Committee Management Branch (CMB)

The mission of NICHD’s CMB is to promote customer service excellence by providing specialized management expertise and product quality to advisory committee clients at NIH and HHS.

Renamed in 2021 from the Office of Committee Management, CMB ensures that its clients receive the highest quality administration of the laws, regulations, and policies governing federal advisory committees. This, in turn, guarantees compliance with the law and prevents any challenge to committee recommendations or decisions.

CMB handles the following broad categories of activities:

  • Committee Management: CMB operates as a service center for operational and administrative management, including ethics activities, of all NICHD and client institute federal advisory committees that participate with the NICHD Committee Management Service Center.
  • Scientific Review and Evaluation Activities (SREA): CMB is responsible for the administration of the NICHD SREA program, the mechanism by which members of grant, cooperative agreement, and contract initial review committees are reimbursed.

CMB clients may find the following links and information useful: