Text Alternative: Voices of Experience

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Video/ Graphics Audio


Segment #2:

Voices of Experience

running time: 8:26


Clip of television show

Man twirls umbrella on red carpet

Youth catch apples

Image of cartoon

iTunes and Google chrome desktop icons on computer screen

Girl opens book with pop-up McDonald’s happy meal on inside pages

Debbye Turner Bell talks on camera


Debbye Turner Bell: The Media-Smart Youth program is the product of a long and careful development process.

Girls browse magazines in classroom setting

Youth brainstorm at table; girl writes

Male facilitator teaches; boys listen while sitting in chairs in classroom setting

Female facilitator teaches; youth sit at table in classroom setting

Female facilitator looks toward boy

Hand scoops frozen yogurt into measuring cup

Boys play basketball on outside court

Boy and girl writing at table in classroom setting

Girl in neon green fleece does downward dog yoga pose

Boys do sit-ups

Shot of youth feet in sneakers moving on floor

Girl jumps rope

Turner Bell: For more than two and a half years, the program was written, reviewed, tested and refined by experts in media literacy, youth development, nutrition, and physical activity. But perhaps the most influential in the development of this program were the youth participants themselves who served as our experts in the field of fun!

Turner Bell talks on camera

Turner Bell: Since 2005, the program has been successfully up and running in communities and after-school programs around the country.

Female facilitator in orange turtleneck sweater holds media-smart youth teacher’s guide in classroom setting

Female facilitator teaches in classroom setting

Piece of poster paper posted on wall with lesson notes; title reads: “Physical Activity Recommendations for Young People”

Boy and girl do sit-ups on blue mats

Production team films youth in classroom setting

Kid’s hand writes with marker

Boy in blue shirt talks to group of students

Kid’s hand picks up chunk of cantaloupe with toothpick

Youth gathered around table pick up pieces of fruit from table and put it on their plates during snack break

Turner Bell: An early draft of the curriculum was pilot tested by youth-serving organizations in seven sites around the country. After careful revisions, the program was then retested and finalized. And now, Media-Smart Youth has been updated to reflect the changing media landscape and the most recent nutrition and physical activity guidelines.

Turner Bell talks on camera

Facilitator teaches

Another facilitator teaches with youth standing around her

A different facilitator teaches; “Voices of Experience” text appears on the screen; footage freezes

Turner Bell: Through the years, we’ve learned a great deal from many of the sites involved with the program. And the facilitators at these sites might well be described as the “Voices of Experience.” Here’s what they have to say about Media-Smart Youth.


Facilitator talks to youth

Facilitator’s hand holds Snickers bar

Youth sit in chairs in semi-circle in classroom setting listening to facilitator

Facilitator’s hand holds Snickers bar

Girl in black and white hat smiles

Two girls listen


Facilitator: Hey you guys! How about this Snickers bar, how many servings do you think are in the Snickers bar?

Kid: One.

Kid: Three.

Facilitator: Good. Three servings.

Naheeda Hirji-Walji talks; “Naheeda Hirji-Walji, Girl Scout Council of Greater Minneapolis” text appears on screen

Naheeda and youth laugh in classroom setting

Girls clap their hands while seated in classroom setting

Naheeda teaches; youth listen while standing around her

Girls smile; Naheeda teaches while standing outside

Girl smiles in classroom setting; Naheeda smiles

Naheeda Hirji-Walji: Many times as youth workers you get overwhelmed with all the different curriculums there are out there, and a lot of times you think about what should I use and what shouldn’t I use . . .


. . . Well, speaking from my own experience, this is definitely a program that I would continue using.

Amy Hoffman talks

“Amy Hoffman, Cobb and Douglas public health” text appears on screen

Facilitator teaches while group of youth stand listening in front of her in classroom setting

Youth listen; girl smiles

Amy Hoffman: It’s all about increasing physical activity, improving nutrition choices, and how the media plays a role in that.

Emily Vergara talks; “Emily Vergara, Girl Scouts of Rolling Hills Council,” text appears on screen

Vergara teaches while holding the media-smart youth facilitator’s guide in a classroom setting

Emily Vergara: The great part about this program is that you don’t need a background in health, in fitness, in nutrition, or in media to teach it because everything is there for you.

