Links to websites of groups that study or provide information about pharmacology.
General Information
Additional information about pharmacology is available from a variety of sources:
- National Library of Medicine (NLM)
NLM’s MedlinePlus includes a page on Medicines and Children and the library’s DailyMed service provides high-quality information about drugs. - Pediatric Trials Network (PTN)
The PTN maintains information for parents and familieson clinical trials and ongoing PTN projects.
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The FDA provides information on Medicine and Pregnancy and Pregnancy Exposure Registries. It also offers a multimedia educational program called Medicines in My Home and resources on Pediatric Science and Research Activities. - Organization of Teratology Information Specialists
This organization provides fact sheets, a hotline, and other resources to help people understand the effects of exposure to various risks during pregnancy. Visit its MotherToBaby website.
Services, Resources, and Support
- Pediatric Trials Network
This program, initiated in 2010 and funded by NICHD’s Obstetric and Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics Branch, is an alliance of clinical research sites located around the United States that are cooperating in the design and conduct of pediatric clinical trials to improve healthcare for the youngest patients. Get involved in a clinical trial.
Please note: Links to organizations and information included on this page do not indicate endorsement from NICHD, NIH, or HHS.
NICHD Publications and Resources
- NICHD supports several research networks for pharmacology, which include:
- International Maternal-Pediatric-Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trial Network
- Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network
- Maternal and Pediatric Precision in Therapeutics (MPRINT) Hub
- Contraceptive Clinical Trials Network
- Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act Program
- Clinical Pharmacology Training Network (CPTN)
- Pediatric Trials Network
- Maternal and Pediatric Precision in Therapeutics (MPRINT) Hub
Supported by the Obstetric and Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics Branch, this network provides expertise for clinical trials of medication to treat several conditions in pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, severe nausea, high blood pressure, and preterm labor.- Read the Council Report, 2008 (PDF 302 KB)
- NICHD Director’s Podcast on drug safety for children and pregnant women
In the March 2013 NICHD Research Perspectives, NICHD Director Alan E. Guttmacher, M.D., talks with Dr. Perdita Taylor-Zapata and Dr. Zhaoxia Ren, medical officers in the institute’s Obstetric and Pediatric Pharmacology Branch, which supports many projects to ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals used for infants, children, and pregnant women.
Additional Resources
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The FDA is the federal agency responsible for approving and labeling medications for general use. - NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
This office provides a fact sheet for professionals with detailed information about vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements. - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
The NCCAM provides information on dietary supplements, including safety information, clinical practice guidelines, and continuing education resources. - National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS)
NCATS is catalyzing the generation of innovative methods and technologies to enhance the development, testing, and implementation of diagnostics and therapeutics.
Please note: Links to organizations and information included on this page do not indicate endorsement from NICHD, NIH, or HHS.