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Director’s Corner Strategic Plan Updates

Reflecting on 2019 (January 2020)
NICHD Director Dr. Diana Bianchi looks back at 2019 and NICHD’s many amazing accomplishments.

Strategic Plan Nears the Finish Line (August 2019)
After more than a year of discussion, substantial public feedback, and more discussion, I am happy to say that we have a final draft of the NICHD Strategic Plan. It has been a long journey, and I sincerely appreciate all the efforts of our staff and external stakeholders who worked hard to get us to this point. We now go to the layout and proofing phase of the document, where we put the finishing touches on the look and feel of the plan. Then, off we go to the printers. We hope to have print and PDF versions of the document in September.

Update on the NICHD Strategic Plan and Outreach Activities (February 2019)
NICHD Director Dr. Diana Bianchi describes a trip to follow the progress of NIH-AIDS prevention efforts in Africa, updates on the NICHD strategic plan, and outreach efforts to develop future collaborations between the institute and outside groups.

December 2018 Update on the NICHD Strategic Plan and Other Activities (November 2018)
The NICHD Strategic Planning process is moving forward. Our Divisions of Extramural Research (DER), Intramural Research (DIR), and Intramural Population Health Research (DIPHR) have been reviewing the roughly 50 scientific themes prioritized by the Strategic Planning Working Group in mid-October.

Update on the NICHD Strategic Plan and Other Activities (October 2018)
NICHD held its first Strategic Planning Working Group meeting on October 15 and 16. The strategic planning process will allow internal and external stakeholders to review the institute's research portfolio to refocus its science and encourage new collaborations to improve the health of the populations we serve.