Zeiss LSM 800

Zeiss LSM 800

The Zeiss LSM 800 is a simple and robust point scanning confocal optimized for tiled imaging of large tissue sections. Imaging more than 3 colors is possible but requires switching optical configuration. It is practical only when recording z-stacks.

Laser lines: 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm

Detectors: 3 GAsP PMTs

Emission filters: 2 continuously variable dichroics, 400-700 nm

Objectives: 2.5x/0.07 Plan Neofluar, 5x/0.16 Plan Apochromat, 10x/0.3 Plan Neofluar, 20x/0.8 Plan Apochromat, 40x/0.75 Plan Neofluar, 63x/1.4 Plan-Apochromat

(additional special-purpose objectives are available on request)

The 800 is equipped with an autofocus device, a transmitted light detector with DIC optic and a full stage-top incubator. Long-term imaging of live specimens is possible on this system.

Advanced tile functions in Zen Blue include: multiple custom tiles and support point (focus surface)