Selected Publications
Selected publications from the last 5 years
- Wester J., Mahadevan V., Rhodes C., Calvigioni D., Venkatesh S., Maric D., Hunt S, Yuan X.-Q., Zhang Y., Petros T.J., McBain C.J. Neocortical projection neurons instruct inhibitory interneuron circuit development in a lineage dependent manner. Neuron 2019; 102, 960-975. DOI: .
- Akgul G., Abebe D., Yuan X.-Q., Auville K., McBain C.J. The role of AMPARs in the maturation and integration of caudal ganglionic eminence-derived interneurons in developing hippocampal circuits. Scientific Reports 2019; 9(1):5435. doi:
- Pelkey KA, Chittajallu R, Craig MT, Tricoire L, Wester JC, McBain CJ. Hippocampal GABAergic Inhibitory Interneurons. Physiological Reviews. 2017; 97(4):1619-1747.
- Wyeth M.S., Pelkey K.A., Yuan X., Vargish G., Johnston A., Lipina T.V., Kanisek M., Hunt S., Fang C., Abebe D., Mahadevan V., Fisahn A., Roder J.C., Woodin M.A., Salter M.W., McInnes R.R., Chittajallu R., & McBain C.J. Neto auxiliary subunits regulate interneuron somatodendritic and presynaptic kainate receptors to control network inhibition. Cell Reports 2017; 20: 2156-2168.
- Chittajallu, R., Wester, J.C., Craig,M.T., Barksdale, E., Yuan, X., Akgul, G., Fang, C., Collins, D., Hunt, S., Pelkey, K.A. and McBain, C.J. Afferent specific role of NMDA receptors for the circuit integration of hippocampal neurogliaform cells. Nature Communications 2017; Doi.10.1038
- Xiao M-F., Xu D., Craig, M.T., Pelkey K.A., Chien C.-C., Shi Y., Zhang J., Resnick S., Pletnikova O., Salmon D., Brewer J., Edland S., Wegiel J., Tycko B., Savonenko A., Reeves RH., Troncoso J.C., McBain C.J., Galasko D., & Worley P.F. NPTX2 and cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer's Disease. eLife 2017; Doi:10.7554
- Vargish GA, Pelkey KA, Yuan X, Chittajallu R, Collins D, Fang C, McBain CJ. Persistent inhibitory circuit defects and disrupted social behaviour following in utero exogenous cannabinoid exposure. Molecular Psychiatry. 2017; 22(1):56-67
- Wester JC, McBain CJ. Interneurons Differentially Contribute to Spontaneous Network Activity in the Developing Hippocampus Dependent on Their Embryonic Lineage. Journal of Neuroscience 2016; 36(9):2646-62
- Pelkey KA, Barksdale E, Craig MT, Yuan X-Q, Sukumaran M, Vargish GA, Mitchell RM, Wyeth MS, Petralia RS, Chittajallu R, Karlsson R-M, Cameron HA, Murata Y, Colonnese MT, Worley PF, McBain CJ. Pentraxins coordinate excitatory synapse maturation and circuit integration of parvalbumin interneurons. Neuron 2015; 85:1257-1272.
- Craig MT, McBain CJ. Fast gamma oscillations are generated intrinsically in CA1 without the involvement of fast-spiking basket cells. Journal of Neuroscience 2015; 35:3616-3624.
- Wyeth MS, Pelkey KA, Petralia RS, Salter MW, McInnes RR, McBain CJ. Neto auxiliary protein interactions regulate kainate and NMDA receptor subunit localization at mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal cell synapses. Journal of Neuroscience 2014; 34:622-628
All publications listed on PubMed