User-Friendly Website Makes It Easy To Learn About and Conduct This Unique Program

In May, the NICHD released the upgraded version of Media-Smart Youth: Eat, Think, and Be Active!®, an interactive after-school curriculum designed to teach young people ages 11 to 13 about the complex media world around them, and about how media influences their nutrition and physical activity decisions. Now, the Institute follows suit with the launch of the new Media-Smart Youth Upgraded: Eat, Think, and Be Active! website.
The redesigned website includes everything that activity leaders need to become Media-Smart Youth facilitators and start their own Media-Smart Youth programs—from the revised curriculum, to train-the-trainer materials, to fact sheets that can be shared with school boards and administrators.
The website also incorporates the new features of the upgraded curriculum, including tip sheets that provide parents and caregivers with some media awareness basics and ways to encourage media-smart activities at home. Visit Teaching Youth to be Media Smart to learn more about the upgraded curriculum.
In addition to visiting the new website, individuals interested in conducting the Media-Smart Youth program can participate in free training webinars in July. The webinars are organized by the HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships as part of the Let’s Move Faith and Communities initiative and feature the NIH’s We Can!® (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition) program, of which Media-Smart Youth is a part.
As activity leaders and groups begin to use the revised materials and website to help young people in their communities become media smart, the NICHD plans to update the website with additional resources and materials.
More Information
For more information, select one of the following links:
- NICHD Resources
- Media-Smart Youth Upgraded: Eat, Think, and Be Active! Website
- Media-Smart Youth Facilitator's Guide Upgraded
- Media-Smart Youth 6 Media Questions Poster (PDF - 30.0 MB)
- Big Production Montage Video Clip (PDF - 30.0 MB) (Big Production Montage text alternative)
- Voices of Experience Video Clip (PDF - 30.0 MB) (Voices of Experience text alternative)
- Media-Smart Youth Upgraded: Eat, Think, and Be Active! Fact Sheet
- Previous NICHD Spotlights on Media-Smart Youth
- Media-Smart Youth Program Evaluation Report Available (PDF - 30.0 MB)
- NICHD News Releases on Obesity and Overweight
- NICHD A-Z Topic: Obesity and Overweight
- Media-Smart Youth Upgraded: Eat, Think, and Be Active! Website
- NIH Resources
Originally Posted: July 3, 2013