Social Media

NICHD takes part in social media activities, which are archived here.

Palliative and Hospice Care Across the Lifespan YouTube Q&A – March 19, 2024 external link

NICHD partnered with the National Institute on Aging to co-host a Q&A on palliative and hospice care across the lifespan. NICHD’s Dr. Tessie October, a medical officer in the Pediatric Trauma and Critical Illness Branch, explained these types of care as they relate to pediatric populations.

Discussing All Things Menstrual Health Instagram Live Event – February 29, 2024 external link

NICHD was a guest on the Before, During, & After Baby Instagram Live weekly series with host Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt. Gynecologic Health and Disease Branch Chief Dr. Candace Tingen spoke about menstruation and its importance for overall women’s health and the value it holds for researchers in helping to improve diagnosis for conditions like endometriosis.

Learning About Maternal Health Instagram Live Event – January 18, 2024 external link

NICHD was a guest on the Before, During, & After Baby Instagram Live weekly series with host Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt. NICHD Director Dr. Diana Bianchi discussed ongoing work to support maternal health, including the Human Placenta Project, the NIH IMPROVE initiative, and efforts to ethically involve pregnant and lactating women in research.

NIH’s Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics-Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) Return to School Q&A – September 22, 2021 external link

NICHD Deputy Director, Dr. Alison Cernich, spoke with researchers and educators on in-school COVID-19 testing programs funded through NIH’s RADx-UP Return to School Diagnostic Testing Initiative in a Facebook event on September 22, 2021. The initiative is a national effort to help ensure the safe return to in-person school in areas with vulnerable and underserved populations.

The #ScienceOfSleep Across the Lifespan Q&A Series: The #ScienceofSleep and Teens Facebook Live Event – August 24, 2021 external link

In August 2021, NICHD partnered with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the National Institute on Aging to host a three-part Facebook Live Q&A series on the science of sleep. During the NICHD-hosted Facebook Live event on August 10, 2021, NHLBI’s Dr. Marishka Brown and NICHD grantee Dr. Lauren Hale shared tips for promoting healthy sleep patterns in teens, discussed how sleep inequalities lead to health disparities, and more.

Let’s Talk About Fibroids Facebook Live Event – July 29, 2021 external link

On July 29, 2021, NICHD hosted a Facebook Live event with the Fibroid Foundation and The White Dress Project for Fibroid Awareness Month. Dr. Candace Tingen, program officer for uterine fibroids research at NICHD, moderated a discussion between experts about fibroid symptoms and treatment, trustworthy resources, and promising scientific research.

Consejos para los padres de familia y cuidadores: cómo crear un lugar de sueño seguro para el bebé – April 2, 2021 external link

In this Facebook Live event, NICHD and CDC en Español (@CDCespanol external link) discussed safe sleep environments for babies in Spanish. Safe to Sleep® campaign lead Lorena Kaplan and Branch Chief of the CDC Division of Reproductive Health Dr. Carrie Shapiro-Mendoza shared tips on creating safe sleep environments and answered frequently asked questions from caregivers and healthcare providers.

Doctor’s Tips for Breastfeeding Mamas: Let's Talk Facebook Live Party – October 26, 2020 – October 26, 2020 external link

NICHD kicked off its weeklong Safe Infant Sleep Block Party with this Facebook Live party celebrating breastfeeding and safe infant sleep. Children’s National Hospital pediatrician and International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant Dr. Sahira Long joined NICHD Safe to Sleep® campaign lead Lorena Kaplan to share tips and answer questions about how families can balance safe infant sleep and breastfeeding.

#PuppyCam Livestream – February 13, 2020 external link

NICHD joined NIH (@NIH external link) for #PuppyCam, a livestream where experts shared tips on mindfulness, stress reduction, and demonstrations from service dogs, pet therapy, and more.

NIH Veterans Day Facebook Live Event – November 12, 2019 external link

As part of this event, NCMRR's Dr. Joe Bonner external link spoke about the recently launched Limb Loss Preservation Registry, which he oversees and aims to improve care for those living with limb loss. Dr. Bonner's portion of the video begins at 9:59.

Prosthetic Arm Programmed for Common Sense: IGTV – September 19 external link

NIH (@nihgovexternal link) hosted a demo on Instagram of a prosthetic arm that offers greater mobility, flexibility, and control. Led by NICHD (@nichd_nihexternal link) Deputy Director Dr. Alison Cernich, NCMRR grantee Dr. Rahul Kaliki showed how the technology developed by his company Infinite Biomedical Technologies (@infinite_biomedexternal link) makes life easier and more accessible for upper-arm prosthetic users.

