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Overview of the NIH Grant System

Andrew A. Bremer, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief, Pediatric Growth and Nutrition Branch
Acting Chief, Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch

NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development logo

(Edit/camera cut) Dr. Andrew Bremer on camera.

Dr. Andrew Bremer: Hi, I’m Drew Bremer. I’m the chief of the Pediatric Growth and Nutrition Branch, as well as the acting chief of the Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch at NICHD.
Camera view of Dr. Bremer. Dr. Bremer: Submitting grants and putting science together really is an iterative process, and the program staff at NICHD, as well as all the institutes at NIH and Centers, our job, and really the exciting and fun part of our job, is to interact with applicants and investigators in the external community to talk about the science, to refine the science.
Camera view of Dr. Bremer. Dr. Bremer: Our job is really to facilitate taking the idea from the idea form to the actual application and then shepherding that application through the myriad channels here at the NIH.
Camera view of Dr. Bremer. Dr. Bremer: What happens after I submit my grant application? Does it go into that NIH, you know, black hole? And the answer is, no. There is a process for everything, and it does, you know, take time for the grants to go through the process.
Camera view of Dr. Bremer. Dr. Bremer: A recurring theme that I encourage individuals to do is to have a relationship with their program officers, because that typically is a bi-directional win. It allows the applicants to bounce ideas off the program officer scientifically and programmatically and operationally. And from the institute side, it affords the program officer the opportunity to really know the science that the investigator is trying to pursue, and so it’s a win-win.