Coating Coverslips with Poly-L-Ornithine or Poly-L-Lysine

Specific cell types sometimes require coated coverslip for optimum growth. Poly-ornithine or poly-lysine improve the growth and adhesion of, among other, oligodendrocytes. Astrocytes require no coating, neurons do best with collagen.

  1. Using 0.15M Sodium Borate buffer (Boric Acid, pH with NaOH) pH 8.4, make a 1mg/ml Stock of Poly-L-Ornithine or Poly-L-Lysine. Do not attempt to filter this solution. (Polyornithine is purchased in 50mg vials. Add 10ml of Sodium Borate buffer directly to one new vial, mix well, then transfer entire contents to a 50ml tube and bring volume to 50ml with Borate Buffer. Store Stock at 4°C for up to 6 months.)
  2. To prepare Stock for use, dilute to 0.1mg/ml with sterile water, then filter through a 0.22µm sterile filter. Diluted solutions can be stored at 4°C for 3 months.
  3. Cover each 100mm dish with 5ml of solution. Cover each glass coverslip with ~500µl of dilute solution. Avoid getting solution under coverslip, as this makes it more difficult to remove the coverslip from the dish later.
  4. Allow dishes to sit undisturbed for 1 hour at room temp.
  5. Aspirate solution, then wash dishes with sterile water. Aspirate water and repeat twice more.
  6. Let dry completely (lids on) in a culture hood. Overnight is sufficient.
  7. Store coated coverslips and dishes at 4°C, wrapped in foil.

Products and Supplies

  • Poly-L-Lysine Sigma Chemical P9155 50mg
  • Poly-L-Ornithine Sigma Chemical P3655 50mg