Appendix B

The content in this publication was current at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The publication is provided for historical purposes only.​

Table 11. Summary of Stepwise Regression for PKUCS Adult WRAT-III Scores

(Possible predictors include: Age first treated, Parent IQ, Father's Education, Years on Diet, and Phe Levels at Diagnosis, 6 years, 10 years and Currently)

Dependent Variable WRAT-III READING

Step Variable Entered Number In Partial
F to Enter Prob>F
1 Parent IQ 1 0.2246 0.2246 13.3265 0.0007
2 Phe @ 6 yrs 2 0.0625 0.2871 3.9465 0.0531
3 Age 1st Treated 3 0.0346 0.3218 2.2458 0.1411
4 Father's Ed 4 0.0338 0.3556 2.2586 0.1402

Dependent Variable WRAT-III SPELLING

Step Variable Entered  Number In Partial
F to Enter Prob>F
1 Parent IQ 1 0.2990 0.2990 19.6229 0.0001
2 Phe @ 6 yrs 2 0.0931 0.3921 6.8930 0.0118
3 Age 1st Treated 3 0.0321 0.4243 2.4570 0.1242
4 Father's Ed 4 0.0382 0.4625 3.0538 0.0877

Dependent Variable WRAT-III ARITHMETIC

Step Variable Entered Number In Partial
F to Enter Prob>F
1 Parent IQ 1 0.3326 0.3326 22.9214 0.0001
2 Phe @ 6 yrs 2 0.0382 0.3707 2.7292 0.1055


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