National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council
 | NICHD Archive Note: Information on this page was accurate at the time of publication. This page is no longer being updated. |
October 2019 Council
Day 1, September 18, 2019:
Day 2, September 19, 2019:
Concept Review
- 201910 In-Depth Phenotyping and Research Using IMPC-Generated Knockout Mouse Strains (Mukhopadhyay, DBSVB)
- 201910 Developmental Mechanisms of Human Structural Birth Defects (Toyama, DBSVB)
- 201910 Developmental Genotype–Tissue Expression (dGTEx) Project (Illekis, PPB)
- 201910 Contraceptive Development Research Centers Program (Lindsey, CRB)
- 201910 Population Dynamics Centers (King, PDB)
- 201910 Impact of Technology and Media Exposure on Early Childhood Development and Health Outcomes (Griffin, CDDB)
- 201910 Child Health Research Career Development Award (Bremer, PGNB)
- 201910 NICHD Research Education Programs (Twombly, OEP)
- 201910 INCLUDE Project Cohort Development Awards (Parisi, IDDB)
Meeting Info