Other Infertility and Fertility FAQs

Basic information for topics, such as "What is it?" and "How many people are affected?" is available in the About Infertility and Fertility section. Answers to other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) specific to infertility and fertility are in this section.

Does cancer treatment affect fertility?

Cancer treatments can affect fertility in both men and women. For example, chemotherapy can affect a woman's fertility by damaging her eggs or affect a man's fertility by damaging his sperm. Some radiation treatments and some surgeries can also damage eggs, sperm, or reproductive organs. Methods exist for preserving fertility before cancer treatment. Whether fertility preservation is an option for a given patient depends on the type of cancer and whether treatment must be started right away. You should talk to your health care provider about your options.1 To learn more about fertility preservation, visit the What is fertility preservation? section.


  1. American Society of Clinical Oncology. (2013). Fertility preservation. Retrieved May 31, 2016, from http://www.cancer.net/research-and-advocacy/asco-care-and-treatment-recommendations-patients/fertility-preservation external link