Institutional Training Grants (T32/K12)

These awards are made to institutions to support groups of pre- and/or postdoctoral fellows, including trainees in basic, clinical, and behavioral research. 

T32 Institutional Training Programs

  • Purpose: Ensures that a diverse and highly trained workforce is available to assume leadership roles in biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research
    • Issued to eligible institutions to support research training for groups of pre- and/or postdoctoral fellows. The number of positions or "slots" varies with each award.
    • The maximum duration of support for pre- and postdoctoral fellows under any National Research Service Award (NRSA) program is 5 years and 3 years, respectively (6 years for students in formal M.D./Ph.D. programs).
  • Eligibility: U.S. citizens, non-citizen U.S. nationals, or those lawfully admitted for permanent residence
  • NICHD participates in the Parent T32 announcement, as well as other T32 announcements that promote training in priority scientific, health-related research fields relevant to the NICHD mission.

K12 Institutional Career Development Programs

NICHD uses the Mentored Clinical Scientist Award (K12) Program to provide support to domestic institutions that mentor clinical fellows and scientists and help them become independent research investigators.

NICHD only accepts K12 applications in response to active Requests for Applications (RFAs). Receipt deadlines are listed in the RFA.

Resources for T32/K12 Programs