January 2011 Lecture Features Dr. Linda Giudice, Renowned Expert on Reproductive Health

Linda C. Giudice, M.D., Ph.D.
NICHD Director Alan E. Guttmacher, M.D., initiated the NICHD Director’s Lecture Series as a way to showcase cutting-edge science relevant to the Institute’s mission. The forum also enables staff and other attendees to interact with other nationally recognized scientists.
The inaugural 2011 Director’s Lecture Series is New Frontiers in Endometriosis and features Linda C. Giudice, M.D., Ph.D., the Robert B. Jaffe, M.D. Endowed Professor and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco.
Endometriosis occurs when tissues that usually grow inside the uterus grow on the outside. These tissues often grow on the surfaces of organs in the pelvis or abdomen, where they are not supposed to grow. It is one of the most common gynecological diseases, affecting up to 10 percent of women of reproductive age. The two most common symptoms of endometriosis are infertility and pain. Because no diagnostic markers or biomarkers for the disease currently exist, surgery is the primary means of diagnosing endometriosis.
During her lecture, Dr. Giudice will:
- Discuss the clinical presentation and translational scientific advances that have revolutionized therapy for and provided insight into the pathophysiology of endometriosis;
- Present evidence that supports epigenetic origins for the disease, including data on potential in utero causes and findings from a recent genome-wide association study of women with advanced endometriosis;
- Address recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis of endometriosis and mechanisms underlying associated pain and infertility; and
- Touch on the future of endometriosis research, including the development of new diagnostics.
Specifics of the event are as follows:
What: NICHD Director’s Lecture Series New Frontiers in Endometriosis
When: January 24, 2011, 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Where: Natcher Conference Center (Building 45), Balcony A, NIH Main Campus
The NICHD Director’s Lecture Series is open to the public, and registration is not required. Non-NIH employees should visit http://www.nih.gov/about/visitor/index.htm for details about getting to the NIH campus and security procedures.
Individuals with disabilities who need sign language interpreters and/or reasonable accommodations to participate should contact Vernon Cardwell (cardwellv@od.nih.gov or 301-594-1968). Please make your requests at least five days in advance of the event.
For more information, select one of the links below:
- NICHD A-Z Topics
- NICHD Publications (intended for patients):
- Endometriosis
- La Endometriosis
- Selected NICHD Research on Endometriosis:
Originally posted: January 10, 2011