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Selected Publications
- Broadney MM, Belcher BR, Berrigan D, Brychta RJ, Tigner IL, Shareef F, Papachristopoulou A, Hattenbach JD, Davis EK, Brady SM, Bernstein SB, Courville AB, Drinkard BE, Smith KP, Rosing DR, Wolters PL, Chen KY, and Yanovski JA. Effects of interrupting sedentary behavior with short bouts of moderate physical activity on glucose tolerance in children with overweight and obesity: A randomized, crossover trial. Diabetes Care 41(10): 2220-2228, 2018. PMCID: 6150427
- McCandless SE, Yanovski JA, Miller J, Fu C, Bird LM, Salehi P, Chan CL, Stafford D, Abuzzahab MJ, Viskochil D, Barlow SE, Angulo M, Myers SE, Whitman BY, Styne D, Roof E, Dykens EM, Scheimann AO, Malloy J, Zhuang D, Taylor K, Hughes TE, Kim DD, Butler MG. Effects of MetAP2 inhibition on hyperphagia and body weight in Prader-Willi syndrome: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Diabetes Obes Metab 19(12):1751-61, 2017. PMCID 5673540
- Shomaker LB, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Matherne CE, Mehari RD, Olsen CH, Marwitz SE, Bakalar JL, Ranzenhofer LM, Kelly NR, Schvey NA, Cassidy OL, Brady SM, Dietz LJ, Wilfley DE, Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA. A randomized, comparative pilot trial of family-based interpersonal psychotherapy for reducing psychosocial symptoms, disordered-eating, and excess weight gain in at-risk preadolescents with loss-of-control-eating. Int J Eat Disord; 50: 1084-1094, 2017. PMCID 5759342
- Lee B, Koo J, Gavrilova O, Lee Y, Jun JY, Seo AY, Adler-Wailes DC, Chen F, Gardner R, Taylor-Douglas D, Koutzoumis D, Sherafat-Kazemzadeh R, Roberson R, Yanovski JA. A mouse model for a partially-inactive, obesity-associated human MC3R variant. Nature Commun 7: 10522 2016. PMCID: 4738366.
- Shomaker LB, Kelly NR, Pickworth CK, Cassidy OL, Radin RM, Shank LM, Vannucci A, Thompson KA, Armaiz-Flores SA, Brady SM, Demidowich AP, Galescu OA, Courville AB, Olsen C, Chen KY, Stice E, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Prevent Depression and Ameliorate Insulin Resistance in Adolescent Girls At-Risk for Type 2 Diabetes. Ann Behav Med 50:762–774, 2016. PMCID: 5055426
- Belcher BR, Berrigan D, Papachristopoulou A, Brady SM, Bernstein SB, Brychta RJ, Hattenbach JD, Tigner IL, Jr., Courville AB, Drinkard BE, Smith KP, Rosing DR, Wolters PL, Chen KY, Yanovski JA. Effects of interrupting children's sedentary behaviors with activity on metabolic function: A randomized trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 100: 3735-3743, 2015. PMCID: 4596047
- Tanofsky-Kraff M, Shomaker LB, Wilfley DE, Young JF, Sbrocco T, Stephens M, Ranzenhofer LM, Elliott C, Brady S, Radin RM, Vannucci A, Bryant EJ, Osborn R, Berger SS, Olsen C, Kozlosky M, Reynolds JC, and Yanovski JA. Targeted prevention of excess weight gain and eating disorders in high-risk adolescent girls: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr 100: 1010-1018, 2014. PMCID: 4163791
- Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA. Long-term Drug Treatment for Obesity: A Systematic and Clinical Review. JAMA 311: 74-86, 2014. PMCID: 3928674
- Yanovski JA, Krakoff J, Salaita CG, McDuffie JR, Kozlosky M, Sebring NG, Reynolds JC, Brady SM, Calis KA. Effects of metformin on body weight and body composition in obese insulin-resistant children: a randomized clinical trial. Diabetes 60:477-85, 2011. PMCID: 3028347
- Han JC, Liu QR, Jones M, Levinn RL, Menzie CM, Jefferson-George KS, Adler-Wailes DC, Sanford EL, Lacbawan FL, Uhl GR, Rennert OM, Yanovski JA. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and obesity in the WAGR syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2008;359(9):918-27. PMCID: 2553704
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