Nov; Baltimore, MD, pp. 566-567.
Author's Comments
This abstract describes our first use of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) or as it was known then, diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI), to assess brain pathology. Ischemic stroke had been previously “invisible” radiologically until Moseley et al. showed that the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) dropped significantly in areas of the brain where blood flow had been reduced or cut-off (i.e., where there was ischemia). However, the ADC was not a panacea for identifying these ischemic areas. There was a serious confound in his ADC measurement because some brain regions, particularly in white matter, showed low ADC, as well, so it was difficult for the radiologist to distinguish between tissue that had been starved of oxygen and glucose, and white matter that was creating these stray artifacts that also looked like stroke. Our introduction of the trace or the mean ADC (mADC) solved this radiological confound. This abstract was the first of our publications to demonstrate that our measure of the bulk orientationally-averaged water diffusivity or the mADC, obtained from the diffusion tensor, could unambiguously identify ischemic areas in the brain.
- Pierpaoli C, Linfante I, Mattiello J, Di Chiro G, LeBihan D, and Basser PJ. Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Brain White Matter Anisotropy. (PDF 2.7 MB) In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance; 1994 Aug 6-12; San Francisco, CA, p. 1038.
- Buschmann, MD, Basser, PJ, and Grodzinsky, AJ. A Microstructural Model for Swelling Pressure and Compressive Modulus of Tissues Containing Charged GAG Chains: Comparison to Donnan Theory. Trans ASME Bioeng Conf, Colorado, June 25-29, BED Vol 24, 80-83, 1993.
- D Le Bihan, PJ Basser, J Mattiello, CA Cuenod, S Posse, R Turner, L Pannier, “Assessment of NMR Diffusion Measurements in Biological System: Effects of Microdynamics and Microstructure”, in Functional MRI of the Brain, ISMRM Workshop, June 17-19, 1993, Pentagon City, Virginia
- PJ Basser, D le bihan, and J mattiello, “Measuring tissue fiber direction using diffusion NMR”, Tu-PM-L9, biophysical society 37th annual meeting, Washington DC, 1993.
- Basser PJ, Mattiello J, Turner R, Le Bihan D. Diffusion tensor echo-planar imaging of human brain. (PDF 347 KB) In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; 1993 Aug 14-20; New York, NY, p. 584.
- Basser PJ, Mattiello J, and LeBihan D. MR imaging of fiber-tract direction and diffusion in anisotropic tissues. (PDF 2.3 M) In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; 1993 Aug 14-20; New York, NY, p. 288.
- Mattiello J, Basser PJ, and LeBihan D. Analytical Expression for the Gradient b-Factor in NMR Diffusion Imaging.
PDF (2.3 MB) In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; 1993 Aug 14-20; New York, NY, p. 582.
P.J. Basser and D. LeBihan. (1992) Fiber orientation mapping in an anisotropic medium with NMR diffusion spectroscopy. (PDF 1.5 MB) In 11th Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting. 1221.
Author's Comments
This abstract was the first “printed publication” to introduce and describe diffusion tensor NMR and DT-MRI (DTI), the latter being a new imaging method that uses diffusion weighted MR images to measure and map features of the diffusion tensor of water (or other spin-labeled species) within each voxel of an imaging volume. Here, I introduced the form of the 3D net displacement distribution, and motivated the use of the diffusion ellipsoid, which can be derived from it, to visualize features of diffusion anisotropy. I also introduced new quantitative MR parameters derived from the diffusion tensor. One of them, the Trace or the mean apparent diffusion coefficient (mADC) has become used universally as a quantitative imaging biomarker that radiologists and neuroscientists routinely employ in a myriad of diagnostic and research applications. I also introduced the use of other “rotational invariants” of the diffusion tensor, as well, since these scalar quantities are intrinsic to the tissue, preserving their value regardless of the frame of reference in which these measurements are made or the orientation of the sample in the scanner. To nail that down, the data presented in skeletal muscle showed the “fiber frame of reference” of the tissue, as depicted as the principal axes of the diffusion ellipsoid, rotates when the tissue is rotated, along with the principal axes of the diffusion ellipsoid. However, the eigenvalues or principal diffusivities of the tissue, which determine the shape of the ellipsoid, and are intrinsic to the tissue, are unchanged. A key contribution here is that diffusion anisotropy, which was largely a radiological confound, suddenly provided a wealth of useful parameters characterizing this important feature. This abstract also introduced DTI tractography – envisioning 3D diffusion images in which diffusion ellipsoids are “connected like linked sausages that follow fiber tracts” to elaborate pathways of fibers, such as muscles or nerves. It took several years for algorithms to perform tractography to be proposed and developed but the “public disclosure” of the idea can be traced back to this work. My later 1998 ISMRM abstract on that subject is the first example of a “streamline tractography” algorithm, that uses a diffusion tensor field to follow fiber tracts in the brain and other fibrous tissue and media.
P.J. Basser, J. Mattiello, and D. LeBihan. (1992) Diagonal and off-diagonal components of the self-diffusion tensor: their relation to and estimation from the NMR spin-echo signal. (PDF 1.1 MB) In 11th Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting. 1222.
Author's Comments
This abstract described the theory and experimental design to measure the diffusion tensor and reports the first measurements of a diffusion tensor of water and skeletal muscle. The relationship between the diffusion weighted signal, the diffusion tensor, and features of the diffusion weighted NMR sequence is first proposed. The b-matrix, which I defined as a generalization of the b-factor used in previous diffusion imaging applications, embodies the degree of diffusion weighting for each component or element of the diffusion tensor. I laid out a particular experimental design in which different linear combinations of the diffusion tensor could be observed by playing out gradients in different directions—at least six—and a statistical framework for estimating the diffusion tensor from that data using multi-variate linear regression. Previous works in the NMR and MRI literature had ignored the off-diagonal elements of the diffusion tensor, nor had they ever been measured, but these are essential to determining the “fiber frame” of reference and distinguish it from the laboratory frame of reference. The entire tensor—both diagonal and off diagonal elements are also needed to determine the principal diffusivities and principal directions, the diffusion ellipsoid and other tensor-derived quantities, which help characterize diffusion anisotropy.
- A homogenized cable equation of a myelinated axon with applications to magnetic stimulation, Peter J. Basser, OP-1-G-3-02 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 29, 1991
- PJ Basser and M Suzuki, “the dynamics of a muscle-like poroelastic gel”, p. 157, NATO Advanced Research workshop: mechanics of swelling from clays to living cells and tissues, Corfu, Greece, 1991
- Peter Basser, “Focal Magnetic Stimulation of an Axon”, 91-217, p. 628, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Journal of the Biomedical Engineering Society, V 19, Num 5, 1991.
- P.J. Basser, a homogenized cable equation of a myelinated axon with applications to magnetic stimulation, OP-1-G-3-2 288 versus 19 for, World Congress On medical physics and biomedical engineering,, Kyoto, 1991.
- P.J. Basser and B.J. Roth. (1990) Scaling laws for electromagnetic stimulation of an axon.
PDF (719 KB) (In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 2238.