202010 NICHD Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Data Analysis Project

Program seeks Council approval for the NICHD Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Data Analysis Project.

An estimated 700 women die each year in the U.S from conditions related to or associated with pregnancy or childbirth, and over 50,000 women experience severe maternal morbidity.  Causes of maternal mortality and morbidity are multifaceted. Significant contributing factors include comorbid conditions. Disadvantaged and underrepresented ethnic populations are disproportionately affected by these comorbid conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to implement comprehensive strategies to address preventable contributors that impact pregnancy outcomes in these populations.

The goal of the NICHD Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Data Analysis Project is to promote innovation in computational analysis and unique learning approaches or models utilizing publicly available NICHD funded datasets to identify new paradigms to decrease the rates of Maternal Morbidity/Mortality.

The Project will aim to reward innovative solutions that address the need for new open source models that can define sub-categories of risk for mortality and pregnancy related morbidity.  Additionally, these models would serve as a springboard for new research hypotheses and novel approaches from behavioral to clinical settings. This will provide the opportunity for unique approaches to risk determination, predictive models for pregnancy outcome and the ability to provide insight into large datasets with new approaches.

The proposed concept aligns with theme 3 of NICHD Strategic Plan – Setting the Foundation for Healthy Pregnancies and Lifelong Wellness.

The proposed concept also aligns with PPB research priority on improving Maternal Morbidity/Mortality and Perinatal/Infant Outcomes. 

Program Contact

Maurice Davis
Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch (PPB)

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