Vergara [to youth]: We’re going to focus on advertising.

Youth laugh

Vergara walks toward line of youth presenting with pieces of paper in their hands

Vergara looks at paper

Barbara Karp: If you have the desire to work with these kids . . .

Barbara Karp talks on camera; “Barbara Karp, Westfield YMCA” text appears on screen

Pairs of youth hold hands and participate in activity break in classroom sitting

Karp: . . . that’s what you really need. The program stands for itself.


Vergara looks at media-smart youth facilitator’s guide

Vergara looks down

Vergara turns the pages of the guide; “Guiding Facilitators through the Workshop” text appears on screen


Hirji-Walji talks on camera

Hirji-Walji: You really take it lesson by lesson, it’s really laid out for you, and it gives you the information that you need.

Vergara reads facilitator’s guide

Vergara teaches in classroom setting

Kid’s hands holds red permanent marker

Youth participate in a relay race activity in classroom setting

Girl crawls across floor in the relay race toward the far side of the room


Kristen Campbell talks; “Kristen Campbell, Girl Scouts of Rolling Hills Council” text appears on screen

KRISTEN Campbell: The most important thing is to have fun with the curriculum. Let the kids take the lead with most of the activities. Let them run with it.

Girl in neon green sweatshirt runs backward toward her team during relay race in classroom setting; hands marker to facilitator, who skips during her turn in the relay


Girls sit on floor while working on activity in classroom setting; youth laugh


Alesha Wright talks; “Alesha Wright, YMCA of Coastal Georgia” text appears on screen

Alesha Wright: The kids love it because it’s really catered to them.

Youth rush to their seats in classroom setting


Chelsea Bryant talks; “Chelsea Bryant, YMCA of Coastal Georgia” text appears on screen

Youth rush to their seats

CHELSEA Bryant: You’re up doing stuff, running around.

Campbell talks

Youth laugh in classroom setting

Campbell: It is probably one of the fastest 90 minutes of my life, and they think it goes by fast, and they’re having fun, too.

Girl skips toward her peers in classroom setting

Girl in striped shirt jumps rope in classroom setting


Vergara and Campbell review lesson plan; “Creating a Workshop to Fit your Group” text appears on screen


Christina Bolton talks; “Christina Bolton, YMCA of Coastal Georgia” text appears on screen

Boy talks while Christina and another boy listen in classroom setting

Boy writes while talking to his peers in classroom setting

Boy’s hand writes

Boy practices his jingle with his group members in classroom setting

Christina Bolton: The facilitator can adapt the program to their own style, their own audience, a demographic they’re working with.

Regis Donovan talks; “Regis Donovan, Girl Scouts of Rolling Hills Council” appears on screen

Youth lift up giant parachute and run underneath

Regis Donovan: It can be done in an after-school venue once a week for 2 months. It can be in a camp setting.

Vergara talks

Vergara teaches youth yoga pose in classroom setting

Vergara: It seems to be working for us any way we feel like adapting the curriculum to meet our needs and what the kids’ schedules are like.


Youth practice yoga poses in classroom setting

Youth sit up from yoga pose

Facilitators clap their hands


Vergara: Good job.

Boy in blue sleeveless shirt throws frisbee; “Attracting Youth to the Workshop” text appears on screen

Boy in wheelchair swings bat at baseball

Girl in red shirt swings jump ropes; then a girl in white shirt jumps into the game


Julia Black talks on camera

“Julia Black, Westfield YMCA” text appears on screen

Two girls play piano

Julia Black: We recruited kids through our after-school program, through the newspapers, through our YMCA brochure.

Youth performing on camera

Youth acting on stage; two girls appear on stage from behind curtain

Donovan talks on camera

Girl with headphones looks into camera monitor

Youth look into camera monitor

Television monitor shows girl on television

Girl smiles while looking at monitor

Donovan: Letting children know that they’re gonna have the opportunity to be creative is the key in recruiting children for the program. There’s no question that children really want an outlet for their creativity.

Hoffman talks on camera

Karp teaches group of boys in classroom setting

Youth listen

Karp teaches

Hoffman: It’s usually about 15 kids in the class.

