- Through its various components, NICHD conducts and supports projects on different aspects of COVID-19. Learn more about NICHD COVID-19 projects.
- The Trans-NIH COVID Workgroup on Pregnant & Lactating Women and Children, led by NICHD and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is supporting projects on COVID effects in pregnant women and fetuses, lactating women and infants, and children. The Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools Electronic Reporting (RePORTER) database lists all the NIH projects on COVID in pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children.
- You can also visit the RePORTER website for a listing of all NIH projects on COVID.
Some data generated by NICHD studies is available for researchers to use in their own projects, after they complete a free registration. The following list includes datasets and data resources, from NICHD studies and non-NICHD studies, that are available to researchers.
- Early Release Data: 2019 Wave
Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Child Development Supplement and Transition into Adulthood Supplement - Research
Collaboration to Assess Risk and Identify loNG-term outcomes (CARING) for Children with COVID
Data Harmonization
When combined across datasets, biomedical and psychosocial common data elements, measures, and terminology can improve our collective understanding of COVID-19.
Led by NICHD and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Trans-NIH COVID Workgroup on Pregnant & Lactating Women and Children is coordinating data and terminology harmonization efforts related to its populations of interest, including pregnant and lactating women, newborns, and children. Learn more about the workgroup’s data harmonization activities.
NIH is also actively compiling tools and measures to harmonize data collection, analyses, and comparison. Researchers may want to visit the NIH Repository of COVID-Related Research Tools to learn more.