Reddit “Ask Me Anything”: Air Pollution and Its Effects on Reproductive Health, Pregnancy, and Child Development – August 15, 2019 external link

NICHD’s Drs. Pauline Mendola and Carrie Nobles joined experts at NIEHS for a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” at r/AskScience external link on Thursday, August 15, 2019 from 12-2pm ET. The hosts fielded questions on air pollution and its effects on child health, pregnancy, and reproductive health and on how exposures during pregnancy can influence children’s later health.

#PregnancyCardioHealth Twitter Chat – July 25, 2019

NICHD (@NICHD_NIH external link) hosted a Twitter chat on pregnancy and cardiovascular health external link with the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine (@MySMFM external link), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (@acog external link), and the Preeclampsia Foundation (@preeclampsia external link). More than 300 participants shared important information and resources about cardiovascular issues during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia and eclampsia, with Twitter users.

Take Your Child to Work Day Livestream with NIH – April 25, 2019

On Take Your Child to Work Day, NICHD (@NICHD_NIH external link) and NIH (@NIH external link) co-hosted a Periscope livestream demonstrating a robotic device designed for infants and toddlers. The demonstration was led by Dr. Alison Cernich of NICHD and her grantee, Dr. Peter Pidcoe, from Virginia Commonwealth University, who helped design the device for babies at risk for cerebral palsy.

Facebook Live, NICHD-hosted Community Engagement Forum on Improving Maternal Health – April 8, 2019 external link

NICHD (@NICHD_NIH external link) hosted a Facebook live from their Community Engagement Forum on Improving Maternal Health. During the livestream, panelists took questions on intersecting roles of patient advocates and healthcare providers in improving maternal health.

Pi Day and Brain Awareness Week Livestream – March 14, 2019 external link

In recognition of Pi Day and Brain Awareness Week, NICHD (@NICHD_NIH external link) hosted a Periscope livestream from the Burgess Lab in NICHD’s Division of Intramural Research. During the livestream, Dr. Harry Burgess answered viewer questions and explained how his research on zebrafish can help us understand human disorders like autism.

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) 2020 Livestream – February 13, 2019

NICHD (@NICHD_NIH external link) hosted a Periscope livestream from NIH’s (@NIH external link) SCI2020 external link conference to highlight cutting-edge research in spinal cord injury. Dr. Alison Cernich of NICHD and NICHD grantee Dr. Michael Boninger, from the University of Pittsburgh, demonstrated how technology can help people with motor impairments and answered questions from viewers.

Human Placenta Project Livestream – November 13, 2018

As part of the fifth annual Human Placenta Project meeting, NICHD (@NICHD_NIH ) hosted a Periscope livestream of NICHD researcher Dr. Afrouz Anderson demonstrating a wireless, portable device that monitors oxygen levels in the placenta.

“This is NIH” Zebrafish Lab Livestream – October 11, 2018

NICHD (@NICHD_NIH ) and NIH (@NIH ) co-hosted a “This is NIH” Facebook  and Periscope livestream from the Weinstein Lab in NICHD’s Division of Intramural Research. Dr. Brant Weinstein discussed his research on zebrafish and how it helps to inform and treat common diseases in humans. 

Infertility Twitter Chat – April 25, 2018  

In observance of National Infertility Awareness Week, the NICHD (@NICHD_NIH ) hosted the annual Infertility Twitter chat along with the HHS's Office on Women's Health (@womenshealth ), the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@CDCChronic ), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (@Reprodmed ), and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (@Resolveorg ).

Infertility Twitter Chat – April 26, 2017  

In observance of National Infertility Awareness Week, the NICHD (@NICHD_NIH  ) hosted a Twitter chat along with the HHS's Office on Women's Health (@womenshealth  ), the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@CDCChronic  ), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (@Reprodmed  ), and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (@Resolveorg  ). Over 200 participants shared important information about infertility with Twitter users. 

Reddit "Ask Me Anything": Zika & Child Development – April 21, 2017  

As a follow-up to her first "Ask Me Anything" on Zika virus and pregnancy, Dr. Catherine Spong took nearly 100 questions from Reddit users on Zika virus and its affects on child development.

Reddit "Ask Me Anything": Zika & Pregnancy – September 9, 2016  

Dr. Cathering Spong, NICHD's Deputy Director, took questions from over 400 Reddit users on Zika virus and pregnancy during an "Ask Me Anything."

Rare Disease Day Twitter Chat – February 22, 2016  

NICHD co-hosted a Twitter chat with NIH (@NIH ) and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (@ncats_nih_gov ) to promote Rare Disease Day, held on the last day of February every year. During the chat, NICHD provided condition-specific information on rare diseases, such as Rett syndrome and mitochondrial disorders, and raised awareness of NICHD's research efforts.

