Active Funding Opportunities and Notices for NICHD

NICHD publishes and participates in various notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) and NIH Guide Notices (NOTs) to support research and training activities.

NOTs and Active NOFOs for NICHD

Please note: the following are sorted by date, from most recent to older. Select a table heading to change how to sort the information.

Number Exp. Date Activity Code(s) Title
NOT-NS-19-022 January 1, 2028 Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for HEAL Pain Effectiveness Research Network: Clinical Trial Planning and Implementation Cooperative Agreement (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required)
NOT-AG-18-039 January 1, 2028 Alzheimer's-focused administrative supplements for NIH grants that are not focused on Alzheimer's disease
NOT-HD-18-027 January 1, 2028 Notice of NICHD, NIDA, NINDS and NIAAA and NIDDK Participation in PAR-18-714-Academic Research Enhancement Award for Undergraduate-Focused Institutions (R15 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOT-DK-19-004 January 1, 2028 Request for Information (RFI): Soliciting Input on the Draft Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research
NOT-HD-18-023 January 1, 2028 Notice of NICHD's Participation in PA-19-029 "Innovation Corps (I-Corps) at NIH Program for NIH and CDC Translational Research (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOT-HD-18-024 January 1, 2028 Notice of NICHD's Participation in PA-18-937 "Research on Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOT-HD-18-025 January 1, 2028 Notice of NICHD's Participation in PA-18-939 "Research on Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOT-AT-19-004 January 1, 2028 Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Pragmatic and Implementation Studies for the Management of Pain to Reduce Opioid Prescribing (PRISM) (UG3/UH3, Clinical Trials Optional)
NOT-TW-18-007 January 1, 2028 Notice to Extend the Expiration Date and Change Receipt Dates for PAR-18-835 Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R01 Clinical Trials Optional)
NOT-TW-18-008 January 1, 2028 Notice to Extend the Expiration Date and Change Receipt Dates for PAR-18-836 Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOT-HD-18-022 January 1, 2028 Notice of Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinar for RFA-HD-19-022, Reproductive Medicine Collaborative Clinical Trials Program (Collaborative R01 Clinical Trial Required)
NOT-NS-19-009 January 1, 2028 Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Translational Devices to Treat Pain (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOT-HD-18-020 January 1, 2028 NICHD Policy on Monitoring and Oversight of Clinical Trials
NOT-EB-18-030 January 1, 2028 Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Development of Translational Devices to Treat Pain (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOT-NS-19-010 January 1, 2028 Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Translational Devices to Treat Pain (U44 Clinical Trial Optional)
NOT-DA-18-047 January 1, 2028 Expert Panel Meeting to Discuss Study Design for a Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Prenatal Opioid and other Substance Exposure on Brain and Behavioral Development
NOT-NS-19-002 January 1, 2028 Request for Information (RFI) on the Proposed Funding Priorities for Neuroscience Research, Input on Cross-Cutting Opportunities (NIH Neuroscience Blueprint)
NOT-DA-18-046 January 1, 2028 BRAIN Initiative: Notice of Support for Research on the Fundamental Neurobiology of Endogenous Opioid Systems
NOT-DA-18-044 January 1, 2028 Notice of Change to the Open Date in PA-18-917, " Developing the Therapeutic Potential of the Endocannabinoid System for Pain Treatment (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOT-HD-18-019 January 1, 2028 Notice of Change in Expiration Date for PAR-18-853 "Drug Transport Across the Blood-Testis and Blood-Epididymal Barriers (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)"