202305 IMPROVE Initiative

Program seeks Council approval for initiatives under the auspices of the NIH “IMPROVE Initiative” (Implementing a Maternal health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone). The IMPROVE initiative supports research to reduce preventable causes of maternal deaths and improve health for women before, during, and after delivery. It includes a special emphasis on health disparities and populations that are disproportionately affected, such as racial and ethnic minority populations, very young women and women of advanced maternal age, and people with disabilities.

An estimated 700 U.S. women die each year from conditions related to or associated with pregnancy or childbirth, the highest maternal mortality rate among developed nations. In addition, more than 50,000 women experience severe maternal morbidity (SMM), life-threatening health problems that are present during labor and delivery that can cause significant short-and long-term health problems for mothers. Pregnancy-related deaths are higher in the United States than in any other high-income country, with more than 1,200 deaths from complications related to pregnancy or delivery in 2021, the most recent year for which data are available. An estimated 80% of maternal mortality is preventable.

In response to these high rates ofpregnancy-related complications and deaths, the National Institutes of Health in 2019 launched the Implementing a Maternal health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) initiative. This NIH-wide initiative aims to reduce preventable maternal mortality, decrease severe maternal morbidity, and promote health equity. Using an integrated approach, IMPROVE aims to understand biological, behavioral, sociocultural, and structural factors contributing to maternal mortality, SMM, and maternal morbidity, and a focus on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of IMPROVE initiative is to build an evidence base for improved care and outcomes in specific populations and regions of thecountry.

This concept proposes future activities to advance the goals of the IMPROVE Initiative. In FY’22-‘23, several funding opportunities were released that focused on developing national maternal health research centers of excellence, and community implementation programs. In addition, new challenge mechanisms were released to support accelerating the development of technologies to improve maternal health outcomes in the postpartum period and supporting community organizations to develop their research infrastructure. NICHD proposes to develop opportunities that will address the persistent disparities in maternal health outcomes in populations that are most affected such as Black/African American, Hispanic/Latina, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander populations, and people with disabilities. The programs will have a focus on Social Determinants of Health, Health Equity, and Inclusion. Other relevant initiatives will be developed as the science and data evolve.

These initiatives align with NICHD Strategic Plan theme 3 (Setting the Foundation for Healthy Pregnancies and Lifelong Wellness), and theme 5 (Advancing Safe and Effective Therapeutics). They address many of Pregnancy and Perinatology’s (PPB) Branch priorities as well.

Due to the large number of participating NIH Institutes andCenters involved, concept clearance will only be obtained at a single institute; NICHD is serving as the institute of record for clearance for funding opportunities that arise within the IMPROVE Initiative.

Program Contact

Nahdia Chakhtoura
Pregnancy & Perinatology Branch (PPB)


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