202001 Program Project Grants for HIV Research

Program seeks Council approval for an initiative titled “Program Project Grants for HIV Research.”  We seek to both strengthen existing collaborations and foster new ones in several very important areas of HIV research that will benefit from enhanced multidisciplinary approaches.

The goal of this initiative is to encourage and stimulate collaborations of a combination of skills, ideas, and resources that will potentially yield greater outcomes than those expected from conducting research activities as a single R01 or multiple isolated R01s.  These areas of research include but are not limited to –

  1. the identification and prevention of adverse pregnancy, maternal, and infant outcomes related to antiretrovirals and/or HIV and co-infections,
  2. the development of HIV vaccines and the HIV cure agenda in infants and young children, taking advantage of unique aspects of the developing infant and young child immune system,
  3. research on HIV and tuberculosis co-infection in pregnant women, infants, children, and adolescents that will expand knowledge on the unique clinical aspects of tuberculosis in these populations to generate improved preventive and therapeutic regimens and diagnostics, and
  4. advanced statistical modeling to better track and impact on the epidemic in women of childbearing age, infants, children, and adolescents.

Importantly we intend to encourage participation from junior investigators and from those who have not traditionally engaged in HIV research.

Depending on the nature of the research supported this concept has the potential to address all of NICHD’s strategic plan themes and cross cutting areas. It will also align with NIH’s Office of AIDS Research and the branch’s HIV/AIDS priorities.

Program Contact

Denise Russo
Maternal and Pediatric Infectious Disease Branch (MPIDB)

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