Congressional Budget Justifications

NICHD receives its funding through an annual congressional appropriation. Every year, the President submits a budget request to the House Appropriations Committee Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Subcommittee and the Senate Appropriations Committee Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Subcommittee. These subcommittees conduct hearings on the accomplishments and needs of HHS and NIH before the agency budget requests are approved by Congress.

NICHD is required to submit to Congress a justification for its overall budget each fiscal year. The congressional budget justification—called the CJ—includes information, such as science advances, stories of discovery, and initiatives, that explains NICHD goals, programs, and necessary funding levels.

Fiscal Year 2025 (PDF 1.5 MB)

Fiscal Year 2024 (PDF 1.4 MB)

Fiscal Year 2023 (PDF 1.5 MB)

Fiscal Year 2022 (PDF 1.54 MB)

Fiscal Year 2021 (PDF 418 KB)

Fiscal Year 2020 (PDF 479 KB)

Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF 216 KB)

Fiscal Year 2018 (PDF 284 KB)

Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF 381 KB)

Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF 428 KB)

Fiscal year 2015 (PDF 522 KB)