Program seeks Council approval for an initiative titled “Development of Fertility Regulation Methods by Small Business.” Fostering innovative research by small businesses has significant potential for translating innovative science on nonhormonal contraceptive methods into products and devices for both men and women.
In 2015, an expert Council review panel reviewed the contraception research portfolio and recommended that NICHD find ways to stimulate industry involvement in the portfolio. The use of the SBIR mechanism responds to the panel’s suggestion, and additionally, inspires innovation towards the development of safe and effective non-hormonal therapeutics and devices for contraception.
This initiative also advances a paradigm shift within the field towards the development of nonhormonal contraceptives and the development of multipurpose prevention technologies (MPT) products which provide contraceptive and anti-infective functions.
Research supported by this initiative aligns with themes 2 (fertility management) and 5 (safe and effective therapeutics) of the new NICHD Strategic Plan and is one of the main priorities of the Contraception Research Branch.
Program Contact
Chris Lindsey
Contraception Research Branch (CRB)
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