Margie Edberg talks on camera; “Margie Edberg, Girl Scout Council of Greater Minneapolis” text appears on screen

Edberg teaches; points at blender while instructing youth standing around her

Smoothie pours into cup

Girl drinks smoothie

Youth drink smoothies

Girl nods and talks

Campbell, facilitator, listens to youth while teaching and holding facilitator’s guide in classroom setting

Margie Edberg: And you really wanna keep that as a core group. There’s so much that the kids are learning, and they need to have some time to ask questions.

Girl: It’s good.

Girl in purple shirt listens to instruction in classroom setting; “Handling Sensitive Topics” text appears on screen; girl in navy blue sweatshirt looks up and puts hand to her face while thinking

Karp talks on camera

Hand scoops frozen yogurt into measuring cup

Girl eats banana

Hand dips red bell pepper into salsa on a plate

Boy with glasses eats

Karp talks on camera

Karp: There are sensitive issues. We don’t ever say “diets.” But we’re saying, here’s the information. We want you to look at the information, and then hopefully you can make some of these changes. But we’re not pointing to anyone and saying you need to make these changes.

Vergara teaches while youth listen in classroom setting

Vergara reads from facilitator’s guide

Girls listen

Vergara teaches

Vergara and girls discuss

Vergara: Media-Smart Youth is very sensitive to diversity. It easily embraces the different ethnicities found in your group and there’s a lot of helpful guidance around those issues.

Girl looks at camera

Youth eat

Girl drinks smoothie

Another girl smiles




Facilitator’s hand points to poster on board in a classroom setting; title of poster reads: “The Big Production”

Focusing on the Big Production” text appears on screen

Boy’s hands hold index card and pencil

Campbell teaches

Girl smiles

Shows the big production poster on board


Campbell [To youth]: Which one do you want to do for our Big Production? TV, video, song, website, or radio?

Bolton talks on camera

Bolton: I like to think that the Big Production is the grand finale of the program.

Youth put slips of paper in ballot box during classroom activity

Karp talks on camera

Youth work on jingle time activity worksheet in classroom setting

Boy with braces laughs

Camera focuses on poster with  “Nutrition” written on it

Boy looks toward poster on wall that reads: “Low Activity”

Youth writing in workbooks

Groups of boys brainstorm around table in classroom setting

Karp talks on camera

Girl draws storyboard

Girl’s hand draws

Karp talks on camera

Karp: What you’re gonna end up with is kids taking all this wonderful knowledge and all these terrific skills that they’ve gathered over the 10 lessons, and they’re gonna put it into something that reflects what they’ve learned. And it’s gonna be something that’s going to appeal to kids of their own age, and that’s what you want. We’re not working towards a highly polished production. We’re working towards something that reflects what Media-Smart Youth has meant to these kids and what they’ve learned from it.

Willy, youth participant, dressed in watermelon costume, talks into camera while holding microphone in outdoor setting

Willy: This message is about not to starve yourself or stuff yourself but to eat healthy.

Bryant talks on camera

Bryant: You can do anything. It’s really flexible.

Girl writes on poster

Vergara talks on camera

Youth draws on poster

Girl discusses worksheet with her group in classroom setting

Vergara: They can make a video, they can make a magazine ad, and they can make a newspaper ad. They can make posters.

Bryant talks on camera

Bryant: They sing songs and we videotape it and put it on YouTube.

Hoffman talks on camera

Boy raps while two girls sing backup in classroom setting

Wright talks on camera

Youth clap along to boy’s rap

Hoffman: They really enjoy that it’s their idea and that it’s their voice.

Wright: It gives them a chance to shine in front of their peers.


Bolton talks on camera

Boys jump along to boy’s rap and group cheers

Bolton: They’re so proud of the work that they do and when their friends can see what they’ve done and learn about the program at the same time, I think that’s really exciting.



Edberg teaches

Picture of drawing; zooms in on caption written on drawing that reads: “Oh! I’m tired and I have to stop running”

Legs run up and down flight of stairs

David Davis talks on camera; “David Davis, Westfield High School” text appears on screen

David Davis: Keep it simple. If it’s simple then you’ll have enough time. To do so, think of higher concepts like a neat way to convey a message and focus right in on that single, neat, cool way and do that really well because you’re not gonna have much time to do the fancy way.


Kid’s hand stops boy’s leg as he runs down flight of stairs

Boy talks into camera

YOUTH VOICE: Stop. What are you doing?

