Maria Nurminskaya, Ph.D., joined NCMRR as a health scientist administrator in 2021. She manages the center’s research programs on devices and technology development and rehabilitation diagnostics and interventions. She also manages the small business program, which includes Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer awards in medical rehabilitation. Previously, Dr. Nurminskaya was a scientific review officer at NIH’s Center for Scientific Review, where she managed the review panel on musculoskeletal rehabilitation.
Before joining NIH, Dr. Nurminskaya was an associate professor at the University of Maryland, where her research focused on skeletal formation and disease, limb regeneration, the cardiovascular system, and stem cell-based tissue bioengineering. She also was the principal investigator on NIH research project grants from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Dr. Nurminskaya received her bachelor’s and doctoral degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology from Moscow State University in Russia. She conducted her postdoctoral training in developmental and cellular biology at Tufts University.