About the IMPROVE Initiative

An estimated 700 U.S. women die each year from conditions related to or associated with pregnancy or childbirth, the highest maternal mortality rate among developed nations. In addition, more than 50,000 women experience severe maternal morbidity (SMM), life-threatening health problems that are present during labor and delivery that can cause significant short- and long-term health problems for mothers.

The NIH-wide IMPROVE initiative supports research on how to reduce preventable maternal mortality and decrease SMM. Using an integrated approach to understand the factors contributing to maternal mortality, SMM, and maternal morbidity, the IMPROVE initiative will build an evidence base for improved maternal care and outcomes.

This multipronged, innovative research initiative is designed to understand and reduce health disparities among populations disproportionately affected by maternal morbidity and mortality. The IMPROVE approach also addresses geographic disparities and social determinants of health.

Initiative Goals

The IMPROVE initiative aims to:

  • Address the foremost causes of maternal mortality in the United States, which include cardiovascular and hypertensive conditions and disorders, mental health conditions, hemorrhage, and infection—as well as significant pregnancy-associated and pregnancy-related health complications, such as diabetes, obesity, and substance use disorders.
  • Identify factors that contribute to disparities in maternal health and delays or disruptions in maternal care.
  • Support the development of technologies, tools, devices, and interventions that predict or diagnose risk for maternal morbidity and mortality, reduce preventable causes of maternal deaths, and improve health with a focus on mitigating maternal health disparities.
  • Help create tailored, evidence-based maternal health-related solutions for women across the country.