202501 Advancing Prevention and Treatment of Bacterial STIs in HIV-affected Adolescent and Maternal Populations

Program seeks Council approval for a new initiative titled “Advancing Prevention and Treatment of Bacterial STIs in HIV-affected Adolescent and Maternal Populations.”  Despite medical developments, epidemiologic data from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention show that rates of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia have markedly increased over the past 10 years among adolescents living with, or greater likelihood of HIV.  Similarly, a disproportionate increase in syphilis rates among adolescent girls and young women of reproductive age has led to pointed increases in congenital syphilis cases nationwide.

As bacterial STI incidence is on the rise in the U.S., affecting adolescents with HIV and greater likelihood of HIV at alarming rates, STI research output on these populations has not been commensurate.  While STI pathophysiology, diagnostics and therapeutics have been studied in adults, research on clinical management and dissemination and implementation focusing on maternal and adolescent populations affected by HIV is lacking.

Current initiatives at other ICs focus on STI vaccine development, diagnostics for adult and congenital syphilis, and research on syphilis pathogenesis, as well as research on alternatives to benzathine penicillin for treatment of syphilis. However, much remains to be done to improve our understanding of the unique public health and clinical factors related to NICHD populations of interest, where the heart of the rise in bacterial STI incidence lies.

The goals of this initiative include:

  1. to improve our understanding of HIV and bacterial STI epidemiologic trends, relationships, and causalities among these high-burden populations
  2. to augment research on diagnostic modalities and their clinical implementation
  3. to advance research on access to safe and effective microbicidal agents
  4. to advance research on increasing clinical training and infrastructure, either through youth-friendly public health centers, pharmacies, clinics, or other, in geographic areas of high burden
  5. to augment dissemination and implementation research on evidence-based STI prevention and treatment strategies for youth and maternal HIV-affected populations.

This proposed concept aligns with the NICHD Strategic Plan: Setting the Foundation for Healthy Pregnancies and Lifelong Wellness (Theme 3), Improving Child and Adolescent Health and the Transition to Adulthood (Theme 4), and Advancing Safe and Effective Therapeutics and Devices for Pregnant and Lactating Women, Children, and People with Disabilities (Theme 5).

This proposed concept aligns with the MPIDB research priorities on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases, HIV: Adolescent Prevention, and HIV and HIV Co-Infections: Adverse Pregnancy, Maternal, and Infant Outcomes Related to Prevention or Treatment.

This initiative addresses the overarching HIV/AIDS priorities of 1) HIV-associated comorbidities, coinfections, and complications; 2) Research to Reduce Health Disparities; and 3) Research on training of the workforce required to conduct High Priority HIV/AIDS or HIV/AIDS-related research.

Program Contact

Franklin Yates
Maternal and Pediatric Infectious Disease Branch (MPIDB)

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