National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council

May 2022 Council (to be held on June 14-15, 2022)


Concept Review

Concept Review by Council

  1. 202205 Multicenter Clinical Trials; Leveraging Network Infrastructure to Advance Research and Outcomes (DER/Tamburro)
  2. 202205 Coordinating Center for the NICHD Population Dynamics Centers Research Infrastructure Program (PDB/King)
  3. 202205 Opioid Exposure and Effects on Placenta Function, Brain Development, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes (PPB/Weinberg)
  4. 202205 Advancing Methods for Safe, Noninvasive, Real Time Assessment of Placenta Development and Function Across Pregnancy (PPB/Weinberg)
  5. 202205 Maternal Health Research Centers of Excellence (PPB/Chakhtoura)
  6. 202205 NICHD Laboratory of Developmental Biology (FI/Ravindranath)
  7. 202205 Reproductive Scientist Development Program (RSDP) (FI/Eisenberg)
  8. 202205 Small Research Grants for Analyses of Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Data (DBSVB/Coulombe)
  9. 202205 Biological Testing Facility (CRB/Johnston)
  10. 202205 Chemical Screening and Optimization Facility (CRB/Lindsey)

Meeting Info