Active Funding Opportunities and Notices for NICHD

NICHD publishes and participates in various notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) and NIH Guide Notices (NOTs) to support research and training activities.

NOTs and Active NOFOs for NICHD

Please note: the following are sorted by date, from most recent to older. Select a table heading to change how to sort the information.

Number Exp. Date Activity Code(s) Title
NOT-HD-12-001 January 1, 2028 Participation of NICHD in RFA-ES-11-010 (R21) and RFA-ES-11-011 (R01), Environmental Influences on Stem Cells in Development, Health, and Disease

NOT-RM-12-002 January 1, 2028 Notice of Revision for RFA-RM-11-008, Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa): Collaborative Centers (U54)

NOT-RM-12-003 January 1, 2028 Notice of Revision for RFA-RM-11-009, Human Health and Heredity in Africa (H3Africa): Research Projects (U01)
NOT-TW-12-002 January 1, 2028 Extension of Receipt Date for the Administrative Supplements Funding for the Initiative on Research and Innovation Management (iRIM)

NOT-MH-12-001 January 1, 2028 Notice of Availability of Administrative Supplements for U.S. - Russia Collaborative HIV/AIDS Research
NOT-HD-11-026 January 1, 2028 Close-out of the Extramural Associates Research Development Award (EARDA) Program and Clarification of the Eligibility of Current and Previous EARDA Grantees for Participation in the Biomedical/Biobehavioral Research Development (BRAD) Program (G11)
NOT-HD-11-025 January 1, 2028 Revised Budget Instructions for PAR-11-233, NICHD Continuing Education Training Programs (T15)
NOT-HD-11-022 January 1, 2028 Notice of Availability of Administrative Supplements to Enable Continuity of Research Experiences of Maternal Fetal Medicine and Neonatal-Perinatal Physicians During Fellowship Training and Early Academic Career

NOT-OD-11-112 January 1, 2028 Extension of Expiration Date for PA-08-191: Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers

NOT-DA-11-021 January 1, 2028 Request for Information (RFI): Expansion of sharing and standardization of NIH-funded human brain imaging data

NOT-TW-11-028 January 1, 2028 Notice of Correction to the Eligibility for Applying for Limited Competition for the Global Research Initiative Program, Behavioral/Social Sciences (R01) (PAR-10-280)
NOT-HD-11-023 January 1, 2028 Clarification of Eligibility for PAR-11-241- Limited Competition: Addressing Health Disparities in Maternal and Child Health through Community-Based Participatory Research (R03)

NOT-HD-11-024 January 1, 2028 Notice to Correct Error in Level of Effort for PAR-11-270: Biomedical/Biobehavioral Research Administration Development (BRAD) Award (G11)

NOT-HD-11-021 January 1, 2028 Clarification of Parameters and Scope of PAR-11-233, NICHD Continuing Education Training Programs (T15)

NOT-HD-11-020 January 1, 2028 Updates to Section IV, specialized Program Information RFA-OD-11-002 Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Womens Health (K12)

NOT-TW-11-025 January 1, 2028 Notice of Availability of Administrative Supplements for the Initiative on Research and Innovation Management (iRIM)

NOT-HD-11-019 January 1, 2028 Extension of Receipt Date for RFA-OD-11-002 Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Womens Health (K12) and Clarification of Specialized Program Information

NOT-EB-11-007 January 1, 2028 Notice of Correction for PA-11-148 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine (R01)

NOT-AI-11-050 January 1, 2028 Extension of Expiration Date for NIAID Funding Opportunity Announcements: Research to Advance Vaccine Safety (R01) PA-08-256 and Research to Advance Vaccine Safety (R21) PA- 08-257

NOT-HD-11-017 January 1, 2028 Participation of NICHD in RFA-AI-11-036, Strategies for the Protection of Pregnant Women and Infants Against Infectious Diseases (R01)