Program seeks Council approval for an initiative titled “CAPSTONE Centers for Multidisciplinary Research in Child Abuse and Neglect”.
Need for Stimulation: This Request for Applications (RFA) is being re-issued to continue to stimulate multidisciplinary, collaborative research on all forms of child abuse and neglect and to foster dissemination and outreach efforts that bridge research and clinical practice. The NICHD has an established record of funding research on the prevalence, causes, course, and consequences of child abuse and neglect. Despite the important findings from these studies and invigorated interest in child maltreatment as a significant public health concern, there is yet a need for more comprehensive multidisciplinary approaches to addressing this problem and greater collaboration among researchers to pursue complex lines of inquiry, share resources, create a common language and, most importantly, to infuse the research pipeline with well-prepared early career investigators who are poised to examine and tackle this problem from multiple vantage points, including child abuse pediatrics, radiology, neurology, psychology, gynecology, education, law and child welfare.
A total of 3 Centers have been funded to date. In the first issuance of initiative, 1 Center grant was awarded and began in fiscal year 2017. In FY 2018 the initiative was recompeted and 2 additional Centers were funded.
Goal of the Initiative: The objective of this program is to support up to 4 CAPSTONE Centers to conduct high impact studies, provide transformative opportunities for collaboration, disseminate new knowledge, and serve as national resources for the field. The re-issuing of this FOA will inform the field of our strong interest in stimulating this next generation of research in child maltreatment and promoting multidisciplinary research to achieve these aims.
NICHD Strategic Theme 4: Improving Child and Adolescent Health and the Transition to Adulthood
Cross-cutting Theme: Disease Prevention
Aspirational Goal: Train the next generation of scientists to harness the techniques necessary for future investigation, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Branch Priority: Collaborative Multidisciplinary Research Across the Continuum of Care
Program Contact
Valerie Maholmes
Pediatric Trauma & Critical Illness Branch (PTCIB)
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