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Administrative Management Branch

The Administrative Management Branch (AMB) works closely with the Scientific Director and Deputy Scientific Director, particularly on strategic planning and administrative oversight. It also plays a key role in maximizing the resources available in DIR. AMB leadership provides guidance in all aspects of administration and represents DIR on various NICHD and NIH-wide committees.

AMB administrative staff provides professional, technical, and support in functional areas that further the DIR mission. These functional areas include budget and financial management, human resources, visas, travel, simplified acquisition, contract management and project officer support, safety and security, building and facilities management, timekeeping, program planning and evaluation, and general administrative services.

AMB staff liaise between the DIR laboratories that they serve and several NIH entities, including the NICHD Office of the Director, NIH Office of Intramural Research, Fogarty International Center, NIH Office of Human Resources, and the NIH Office of Research Services.


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