Program seeks Council approval for an initiative titled “Physiomimetics and Organoids for Reproductive Health.” Reproductive health is fundamental to the survival of our species and to every individual’s health over the course of a lifetime. However, reproductive health research lacks the physiomimetic models needed to drive early-stage research and testing.
The goal of this initiative is to develop and validate physiomimetic platforms and organoid culture systems for the study of reproductive health. Specifically, these models will offer critically needed platforms for research in key areas including gynecological health and disorders, gametogenesis, andrology, infertility, and contraceptive target discovery and validation.
The NICHD conducted a workshop on this topic in September 2021. The workshop identified a need for innovative, validated in vitro models to support the reproductive health research community. This proposed initiative will incorporate stakeholder feedback from the workshop and stimulate the development of applications in high priority research areas, including, feasible near-term projects (i.e., “Low hanging fruit”), and foundational work needed by the field.
This proposed concept aligns with the NICHD Strategic Plan 2020, Theme 1 (“Understanding the Molecular, Cellular, and Structural Basis of Development”); and Theme 2 (“Promoting Gynecologic, Andrologic, and Reproductive Health”) and aspirational goal (“Accelerate efforts to definitively diagnose, prevent, and treat endometriosis…”)
This proposed concept aligns with the branch priorities of both GHDB and FIB. GHDB (“Innovative in vitro, in vivo, ex vivo, and in silico model systems to study gynecological conditions) and FIB (study of normal and defective gametogenesis).
Program Contact
Ravi Ravindranath
Fertility & Infertility Branch (FI)
Candace Tingen
Gynecologic Health & Disease Branch (GHDB)
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