In Search of Answers for Those Struggling With Infertility

During National Infertility Awareness Week 2015, Dr. Alan Guttmacher explores the latest research in an article External Web Site Policy in the Huffington Post. An excerpt is below:

Millions of men and women in the United States experience infertility. In fact, nearly 15 percent of U.S. couples do not become pregnant in their first year of trying. The causes vary: underlying health conditions, age, genetics, and certain environmental and lifestyle factors can all play a role. And for many couples, the cause remains frustratingly unknown.

The good news is that couples struggling with infertility now have more options than ever before. While we have much left to do, research is steadily leading to a greater understanding of infertility's causes and risk factors, better technologies, and more personalized treatments.

“For those struggling with infertility, I know the path to parenthood may seem insurmountable. While the discoveries take time, the research community is working diligently, inspired by the determination of so many couples and the courage of so many patients.”

Read the full article External Web Site Policy.


Originally posted: April 21, 2015