202405 NICHD Small Research Grant Program

​Program seeks Council approval to reissue two parent initiatives titled“NICHD Small Research Grant Program (R03 Clinical Trial Required, PA-21-221), and “NICHD Small Research Grant Program (R03 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required, PA-21-231).

NCMRR has submitted this initiative on behalf of all NICHD extramural branches and centers.

NIH does not support a parent announcement for R03 grants allowing clinal trials or BESH studies so these NOFOs is the only way for NICHD to continue its support for such studies and accept these applications.

The R03 program may be used for different types of projects that can be completed in two years and with limited resources.

Research projects must fall within the scientific missions of the twelve Scientific Branches of the NICHD Division of Extramural Research or of the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research as described on respective websites.

The results of the clinical trial may indicate that further clinical development of the intervention is unwarranted or lead to new avenues of scientific investigation.

Studies submitted under the BESH NOFO should include studies that prospectively assign human participants to conditions and assess biomedical or behavioral outcomes in humans for the purpose of understanding the fundamental aspects of phenomena without specific application towards processes or products in mind.

There is no dedicated funding.  

Program Contact

National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR)

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