Program Official
Reiko Toyama, Ph.D., joined DBCAB in 2016. She administers the branch’s program on embryonic organogenesis, which includes research on cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, and skeletal muscle systems development. She also oversees the Birth Defects Initiative for the branch. Prior to joining DBCAB, Dr. Toyama worked as a staff scientist within NICHD’s intramural program after her postdoctoral training, conducting research in the areas of vertebrate morphogenesis and organogenesis.
In addition to her scientific and administrative duties, Dr. Toyama has a strong interest in training young investigators and promoting the careers of underrepresented minority scientists, including women in science. She is a co-chair of the Committee on Women of Color in Biomedical Careers, a member of the NIH Women in Biomedical Careers Working Group Committee, a council member of NIH FAN (Federated AAPI Network), and an executive member of the NIH Japanese Scientists Association.
Dr. Toyama received her doctorate in biochemistry from the University of Tokyo, Japan, where she studied the regulation of eukaryote mRNA synthesis. She received her postdoctoral training in molecular and developmental biology at both NICHD and the National Institute of Mental Health. During this time, she studied early vertebrate development and embryology using zebrafish as a model system to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying morphogenesis and organogenesis.