National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council

October 2019 Council


Day 1, September 18, 2019:

Day 2, September 19, 2019:

Concept Review

  1. 201910 In-Depth Phenotyping and Research Using IMPC-Generated Knockout Mouse Strains (Mukhopadhyay, DBSVB)
  2. 201910 Developmental Mechanisms of Human Structural Birth Defects (Toyama, DBSVB)
  3. 201910 Developmental Genotype–Tissue Expression (dGTEx) Project (Illekis, PPB)
  4. 201910 Contraceptive Development Research Centers Program (Lindsey, CRB)
  5. 201910 Population Dynamics Centers (King, PDB)
  6. 201910 Impact of Technology and Media Exposure on Early Childhood Development and Health Outcomes (Griffin, CDDB)
  7. 201910 Child Health Research Career Development Award (Bremer, PGNB)
  8. 201910 NICHD Research Education Programs (Twombly, OEP)
  9. 201910 INCLUDE Project Cohort Development Awards (Parisi, IDDB)

Meeting Info