Active Funding Opportunities and Notices for NICHD

NICHD publishes and participates in various notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) and NIH Guide Notices (NOTs) to support research and training activities.

NOTs and Active NOFOs for NICHD

Please note: the following are sorted by date, from most recent to older. Select a table heading to change how to sort the information.

Number Exp. Date Activity Code(s) Title
NOT-HD-17-004 January 1, 2028 Notice of Change of Application Due Date and Other Key Dates for RFA-HD-18-019 "Interaction of HIV and Neurodevelopment of Children in Resource-Limited Settings: Improving Assessments (R01)"
NOT-HD-17-003 January 1, 2028 NICHD Interest in Administrative Supplements for Enhancing Multipurpose Technology for the Prevention of Pregnancy and HIV
NOT-HD-17-002 January 1, 2028 NICHD Call for Administrative Supplements to PA-16-287 in High Priority MPID and HIV/AIDS OAR Areas
NOT-EB-17-001 January 1, 2028 Notice of Add Letter of Intent Due Dates for RFA-EB-17-001 "Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25)"
NOT-EB-16-011 January 1, 2028 Notice of Updates to the IMAG Multiscale Modeling Initiative (PAR-15-085)
NOT-HD-16-041 January 1, 2028 Notice of Change in Data Table Instructions in RFA-HD-18-011 "Child Health Research Career Development Award (CHRCDA) Program (K12)"
NOT-HD-16-040 January 1, 2028 Notice of the Cancellation of the Biomedical/Biobehavioral Research Administration Development (BRAD) Award Program
NOT-HD-16-037 January 1, 2028 Notice of Change to Instructions Regarding Required Letters of Support for PAR-15-287 "Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center (U01)"
NOT-HD-16-038 January 1, 2028 Notice of NICHD's Participation in PAR-16-391 "Surgical Disparities Research (R01)"
NOT-HD-16-039 January 1, 2028 Notice of Publication of NIH Rehabilitation Research Plan
NOT-HD-16-036 January 1, 2028 Notice of Reissuance of PAR-16-106 and Change in Due Dates for R21 Applications on the Assessment of Zika Virus (ZIKV) Complications
NOT-MH-17-003 January 1, 2028 Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) Innovative Approaches to Science and Engineering Research on Brain Function
NOT-HD-16-035 January 1, 2028 Notice Announcing Pre-application Information Webinar for NICHD Genomic Clinical Variant Expert Curation Panels (U24)
NOT-HD-16-033 January 1, 2028 Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Complications (R21)
NOT-HD-16-034 January 1, 2028 Notice of Modifications to Research Scope for RFA-HD-17-013 "Contraception Research Centers Program (U54)"
NOT-TW-17-001 January 1, 2028 Notice of Extension of Application Due Dates for PAR-16-052 " Global Noncommunicable Diseases and Injury Across the Lifespan: Exploratory Research (R21)"
NOT-HD-16-032 January 1, 2028 Notice Providing Additional Information for Applicants to PAR-17-005 "In-Depth Phenotyping and Research Using IMPC-Generated Knockout Mouse Strains Exhibiting Embryonic or Perinatal Lethality or Subviability (R01)"
NOT-HD-16-031 January 1, 2028 Notice to Change Expiration Date and to Change Award Budget Limit for PAR-14-324 "NICHD Consortium for Research on Pediatric Trauma and Injury Prevention (R24)"
NOT-MH-16-024 January 1, 2028 Notice to Extend RFA-MH-17-240 "BRAIN Initiative: Non-Invasive Neuromodulation - New Tools and Techniques for Spatiotemporal Precision (R01)"
NOT-MH-16-023 January 1, 2028 Notice to Extend RFA-MH-17-245 "BRAIN Initiative: Non-Invasive Neuromodulation - Mechanisms and Dose/Response Relationships for Targeted CNS Effects (R01)"