Population Dynamics Branch (PDB)

Demographic graph


PDB supports research, data collection, and research training in demography, reproductive health, and population health.

In demography, the branch supports research on the scientific study of human populations, including fertility, pregnancy outcomes, mortality and morbidity (especially maternal, infant, child, adolescent, and young adult mortality and morbidity), migration, population distribution, population stratification (including disparities), nuptiality, family demography, population growth and decline, and the causes and consequences of demographic change.

In reproductive health, the branch supports behavioral and social science research on family planning, infertility, and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS.

In population health, the branch supports research on how demographic, social, economic, institutional, geographic, and other factors influence human health, productivity, behavior, and development, with an emphasis on research using population-representative data and natural experiments. Research at multiple levels of analysis, involving interdisciplinary perspectives, incorporating social determinants of health, and elucidating mechanisms leading to health disparities are encouraged.

  • Rebecca Clark, Branch Chief
    Main Research Areas: Data (data sharing and big data); gene x environment, epigenetics, biomarkers (behavioral); life course health (developmental origins and early predictors of health); migration and immigration, spatial demography, and GIS; training in population dynamics/demography (institutional); centers (research infrastructure for population dynamics/demography); reproductive health and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV/AIDS (behavioral)
  • Randy Capps, Program Director
    Main Research Areas: Migration and immigration; spatial demography; health and housing; health disparities; research infrastructure (centers) for and institutional training in demographics and population dynamics
  • Juanita Chinn, Program Director
    Main Research Areas: Demography of health and health disparities; mortality, including maternal and infant mortality; causes and consequences of changes in population composition
  • Susan M. Jekielek, Program Director
    Main Research Areas: Data science; large data collection efforts for demographic research, and data sharing and dissemination; family demography; work and family; population research on child development; health economics, population economics, and economic demography
  • Ronna Popkin, Program Director
    Main Research Areas: Sexual and reproductive health (contraception, STIs including HIV/AIDS [behavioral], and public health interventions and programs); fertility (trends and statistical analyses of pregnancies and births); qualitative research methods
