NIH Consensus Development Conference on Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury
5HT | serotonin |
ABI | acquired brain injury |
Ach | acetylcholine |
AD | Alzheimer’s disease |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
ADL | activities of daily living |
AHCPR | Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, DHHS |
AIS | abbreviated injury score |
AMPA | alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate |
APOE | apolipoprotein E |
APP | amyloid precursor protein |
ASHA/FACS | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults |
BBB | blood brain barrier |
BDNF | brain derived neurotrophic factor |
BFGF | basic fibroblast growth factor |
CACR | computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation |
CA1 | subfield of hippocampus |
CA2 | subfield of hippocampus |
CA3 | subfield of hippocampus |
CBA | cost analysis benefit |
CCR | compensatory cognitive rehabilitation |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, DHHS |
CEA | cost effectiveness analysis |
CHART | Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique |
CIQ | community integration questionnaire |
CNS | central nervous system |
CNTF | ciliary neurotropic factor |
COAT | Children’s Orientation and Amnesia Test |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
DA | dopamine |
DHHS | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DRS | disability rating scale |
EC | entorhinal cortex |
EPSP | excitatory post synaptic potential |
FAD | Family Assessment Device |
FAM | functional assessment measure |
FGF | fibroblast growth factor |
FIM | functional independence measure |
fMRI | functional magnetic resonance imaging |
FNQ | Family Needs Questionnaire |
FP | fluid percussion |
GABA | gamma-amino butyric acid |
GAO | Government Accounting Office |
GCS | Glasgow Coma Scale |
GHHQ | general health and history questionnaire |
GOAT | Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test |
HPC | hippocampal formation |
ICD | international classification of diseases |
IGF | insulin growth factor |
IGF-1 | insulin-like nerve growth factor |
IL | interleukin |
IOM | Institute of Medicine |
KAS-R | Katz Adjustment Scale-Relatives |
LCFS | level of cognitive functioning scale |
LINCS | Learning in Natural Community Settings |
LOC | loss of consciousness |
LOS | length of stay |
LT | leukotriene |
LTC4 | leukotriene C4 |
LTP | long-term potentiation |
MER | monthly employment ratio |
MOS | medical outcomes study |
MRS | magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
MWM | Morris water maze |
NCHS | National Center for Health Statistics, CDC, DHHS |
NCIPC | National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC, DHHS |
NFI | Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory |
NFKB | a transcription factor |
NGF | nerve growth factor |
NHIS | National Health Interview Survey |
NIDRR | National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of Education |
NLM | National Library of Medicine |
NMDA | N-methyl D-aspartate |
NPF | neuroprotective factor |
NT | neurotrophin |
NT-3 | neurotrophin-3 |
NTF | neurotrophic factors |
OCD | obsessive compulsive disorder |
ODD | oppositional defiant disorder |
OHSU EPC | Oregon Health Science University’s Evidence-Based Practice Center |
OT | occupational therapy |
PAF | platelet activating factor |
PAI | Portland Adaptability Inventory |
PAR | participating action research, a consumer-researcher partnership |
PAS | Professional Activities Study |
PCD | programmed cell death |
PCS | post-concussion syndrome |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PGE2 | prostaglandin E2 |
PTA | post-traumatic amnesia |
PTZ | pentylene tetrazol |
QFVI | Quantity Frequency Variability Index |
QOL | quality of life |
RCR | restorative cognitive rehabilitation |
RCT | randomized control trials |
RGA | retrograde amnesia |
RNA | ribonucleic acid |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
SIADH | syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion |
SSI | supplemental security income |
TBI | traumatic brain injury |
TBIMSP | TBI model system program |
TGF | transforming growth factor |
TGFB | transforming growth factor B |
TNF | tumor necrosis factor |
TRH | thyroid releasing hormone |
TXB2 | thromboxane B2 |
VAP | vocational assessment protocol |
VSCC | voltage-sensitive calcium channels |
WHO | World Health Organization |