Program seeks Council approval for the Simplified Review Framework Reissue for PAR-23-075 called “Small Research Grants for Analyses of Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Data”. NICHD, with participation from NCI, and NIDCR is supporting this NOFO.
Kids First is a Common Fund program administered by NICHD, NHLBI, NCI,NHGRI. The program aims to accelerate research with shared data across pediatric conditions. Data achievements include 33 studies released with over 27,000 genomes available, representing structural birth defects and childhood cancer patients and families. Nearly 700 data access requests have been approved for secondary use of the data. The program is also collaborating with multiple NIH data science resources.
Both birth defects and cancer are leading causes of death in childhood. It makes sense to study these conditions together since shared genomic variants and signaling pathways have been identified and a child born with a birth defect faces a higher risk of also having cancer.
This NOFO is intended to engage the expertise of the broader research community in projects that further increase the value of the data generated by Kids First; for example, by increasing the depth of phenotypic and clinical data available, developing new analysis tools, or providing additional analysis and annotation of Kids First data sets.
Program Contact
Marcia Fournier
Developmental Biology and Congenital Anomalies Branch (DBCAB)
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