February 15, 2023 (1-2 p.m.)
Division of Extramural Research (DER), NICHD
NIH VideoCast; registration is free but required
This webinar will provide information on PAR-23-037 and its associated pre-application process. This funding opportunity announcement invites applications for multisite clinical trials and observational studies developed in conjunction with NICHD networks that will be conducted using NICHD-supported network infrastructure. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions following the webinar presentations. To submit questions early for answering during the webinar, please email NICHD-Network-ClinicalResearch@mail.nih.gov.
Individuals who need any reasonable accommodations to participate in this activity should contact Shanard Starke at sstarke@infinityconferences.com or 571-520-2348 at least 5 days in advance.
More Information
For registration-related questions:
Shanard Starke
Email: sstarke@infinityconferences.com
Phone: 571-520-2348
For program-related questions:
Dr. Robert Tamburro, DER, NICHD
Email: robert.tamburro@nih.gov
Phone: 301-480-2619