Active Funding Opportunities and Notices for NICHD

NICHD publishes and participates in various notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) and NIH Guide Notices (NOTs) to support research and training activities.

NOTs and Active NOFOs for NICHD

Please note: the following are sorted by date, from most recent to older. Select a table heading to change how to sort the information.

Number Exp. Date Activity Code(s) Title
NOT-HD-20-035 January 1, 2028 NICHD Adverse Event, Unanticipated Problem, and Serious Adverse Event Reporting Guidance
NOT-HD-20-043 January 1, 2028 Notice to Extend Expiration Date for PAR-19-133 "Academic Research Enhancement Award for Undergraduate-Focused Institutions (R15 - Clinical Trial Required)"
NOT-HD-20-042 January 1, 2028 Notice of NICHD Participation on PA-20-195 "NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)"
NOT-HD-20-041 January 1, 2028 Notice of NICHD Participation on PA-20-194 "NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Clinical Trial Required)"
NOT-HD-20-040 January 1, 2028 Notice of NICHD Participation on PA-20-200 "NIH Small Research Grant Program (Parent R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)"
NOT-HD-20-036 January 1, 2028 NICHD Data and Safety Monitoring Guidelines for Extramural Clinical Trials and Clinical Research
NOT-OD-21-011 January 1, 2028 Notice of NIH Participation in Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science
NOT-OD-21-034 January 1, 2028 Notice of Intent to Reissue Funding Opportunity Announcements "Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)" to Permit Resubmissions
NOT-OD-21-032 January 1, 2028 Notice Extending Expiration Date and Adding Receipt Date for PAR-18-324: Testing Interventions for Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)
NOT-HD-20-037 January 1, 2028 Notice of Extension of the Expiration Date for PAR-18-884 Novel Approaches to Safe, Non-Invasive, Real Time Assessment of Human Placenta Development and Function Across Pregnancy (R01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOT-HD-20-038 January 1, 2028 Notice of Extension of the Expiration Date for PAR-18-885 Novel Approaches to Safe, Non-Invasive, Real Time Assessment of Human Placenta Development and Function Across Pregnancy (R21 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NOT-MH-21-047 January 1, 2028 Notice of Extension to PA-18-401, "Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R01-Clinical Trial Optional)"
NOT-MH-21-046 January 1, 2028 Notice of Extension to PA-18-400, "Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R21-Clinical Trial Optional)"
NOT-MH-21-045 January 1, 2028 Notice of Extension to PA-18-399, "Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R03-Clinical Trial Optional)"
NOT-HD-20-034 January 1, 2028 Change of the Award Project Period for PAR-18-950 and PAR-18-951 Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center (X02 and U01)
NOT-NS-21-004 January 1, 2028 Notice of Temporary Extension of Eligibility for the BRAIN Initiative Diversity K99/R00 Career Transition Award During the COVID-19 Pandemic
NOT-HD-20-033 January 1, 2028 Request for Information: Response to Proposed NIH Rehabilitation Research Plan Objectives
NOT-HD-20-029 January 1, 2028 Clarification of the Role of the Intramural Investigator in PAR-18-950 and PAR-18-951 Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center (X02 and U01)
NOT-HD-20-030 January 1, 2028 Notice of Change to the Eligibility of Principal Investigators in PAR-20-042 : NCMRR Early Career Research Award (R03 Clinical Trial Optional
NOT-MH-20-081 January 1, 2028 Notice to Extend RFA-MH-20-135 BRAIN Initiative: Tools to Facilitate High-Throughput Microconnectivity Analysis (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)