Program seeks Council approval for an initiative entitled “Contraception Development Research Center”. This initiative will allow NICHD to remain in compliance with Congressional directives to establish research centers for contraception.
As currently used methods of contraception for men and women have limited impact including: acceptability, availability, and compliance, there is a constant call for new safer contraceptive products.
Novel methods that focus on nonhormonal contraceptive targets responsive to this initiative offer the potential for safer, effective options and greater acceptability.
By focusing this initiative on the advancement of a single target for nonhormonal contraception, the goal of developing new and improved methods of contraception will be greatly facilitated.
As noted by expert panels in 2011 and 2015, the NICHD is in a position to lead reproductive health efforts towards development of safe and effective therapeutics and devices.
Development of new and improved contraceptives methods is a main objective of the Contraception Research Branch.
In addition, this initiative allows for the development of non-hormonal multipurpose prevention technologies which function both as contraceptives and anti-infectives (e.g., HSV, HIV, etc).
Program Contact
Chris Lindsey
Contraception Research Branch (CRB)
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