National Children's Study Scholars Program

On December 12, 2014, the NIH Director decided to close the National Children’s Study. The information on this page is not being updated and is provided for reference only.


The National Children’s Study (NCS) is a unique epidemiological study of children’s environmental health. The largest child health study ever undertaken in the United States, the NCS will longitudinally assess the effects of the chemical, biological, psychosocial-cultural, and physical environments on child health and development, with a special emphasis on gene-environment interaction and gene expression. The NCS will follow women through pregnancy and birth and their children through 21 years of age. Further information about the Study is available at

With its broad scope requiring expertise in multiple domains, the NCS is at an important time in its development. To expand opportunities for involvement of additional federal government employees, the Study initiated the NCS Scholars Program. This Program enables interested federal employees from various fields, backgrounds, and training to contribute in-kind to the development of this important and unique Study, while also enhancing their own career development. Depending on their specific area of focus, Scholars can work part time or full time, onsite or remotely. All Scholars will work closely with the Study Program Office at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), part of the National Institutes of Health, to further the goals of the Study and the missions of the federal agencies they serve.

The NCS Program Office has identified needs for individuals with expertise in:

  • Pharmaceutical Exposures
  • Asthma Assessment and Analysis
  • Genetics and Epigenetics
  • Anthropometrics
  • Scientific Quality Assurance/Quality Control
  • Survey Design Statistics
  • Biostatistics for study assessment and assay validation analysis
  • Environmental Statistics
  • Process and Modeling Mathematics, Engineering, or Statistics
  • Program Planning/Operations
  • Communications Planning and Coordination
  • Budget Analysis
  • Human Subjects Protections
  • Information Systems Management
  • Partnerships and Outreach
  • Administrative Support


NCS Scholars are not limited to the areas listed above. Study leaders will consider other expertise and areas of interest. Interested individuals should develop and propose opportunities based on their own interests and on those of the Study. Please note that THIS IS NOT A SALARIED POSITION. The NCS Program Office is unable to directly financially support NCS Scholars. Arrangements will be based upon an in-kind detail with supervisor’s approval and supported by the sponsoring federal agency.

We are interested and available to discuss the NCS Scholars Program with any interested federal agency or federal employee to encourage this effort. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions. For more information, please contact Dr. Marion Balsam at

Steven Hirschfeld, M.D., Ph.D.
Captain, U.S. Public Health Service
Acting Director NCS
Marion Balsam, M.D.
NCS Research Partnerships Program Director



The National Children's Study Website