202405 Archiving and Documenting Child Health and Human Development Data Sets

​Program seeks Council approval to reissue an initiative titled “Archiving and Documenting Child Health and Human Development Data Sets.” PDB has submitted this initiative on behalf of all NICHD extramural branches and centers.

The goal of this initiative is to maximize secondary analysis of NICHD-supported data sets by supporting archiving, curation, and documentation of existing data sets. The priority of this program is to archive data sets within the scientific mission of the NICHD; the highest priority is to archive data collected with NICHD support.

Although NIH recently implemented Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy, the NICHD research community will benefit from reissuing this initiative. This initiative will provide support for curating and archiving data sets supported by NICHD before NIH implemented the DMS policy, and data sets supported by other funders that would be useful for NICHD investigators. It will also support archiving recent NICHD-supported data collection projects that would benefit from additional curating, archiving, and disseminating activities beyond the minimum required by the NIH DMS Plans. For example, where U.S. and international standards differ, providing archiving under both set of standards; harmonizing data and measures across multiple existing data sets; and developing publicly accessible unrestricted data sets from restricted access data. (The latter two are outside the scope of the NIHDMS policy.)

Prior versions of this initiative have successfully solicited applications to make a variety of NICHD-supported and related data resources publicly available. As of October 2023, this initiative generated applications for 78 applications that resulted in 46 awards to 7 DER Branches. The archiving grants include data sets covering diverse topics including acute child trauma and recovery, longitudinal neuroimaging of children’s reading, pediatric HIV/AIDS, reproductive health research, and research data collected during the COVID pandemic.

This PAR aligns with the NICHD strategic plan priority of scientific stewardship, including, but not limited to, Facilitating Data Sharing. Shifting the scientific culture to embrace data management and sharing continues to be a priority as NIH requires sharing of research data from applications received, starting in 2023.

Program Contact

Susan Jekielek
Population Dynamics Branch (PDB)

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