Report of the National Reading Panel

The content in this publication was accurate at the time it was published, but it is not being updated. The item is provided for historical purposes only.​

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Members of the National Reading Panel

Donald N. Langenberg, Ph.D., Chair
Gloria Correro, Ed.D. Linnea Ehri, Ph.D.
Gwenette Ferguson, M.Ed. Norma Garza, C.P.A.
Michael L. Kamil, Ph.D. Cora Bagley Marrett, Ph.D.
S.J. Samuels, Ed.D. Timothy Shanahan, Ph.D.
Sally E. Shaywitz, M.D. Thomas Trabasso, Ph.D.
Joanna Williams, Ph.D. Dale Willows, Ph.D.
Joanne Yatvin, Ph.D.  

Members of the National Reading Panel Subgroups


Linnea Ehri, Chair

Gloria Correro

Timothy Shanahan

Dale Willows

Joanne Yatvin


Michael L. Kamil, Chair

Gwenette Ferguson

Norma Garza

Thomas Trabasso

Joanna Williams


S.J. Samuels, Co-Chair

Timothy Shanahan, Co-Chair

Sally E. Shaywitz


Timothy Shanahan, Co-Chair

Sally E. Shaywitz, Co-Chair

Teacher Education

Gloria Corerro, Co-Chair

Michael L. Kamil, Chair

Gwenette Ferguson

Norma Garza

Cora Bagley Marrett

Technology/Next Steps

Michael L. Kamil, Co-Chair

Donald N. Langenberg

Staff of the National Reading Panel

F. William Dommel, Jr., J.D., Executive Director
Vinita Chhabra, M.Ed., Research Scientist Mary E. McCarthy, Ph.D., Senior Staff Psychologist
Judith Rothenberg, Secretary Stephanne Player, Support Staff
Jaimee Nusbacher, Meeting Manager Patrick Riccards, Senior Advisor

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