Póster: “Los términos del embarazo”

Póster: “Los términos del embarazo”

Este poster de 24” x 36” (aproximadamente 66 cm x 92 cm) forma parte de la Iniciativa “El embarazo: Conozca los términos” del Programa Nacional de Educación de Salud Materna e Infantil (NCMHEP, por sus siglas en inglés) del NICHD. Explica las definiciones nuevas para los términos de embarazo y la evidencia que apoya el cambio en la terminología.


Pour que bébé dorme en sécurité: Réduire le risque de mort subite du nourrisson (MSN) et d’autres décès liés au sommeil chez le nourrisson

Cover of Safe to Sleep booklet in French

Engagez une conversation sur le sommeil sécuritaire chez les nourrissons en utilisant le présent livret Safe to Sleep® pour montrer « comment » en expliquant « pourquoi ». Ce livret aide les parents, les grands-parents, les autres personnes de confiance qui s’occupent des bébés et les prestataires de soins, tous d’expression française, à travailler ensemble pour aider les bébés à dormir en toute sécurité.

Pregnancy For Every Body: Action Plan

Front of the Pregnancy for Every Body Action Plan Handout

This sheet lists questions plus-size pregnant women should be asking and answering before their first pregnancy care appointment to help plan for a healthy pregnancy.


Pregnancy For Every Body: Care Checklist for Providers

Front of the Pregnancy for Every Body Checklist for Healthcare Providers Handout

This checklist outlines things that providers should think about when providing prenatal care to plus-size pregnant women. Available in sets of 25 sheets.


Pregnancy For Every Body: Conversation Starters

Front of Pregnancy for Every Body Conversation Starters for Healthcare Providers Handout

This handout suggests ways that healthcare providers can start respectful and non-judgmental conversations with plus-size pregnant women about pregnancy and weight. Available in sets of 25 sheets.


Pregnancy For Every Body: Pregnancy Reference Card

Front page of the Pregnancy for Every Body Reference card

This card provides a starting point for plus-size women who have just found out they are pregnant to begin receiving prenatal care.


Pregnancy For Every Body: Questions for Your First Visit

Front of the Pregnancy for Every Body Patient Questions Handout

This sheet suggests questions plus-size pregnant women should ask their healthcare providers at their first pregnancy care appointment.


Safe Infant Sleep: For Grandparents and Other Trusted Caregivers (DVD)

Safe Infant Sleep: For Grandparents and Other Trusted Caregivers (DVD)

This DVD explains safe infant sleep recommendations to grandparents and other trusted caregivers. It includes videos of different lengths and English and Spanish versions.


Safe Sleep for Your Baby (American Indian/Alaska Native Outreach): Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths

Front cover of the Safe Sleep for Your Baby booklet for American Indian/Alaska Native audiences

Start a conversation about safe infant sleep using this Safe to Sleep® booklet to show “how” and tell “why.” The booklet helps providers, parents, and caregivers work together to help American Indian/Alaska Native babies sleep safely.


Temporarily unavailable to order

Safe Sleep for Your Baby (Black/African American Outreach): Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths

Cover of the Safe Sleep for Your Baby Black/African American Outreach Booklet

Start a conversation about safe infant sleep using this Safe to Sleep® booklet to show “how” and tell “why.” The booklet helps providers, parents, and caregivers work together to help Black/African American babies sleep safely.


Temporarily unavailable to order
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