Obstetric and Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics Branch (OPPTB)

A red pill and a white pill rest in the palm of a hand extended above a fetal ultrasound printout.


OPPTB supports research and research training on the development and use of safe and effective therapeutics for children and pregnant and lactating women. 

The branch promotes basic, translational, and clinical research to evaluate and improve the safety and efficacy of multiple types of therapeutics, such as (but not limited to) pharmaceutical drugs, biologics, medical devices, and regenerative tissue constructs. The branch develops and supports comprehensive national efforts to increase the knowledge base for understanding appropriate therapeutic treatment of diseases and conditions during pregnancy, the postpartum period, and lactation, and for children during infancy, childhood, and the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Branch-supported research includes expanding the genomic understanding and phenotypic characterization of drug responses and leveraging advanced multi-omics technologies; novel clinical trial approaches, data science, and artificial intelligence methods; and pharmacometric modeling tools to inform prevention and treatment strategies. The goal of these efforts is to ensure that therapeutics are appropriately tested for dosing, safety, and effectiveness for individuals within the populations of interest. Individualized and precision-medicine approaches are an important component to treating diseases of these populations.

Multiple knowledge gaps regarding the use of therapeutics in children and pregnant and lactating women have led to inadequate labeling and frequent off-label use of prescription drugs and devices. One of the branch's major activities is implementation of the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA) legislation, which promotes the prioritization of off-patent drugs and therapeutic areas that need further study in pediatrics. The BPCA allows NICHD to sponsor clinical research of the prioritized therapeutics and to disseminate results to improve pediatric drug labeling. The branch is also active in implementing the recommendations of the Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women (PRGLAC).

OPPTB supports training and career development opportunities for researchers and clinicians who intend to focus on maternal and pediatric pharmacology.

Contact Lesly Samedy Bates with questions about OPPTB training and career development opportunities.

  • Access data from OPPTB-supported networks and initiatives, such as BPCA and the historic Pediatric Pharmacology Research Units Network in NICHD's Data and Specimen Hub (DASH)
  • BPCA Resources: Lists resources for pediatric pharmacology researchers
  • BPCA Pediatric Clinical Trials: Includes a listing of current BPCA clinical trials
  • PRGLAC Reports and Recommendations: Includes the PRGLAC Report to the HHS Secretary and Congress, the list of recommendations from the report, and the PRGLAC Report Implementation Plan
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

  • Aaron Pawlyk, Branch Chief 
    Main Research Areas: Assay development and high throughput screening; novel drug and therapeutic discovery; biomarker discovery, validation, and qualification
  • Katie Vance, Associate Branch Chief 
    Main Research Areas: Clinical trial design and implementation; drug discovery and translational research; pharmacology; data science; toxicology; innovative drug development models; electronic health records
  • Camille Fabiyi, Program Officer
    Main Research Areas: Medications and therapeutics for obstetric conditions and their role in lactation and breastfeeding; the inclusion of pregnant women in clinical research; dissemination and implementation research to support perinatal health outcomes
  • Gabriela Piatkowski, Program Analyst
  • Antonello Pileggi, Program Officer
    Main Research Areas: Pediatric and obstetric devices; diagnostic devices; drug delivery systems; eHealth applications; novel biomaterials; neonatal pharmacology
  • Zhaoxia Ren, Program Director
    Main Research Areas: Translational research in pediatrics and obstetrics; pharmacogenomics, pharmacoepidemiology; obstetric-fetal pharmacology; medications in pregnant and lactating women; new drug development
  • Lesly Samedy Bates, Program Officer
    Main Research Areas: Developmental pharmacology and therapeutics in pediatrics; translational and clinical research; pharmacogenomics and pharmacoepidemiology; health disparities research
  • Perdita Taylor-Zapata, Medical Officer
    Main Research Areas: Pediatric medicine; pharmacology: pediatric clinical trials design and implementation, including BPCA
