202301 NICHD High Priority Research Projects

​Program seeks Council approval for an initiative titled “NICHD High Priority Research Projects.”

As you may recall from my presentation to Council at our meeting last June, the time span between developing a research initiative concept and issuing an award(s) can measure up to 2 years or more.

The rapidly shifting public health landscape makes it imperative for NICHD to support applications to explore scientific research questions in a timely and nimble manner. Thus, NICHD is looking for ways to expedite certain steps of the initiative development process.  With this initiative, we are seeking to decrease the amount of time and effort spent on writing unique Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) for each individual priority research topic. 

This initiative will encourage research in high priority areas identified by NICHD in published NICHD concepts and in Notices of Special Interest.  In this way, a single, standing FOA could be used to solicit research proposals on emerging priority areas, making the process more efficient by eliminating the need to craft individual FOAs.

The goal of the initiative is to simplify and accelerate the process of encouraging investigators to seek funding on these emerging areas.  This aligns with the NICHD Strategic Plan Scientific Stewardship goals on Setting Research Priorities and Aligning Resources to Support Science.

Program Contact

Caroline Signore
Division of Extramural Research (DER)


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