The Molecular Genomics Core (MGC) at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development provides DNA and RNA sequencing services for genomic and genetic research. Our services include full gene analysis by DNA sequencing (whole exome, targeted exome and gene-specific sequencing), as well as whole transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq), microRNA sequencing, microbiome sequencing, bisulfite sequencing (DNA methylome), ChIP-Seq and ribosomal profiling. The MGC provides significant primary data processing and downstream bioinformatic support. We can assist in designing experiments or sequencing strategies (for example, optimization of targeted exome design). Our mission is to offer accurate and innovative tools to facilitate research into the diagnosis, counseling and treatment of hereditary disorders.
In addition to meeting with you personally, we have an MGC Users Group that meets periodically to discuss issues and protocols for submitting samples to the MGC for Next-Generation sequencing. Generally information related to the MGC and the MGC Users Group will be distributed through its Listserv function. To join the Listserv, send an email to listserv@list.nih.gov with the phrase ‘subscribe MGC-USERS-L’ in the body.