Teen Brain  – May 19, 2015  

To help parents and caregivers of teenagers better understand how the teen brain works, NICHD (@NICHD_NIH ) hosted a Twitter chat with ABC News' Chief Health and Medical Editor, Dr. Richard Besser (@ABCDrBChat ), the National Institute of Mental Health (@NIMHgov ) and the U.S. Office of Adolescent Health (@TeenHealthGov ). A few of the topics discussed included the brain's impact on emotion and behavior, how environmental factors like bullying impact the teen brain, and how parents can help teens make better decisions. Access a full transcript of the chat on Storify 

Infertility – April 20, 2015  

In observance of National Infertility Awareness Week, the NICHD (@NICHD_NIH  ) hosted a Twitter chat along with the HHS's Office on Women's Health (@womenshealth  ), the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@CDCChronic  ), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (@Reprodmed ), and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (@Resolveorg  ). Over 260 participants shared important information about infertility with one million Twitter users. 

Preterm Birth - November 19, 2014

In observance of Prematurity Awareness Month, the March of Dimes (@modhealthtalk ) and NICHD (@NICHD_NIH ) hosted a Twitter chat about preterm birth. Using the hashtag #preemiechat, participants discussed preterm birth risk factors and the research being done to help better understand and prevent preterm birth. 

Safe Infant Sleep – October 7, 2014 

In observance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month and the 20th anniversary of the Safe to Sleep® campaign, the NICHD (@NICHD_NIH ) and Parents magazine (@Parentsmagazine ) hosted a Twitter chat about safe infant sleep. Using the hashtag #safetosleep, participants discussed ways parents, caregivers, and health providers can help reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death. 

Childhood Obesity – September 9, 2014  

In observance of Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (@NCCOR ) hosted a #childobesitychat about childhood obesity risk factors, research, and promising strategies.

Chat co-hosts included the NICHD (@NICHD_NIH ) and the National Cancer Institute (@the_NCI ).

Pregnancy – August 28, 2014 

The NICHD, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Office of Women's Health, and the March of Dimes hosted a #pregnancychat to discuss ways parents-to–be and healthcare providers can increase the chance of a healthy pregnancy for mom and baby. Parents-to-be and professionals discussed prenatal care, pregnancy risks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, common pregnancy myths, and labor and delivery.

Men's Health/Minority Health – June 23, 2014  

In observance of Men's Health Month, the HHS Office of Minority Health (@MinorityHealth ) hosted a Twitter chat on men's health focused on minority men. Government offices, non-government organizations, medical experts, and professional athletes participated in the hour-long discussion, using the hashtag #ManUpChat.

Men's Health – June 4, 2014  

HealthCentral hosted a men's #HealthTipsChat to encourage men of all ages to take charge of their health. The chat was moderated by the Men's Health Network (@MensHlthNetwork ).

Postpartum Depression – May 15, 2014 

In recognition of National Women's Health Week, the National Institute of Mental Health (@NIMHgov ) hosted a Twitter chat on postpartum depression. NIMH expert Dr. Peter Schmidt was on hand to discuss the topic and answer questions, using the hashtag #NIMHchats.

Women's Health – May 13, 2014 

During National Women's Health Week, the NICHD participated in a Twitter chat to raise awareness about proactive steps women can take to improve their health. The chat was hosted by Everyday Health (@EverydayHealth ), using hashtag #HealthTalk.

Infertility – April 23, 2014  

During National Infertility Awareness Week, the NICHD hosted an #InfertilityChat to raise awareness about infertility, treatment options, and research.

Chat co-hosts included:

  • The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Women's Health (@womenshealth )
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@CDCChronic )
  • The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (@Reprodmed )
  • RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (@Resolveorg )

Teen Nutrition – January 22, 2014  

The Office of Adolescent Health (@TeenHealthGov ) hosted a #TeenNutrition chat to discuss best practices in nutrition for all adolescents, and what youth-serving programs and professionals can do to help teens adopt and maintain healthy nutrition habits.

Chat co-hosts included:

  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (@USDANutrition )
  • The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (@NIH_NHLBI )
  • The HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@healthfinder )
  • Taylor Wolfram, M.S., R.D., Evidence-Based Practice Manager for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (@TaylorEatRight )

Bullying Prevention – October 29, 2013 

The National Institute of Mental Health (@NIMHgov ) and NICHD co-hosted a Twitter chat in recognition of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. NIMH's Dr. Christopher Sarampote and NICHD's Dr. Valerie Maholmes and Dr. Layla Esposito helped field questions, using the hashtag #NIMHchats.