News & Updates
NICHD issues Releases and Media Advisories to the news media. Science Updates and Spotlights explain NICHD research findings and public health issues to the general public. An Item of Interest is a short announcement such as an initiative launch or a notable staff change. Director’s Corner posts are monthly updates from the NICHD director.
Director's Corner: Visualizing The Placenta, a Critical but Poorly Understood Organ
Media Advisory: Changes in brain’s visual areas in infancy may precede autism diagnosis
Media Advisory: Depression, loneliness associated with increased hospitalization risk after COVID-19, NIH-funded study suggests
Science Update: Computerized assessment may identify new drivers at risk for unsafe driving, NIH-funded study suggests
Science Update: Youth suicides increased in first year of the pandemic, NIH-funded study suggests
The stresses of the pandemic may have contributed to an increase in adolescent suicides, suggests a study of 14 states funded by the National Institutes of Health. Although the number and proportion of youth suicide varied among individual states, when all the states were considered together, researchers saw an increase in the number of suicides among youth 10 to 19 years of age and in the proportion of youth suicides compared to the overall population.