Boy: I’m taking the stairs.

On-air signage in radio station

Footage of magazines

Hulu website on computer screen; “Enlisting a Media Partner” text appears on screen

Girl with headphones operates television camera and looks at camera monitor

Camera pans to show camera monitor

Male facilitator directs youth in television studio


Karp: The way the curriculum is set up, we’re learning about media. It would be great if you had a media partner.

Man shoots photograph while standing in track stadium outside

Female news reporter holds microphone and talks while cameraman films her outdoors

Hand holds Falls Church News-Press newspaper

Man with headphones on in studio control room looking at monitors

Youth in radio studio with DJ

Vergara: A partner that wanted to be involved in the community, maybe a local newspaper, a local television station, a local radio station . . .

Vergara talks on camera

Animated image of newspaper clipping appears on screen; title of article reads: “What’s it mean to be a healthy kid?”

Vergara: . . . maybe your high school has its own television or radio station, your school’s newspaper. Really try to keep it at a local level.

Karp talks on camera

Karp: Never say, “Oh, don’t do the program. We didn’t have a media partner.”

Footage of girls playing activity with basketball in classroom setting

Donovan talks on camera

Footage of girls hula-hooping in classroom setting

Footage of girls posing and talking into camera

Donovan talks on camera

Donovan: The curriculum really fills in beautifully when you don’t have a media partner. When it came time to do the Big Production, we did a very low-tech video. The children were able to do it themselves using a small video camera and it worked well.

Footage of youth-made PSA shows group of youth passing ball to each other in gym auditorium; girl talks to camera

Karp: You can do it without it. The results will be terrific.

Girl: Here’s our PSA on physical fitness, and remember to get out and have fun.


Bolton talks on camera in front of studio set

Bolton talks at table with youth; girl laughs

Bolton: The kids love Media-Smart Youth.


Hoffman talks on camera

Bolton talks at table with youth

Girl laughs

Boy laughs

Hoffman: They learn so much and have fun at the same time.

Girl eats a snack

Youth eat snack at table while watching video on TV monitor in classroom setting

Youth laugh while eating snack

Youth look toward video while eating snack

Footage of youth seated at table with vegetable snack looking and talking into camera

Footage of youth seated outside in playground area say something into camera; words “Eat Right. Drink Milk.” Scroll across screen

Edberg talks on camera

Girl dips carrot and eats it

Girl eats piece of watermelon

Hand pours smoothie into cup

Girl drinks smoothie then smiles with pink smoothie mustache

Edberg talks on camera


Edberg: I had one girl come back to us and say, “I know something that we can do for our family and I can make a change in our family for the better and I’m willing to try that.” And I think that’s empowering. The change in the kids after they go through this program is incredible.

Girls shoot hoops into basketball goal outside in cul de sac

Mother throws football to son in backyard


Hoffman talks on camera

Hoffman: The youth really do learn about how the media influences their choices.

Bolton teaches in classroom setting; points to poster with acronym, “Persuade, Influence, Entertain,” written on it

Girl speaks during class discussion

Bolton talks on camera

Bolton: The program definitely makes the kids media-smart and helps them make better choices by being able to dissect media messages.

Red bell bulb rings and lights up on game at fair

Man at fair winces

Boys eat while sitting on couch in living room and watching images on television

Two girls examine bag of Cheetos in classroom setting

[SOUND]: Bell bulb rings.

Vergara: They’re looking at television differently. They’re looking at what they’re eating differently.

Hoffman talks on camera

Hoffman: It really makes a light bulb go off in their head.

Pulse game activity worksheet

Youth check their pulse in classroom setting

Vergara talks on camera

Vergara: They’re looking at what they’re doing differently, their activity, and how much exercise they do or don’t get that day.

Edberg talks on camera

Edberg: That’s exciting, that’s why we do this.

Youth read nutritional facts on cereal box in grocery store

Girl looks at magazine in classroom setting

Girl lowers her arms while using weights in gym studio

Boy with glasses smiles

Vergara talks on camera

Vergara: They’re definitely adopting the Media-Smart Youth philosophy and they’re using it in their everyday lives.

Group of girls pose in front of blue backdrop screen and talk and point at camera

Group of Girls: We’re Media-Smart Youth!